
mvc3 error on webserver, only get generic response

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-13 06:27:31
问题 Edit: showed my exact web.config code. I have a MVC3 project that works fine on my box, but when I upload it to the web server, it gives an error on a certain page. I am trying to determine the exact error, but it keeps redirecting to the "Error/ShowError" action. I tried modifying the web.config file to say showcustomerrors=false, but it still redirects. I really need to see the actual error in order to troubleshoot the problem. In firebug, it shows that the error is a 500 internal server

Can you customize a mysql_error duplicate error message?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-13 03:49:08
问题 I'm getting a "Duplicate entry 'blah' for key 'username'" error message, but I would LOVE for it to read "This username already exists". Is that possible? If so, where and how would I go about changing that? I'm using PHP, MySQL and phpmyadmin. Sorry for my noobishness. Thanks in advance. 回答1: $result = mysql_query('... query that produces duplicate key error ...'); if ($result === FALSE) { if (mysql_errno() == 1022) { die("Username already exists"); } else { die(mysql_error()); } } The error

How do you make a custom error page?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-13 02:43:34
问题 How do you make a custom error page? Is there a particular file that is common with hosting servers? How do they do this? 回答1: It depends on the web server and possibly the development language / environment. For example, the following articles show how to create customised error messages in a few different environments: Configuring custom error messages (IIS 6) ASP.Net Custom Error Pages Creating custom error messages in Apache Generally speaking you use only 1 type of error handling rather

Apache custom 404 page that returns 404 error

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-12 14:22:51
问题 I have a custom 404 error page on my apache (404.php) and it works normally, but if someone or any search engine requests the /404.php page, the server returns 200 (OK) , because the page actually exists. I have already put the Disallow: /404.php on my robots.txt file to prevent Google from indexing that page, but I'd like to return 404, including to this page request. Is there a way to also return 404 when someone reaches the 404.php directly? 回答1: I just whipped this up really quickly: <?

404.20 Exception not being caught by Core

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:46:22
问题 I have created a new 5 MVC6 project and added the following: app.UseStatusCodePages(); inside my configure method. If I run the application, open my web browser and navigate to the following URL: http://localhost:34741/invalidroute I am presented with a: Status Code: 404; Not Found error. This is expected, however if I make the route more complicated for example: http://localhost:34741/this/is/a/complicated/route/this/is/a/complicated/route/this/is/a/complicated/route/this/is/a

custom error page in

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-11 11:44:25
问题 I have web application in I have to implement custom error page. Means if any eror occurs(runtime). I have to display exception and stacktrace on errorpage.aspx shall i handle from master page or on page level and how. <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error_Page.aspx"></customErrors> 回答1: You can handle it in global.asax : protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Error; //Use here System.Web.HttpContext

nginx configuration to provide dynamic error pages

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-11 09:03:15
问题 I have an nginx server setup that serves as is used to for proxy and serving static content. The static contents are based on multiple react apps. What I want to do is replace the default error pages from nginx and serve the error pages from a React App. The React app handles error pages based on the url. http://localhost/401.html will provide the standard 401 HTTP error page for the app, and so on. The problem is how to correctly configure this in nginx, because in reality there is no 401

Rails 4 - Would Like To Do Custom Error Pages in Public Folder Using I18n

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-11 05:06:14
问题 I had custom error pages in my Rails 3.2.13 application using config.exceptions_app = self.routes in config/application.rb with my logic in errors_controller and views in app/views/errors. I was using the Rails 3 version of the routing-filter gem which took care of the routing. I removed the gem because it does not work with Rails 4. I rewrote the routing logic using the native Rails functionality and rewrote the application in Rails 4. Using the native Rails functionality broke the logic I

Apache-Weblogic 404 configuration

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-11 05:04:40
问题 I've searched around for this quite a bit and found similar questions but not exactly the same, but nonetheless I apologize if this is a duplicate question. Basically, I am trying to handle HTTP error responses (i.e. 404) with a custom error page (i.e. 404.html) when my application is down, but weblogic is still up. I am using Apache 2.2 with the weblogic module. I have set the ErrorDocument directive for Apache as well as the ErrorPage parameter within the block. I have also set the location

Error page registrar and Global exception handling

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-11 02:56:56
问题 I am creating a Spring Boot web application, but i am confused why people use Global Exception handlers(@ControllerAdvice) when there is Error Page Registrar which is neater and more explicit. Please can someone explain more and is it possible to call an Error page registrar from a global Exception Handler Class( class annoted with @ControllerAdvice, with an @Exceptionhandler method). 回答1: As Brian answer, I think you can do this. I got a sample to prove this one in here if you still need to