
Create a curved border around a d3 map projection

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-16 19:50:07
问题 I have created a world map in d3 using the geoNaturalEarth1() shown here. I used a geojson map of the world with this projection to get the map as shown in the code below. However, this shows the countries floating in space without a border. I'd like to draw a border around the map projection, so that it looks more like a map. The border would be the flat top/bottom, curved sides as shown in the projection image. Is this possible, and how could I go about doing it? var projection = d3

Getting color from external image using JavaScript

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-16 14:40:13
问题 So, I have tried looking this up in many places, but have not yet found an answer for my situation. What I have is a loop, looping for each hour in a day for every day in a year, and, with many insanely ridiculous mathematical equations, getting the angle and distance of the sun at a specific location. The outcome of the equations gives me a number that I use as an x value to obtain to the image's pixel color at that point. The image is a gradient: when x=0; no sunlight, when x=(1/2

How do I include a timezone in my d3 time formatted data?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-13 17:26:49
问题 I"m using d3 v4. My x-axis data consists of time in milliseconds (since 1970). I would like to display this as eastern standard time, for example 08/09/17 5:20 PM EDT so I tried focus.select("text").text(d.value).append("tspan") .attr("x", 10).attr("dy", "1.5em").text(d3.timeFormat("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p %Z+5")(d.index_date)); but unfortunately it is instead displaying as 08/09/17 5:20 PM -0500 +% What's the proper way to format the date/time as EDT (US Eastern standard time)? 回答1: D3 v4 time

How to set up rollup.js with a d3 plugin?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-11 13:38:25
问题 I currently write a d3 plugin. However, I want to call this plugin as property of the global d3 as in the original example: d3.foo() But when I do this, my configurations for rollup lead to a clash of the d3 references. Here is one minimal example (with just one file) to illustrate: I downloaded the original example of the d3 plugin and slightly changed the source file foo.js: //.src/foo.js import * as d3 from "d3"; export default function() { return d3.select("body").append("div").text(42);

Need to have two different colors in a linear gradient after a specific (x, y) point

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-11 13:20:07
问题 I am trying to achieve this: with the line path & shadow's transition in sync. And I am able to do that with the help of this answer, but I am trying to figure out a way to append the red color gradient area after a certain (x, y) point (in this case (48, 0)). I filtered the graph data and have two arrays (x-axis points -> from 0 to 48 and from 48 to 60), but then don't know how to apply the data in attrTween function. Here's the stackblitz link. Here's the shadow function: // Blue const

Zoomable sunburst chart shows only two layers of the hierarchy at a time in React JS

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:51:30
问题 I have tried many ways to convert this:- https://observablehq.com/@d3/zoomable-sunburst into react as it's majorly using observable and runtime . That is not being converted to React. It's using some helper.js as well in this. Code is here https://observablehq.com/@d3/zoomable-sunburst Is there any idea that anyone can give or any suggestion to do it. Thanks in advance 回答1: The op has reached to Observablehq forum. Here are some insights on the answer for the problem in case you need help

Zoomable sunburst chart shows only two layers of the hierarchy at a time in React JS

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-11 12:51:11
问题 I have tried many ways to convert this:- https://observablehq.com/@d3/zoomable-sunburst into react as it's majorly using observable and runtime . That is not being converted to React. It's using some helper.js as well in this. Code is here https://observablehq.com/@d3/zoomable-sunburst Is there any idea that anyone can give or any suggestion to do it. Thanks in advance 回答1: The op has reached to Observablehq forum. Here are some insights on the answer for the problem in case you need help

How to assign custom colors to bars in a D3.js bar chart?

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-11 12:35:07
问题 I am using LeafletJs and D3js to put a bar chart in a Leaflet popup window. How can I assign a custom color for each ethnic group bar? I want to assign the custom colors within the D3 code because I can't modify the original dataset. Link Thanks. var onEachFeature = function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { colors = d3.scale.category20() var div = $('<div id="chart"><h3>Ethnic Group Distribution</h3><svg/><h4>Additional details:</h4>Extra stuff here</div>')[0]; var popup = L.popup({ minWidth:

D3 conditionally append image OR circle element based on variable

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-02-11 12:31:43
问题 I have a D3 scatter chart and I'm trying to add the option to view the chart as circles or as images, based on the value of a variable. At the moment I can view the chart as either (as long as I comment one of them out) Here is the code for appending the images: svg.selectAll(".image") .data(data) .enter() .append("svg:image") .attr("x", xMap) .attr("y", yMap) .attr("width", logosize) .attr("height", logosize) .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate('+ -d.logosize/2 +',' + -d

Use a svg image to drag along a line in d3.js

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-11 12:17:18
问题 I want to build a visualization in D3.js that illustrates the concept of potential energy and kinetic energy for my students. In essence, I want the students to be able to drag a skier up a slope (i.e. a Line) and when they drop him, he transits down again. I'm sure it is an easy task in D3 but I'm struggling to understand how I can get the skier icon to be draggable only along the line path? Here's an image for illustration: I want the skier icon to switch place with the ball with the green