
cfmail group attribute throws error

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-05 09:38:29
问题 I have a query which returns multiple results with just data in one column as different for a particular report number. I want to group the results for one report number and send an email to one person for all the action items. Below is my query <cfquery name="qryCorrectiveDueDate" datasource="#application.config.DSN#"> SELECT FR.report_id, FR.report_number, IR.investigation_id, CA.action_who, CA.action_who_email, CA.action_what, CA.action_when, CA.action_type, CA.action_complete_date FROM

cfmail group attribute throws error

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-05 09:38:19
问题 I have a query which returns multiple results with just data in one column as different for a particular report number. I want to group the results for one report number and send an email to one person for all the action items. Below is my query <cfquery name="qryCorrectiveDueDate" datasource="#application.config.DSN#"> SELECT FR.report_id, FR.report_number, IR.investigation_id, CA.action_who, CA.action_who_email, CA.action_what, CA.action_when, CA.action_type, CA.action_complete_date FROM

Sending cf mail from a static page to single recipient

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-15 05:16:28
问题 Trying to send <cfmail> from a contact us static page. It will have a single recipient and I don't want to save it on the back end. <cfcase value="contact"> <cfset caller.mainTitle = "Contact Us"> <div id="contact_form"> <cfform method="post" action="contact2" id="usrform"> First Name<br> <input class="textbox" type="text" name="firstName" value="First Name" onfocus="if (this.value=='First Name') this.value='';"> <br> Last Name<br> <input class="textbox" type="text" name="lastName" value=

Integrating SendGrid’s SMTP API with CFMAIL

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-14 04:12:06
问题 I am using SendGrid’s SMTP API (not WEB API) and am considering sending an email using cfmail . If I use cfmail to send the email, and want to use the X-SMTPAPI header somewhere, do you think that cfmail is a place to do that? Please clarify. 回答1: You would do this by adding a custom header, using the cfmailparam tag. As such: <cfmailparam name="X-SMTPAPI" value="{\"category\":\"Cool Emails\"}"> In context of the cfmail tag it would be as follows. <cfmail from="" to="nick

For HTML Emails, How to embed images so users don't get a download prompt

你。 提交于 2020-01-04 11:07:09
问题 I'm working to create an HTML email which includes 2 images. Currently, I'm using tags to place the image in the email. Problem is when users get the email, it's asking the user to "click to download" for security reasons. Is there a way to embed the image in the email, to avoid this issue? I'm using Coldfusion to send the email. Thanks 回答1: I haven't tested if this works in e-mail clients, but if you encode the image as Base64 you can include it in the HTML, which avoids the issue of

For HTML Emails, How to embed images so users don't get a download prompt

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-01-04 11:06:44
问题 I'm working to create an HTML email which includes 2 images. Currently, I'm using tags to place the image in the email. Problem is when users get the email, it's asking the user to "click to download" for security reasons. Is there a way to embed the image in the email, to avoid this issue? I'm using Coldfusion to send the email. Thanks 回答1: I haven't tested if this works in e-mail clients, but if you encode the image as Base64 you can include it in the HTML, which avoids the issue of

For HTML Emails, How to embed images so users don't get a download prompt

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-04 11:06:09
问题 I'm working to create an HTML email which includes 2 images. Currently, I'm using tags to place the image in the email. Problem is when users get the email, it's asking the user to "click to download" for security reasons. Is there a way to embed the image in the email, to avoid this issue? I'm using Coldfusion to send the email. Thanks 回答1: I haven't tested if this works in e-mail clients, but if you encode the image as Base64 you can include it in the HTML, which avoids the issue of

Textarea losing styles in email coldfusion

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-25 11:55:18
问题 I have a textarea where I have the body of the email with style like below. But the email does not retain any of the below styles in outlook. I have <cfmail type="html" . Any ideas on how to retain the styles I have below. The extra html tags have closing tags in another footer file that I am including on the email. <textarea name="email_body"> <table class="one-column" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border-spacing:0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr><td align="left"

Change filename of attachments on Coldfusion

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-23 20:26:50
问题 I'm using cfmailparam to attach files to an email. I'm getting the filenames and paths from my database. Normally, the attached files have unique names, but I can get their original filenames by querying the following columns in a database table: ASSET_FILE_NAME : unique name ASSET_REAL_NAME : original_name_before_upload.pdf When I send the e-mail with cfmail, the attachments still use the unique names, but I really need to rename them. I've searched and tried also: <cfloop from="1" to="

How to send email to recipient with umlauts in domain name?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-19 18:36:18
问题 In my app I have to send email to recipient who has umlauts in domain name. Example: "test@äöü" I'm using cfmail tag and I'm getting such error: "invalid definition for attribute to at tag mail" "Invalid E-Mail Address definition (test@äöü" Is there any way to send email to such recipients in coldfusion? 回答1: There is even a easier solution! Why not use Oracles built in class: Then