
Bind a TextBox to the Sum of a DataTable Column

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-19 08:15:08
问题 Context I would like to have a footer under my grid to show some stats about the datas. Such as Sum of some columns and average of some other. Half solutions I've found I've found two things intersting to help me do this, binding the databox to a bindingSource, BUT it's only the selected line that is shown into the textBox... myTextBox.DataBindings.add("Text", myGrid.DataSource,"Weight") And getting the Sum of a column in the grid, BUT it doesn't update if I change the grid :S myTextBox.Text

Laravel with datatables: searching encrypted data

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-19 06:26:06
问题 I have encountered a great issue while using Laravel's datatables. I have a model that has 3 values automatically encrypted (using Crypt) by setter/getter. I am using datatables to render a table by doing so: return datatables()->of(Patient::query()) ->addColumn('name_surname', function($row){ return $row->name.' '.$row->surname; }) ->make(true); There is 3 ways to pass a model to datatable: by query (Patient::query()) by collection (Patient::all()) by DB facade The third doesnt decrypt data.

datatable print complex header print preview

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-18 06:37:33
问题 hi im working with datatable and its great but i have problem thats in complex header like this <thead> <tr><td>some text</td></tr> <tr><td>some text</td></tr> </thead> now in showing page its like like this when i hit print preview i gat result like this that the first tr in thead is gone i opened datatable.js file and i found this var addRow = function ( d, tag ) { var str = '<tr>'; for ( var i=0, ien=d.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) { // null and undefined aren't useful in the print output var

datatable print complex header print preview

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-18 06:37:05
问题 hi im working with datatable and its great but i have problem thats in complex header like this <thead> <tr><td>some text</td></tr> <tr><td>some text</td></tr> </thead> now in showing page its like like this when i hit print preview i gat result like this that the first tr in thead is gone i opened datatable.js file and i found this var addRow = function ( d, tag ) { var str = '<tr>'; for ( var i=0, ien=d.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) { // null and undefined aren't useful in the print output var

Weird case with data tables in R, column names are mixed

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-16 19:58:32
问题 So I have created this variable that is called mc_split_device inside the datatable called mc_with_devices . However, If I type mc_with_devices$mc_split I get the values of the column mc_split_device while I never created any variable with the name mc_split . 回答1: See Hadley Wickham's Advanced R: $ is a shorthand operator, where x$y is equivalent to x[["y", exact = FALSE]]. It’s often used to access variables in a data frame, as in mtcars$cyl or diamonds$carat. So the exact=FALSE is the

jQuery DataTable add dynamic columns

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-11 17:57:25
问题 I have a JSON object like below (dataSource) in that JSON object the property 'viewClasses' sometimes comes as blank, here what I want to do is if 'viewClasses' have any record I want to add a dynamic column to the table and the name of the column header will be the value of 'viewClasses.class', I have tried the below code but it's not working as expected. Here is the result of the below code - Here how I want this to be- var dataSource = [{ "Name": "PI61890", "portfolioName": "PGIM Emerging

jQuery DataTable add dynamic columns

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-11 17:57:21
问题 I have a JSON object like below (dataSource) in that JSON object the property 'viewClasses' sometimes comes as blank, here what I want to do is if 'viewClasses' have any record I want to add a dynamic column to the table and the name of the column header will be the value of 'viewClasses.class', I have tried the below code but it's not working as expected. Here is the result of the below code - Here how I want this to be- var dataSource = [{ "Name": "PI61890", "portfolioName": "PGIM Emerging

Compare a Datatable and string array in c#

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-11 17:52:24
问题 I simply want to compare the first col of the datatable called "name" to items in the array. They can be multiple rows in the datatable with the same name. After it has compared all items in the array it should delete the rows that were NOT from the datatable. The output result can be the datatable itself or list array (prefer this) however this should retain all the columns from datatable. Possibly want to use linq query. code: DataTable dt = new DataTable("TestTable"); dt.Columns.Add(new

DataTable: Get the value of the first cell from a selected row

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-11 14:01:33
问题 I'm trying to delete a selected row from a DataTable by retrieving the value of the first cell (id) and passing it to the deleteRow function. How do I get this value? child: DataTable( columns: data.first.keys .map((dynamic keys) => DataColumn(label: Text(keys.toString()))) .toList(), rows: { return DataRow( onSelectChanged: (bool selected) { if (selected) { try { //determine the id of the selected row int selectedId = /*get index of selected row and return value of the first

Searching Columns in R shiny Datatable that has Multiple Entries

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-11 11:24:16
问题 I have a datatable in R Shiny, and one of the columns, Keywords, contains multiple entries for some rows, separated by a comma. I would like these multiple entries to be individually searchable. The default search feature for datatable treats these entries as one, long, single item. For example, row 2's value for the column Keywords is "Keyword1, Keyword2". I would like the user to be able to search for either "Keyword1" OR "Keyword2" and find row 2. Currently, the default search bar in