
Can a SSL certificate be signed by multiple certificate authorities?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-03 02:22:22
It would be nice to spread the trust around a bit, so we don't have to rely on just one root in any instance. Is it possible to have a single certificate signed by more than one CA? No, the X509 certificate format up to version 3 is designed to contain exactly one signature. Yes, it is possible. You can find an example here: http://www.confusedamused.com/notebook/fixing-verisign-certificates-on-windows-servers/ jww Can a SSL certificate be signed by multiple certificate authorities? It depends, but mostly NO. It depends on the PKI being used. There are two widespread PKIs used, and neither of

ColdFusion CFHTTP I/O Exception: peer not authenticated - even after adding certs to Keystore

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-29 10:26:00
I'm currently working with a payment processor. I can browse to the payment URL from our server, so it's not a firewall issue, but when I try to use CFHTTP I get a I/O Exception: peer not authenticated. I've downloaded and installed their latest security cert into cacerts keystore and restarted CF and am still getting the same error. Not only have I installed the providers cert, but also the 2 other Verisign certificate authority certs in the certificate chain. The cert is one of the newer Class 3 Extended Validation certs. Has anybody come across this before and found a solution? Barry Jordan