
Hyperledger Caliper测试Hyperledger Fabric1.4.1性能实战 结果集

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-10-12 11:18:44
环境搭建请 参考Hyperledger Caliper测试Hyperledger Fabric1.4.1性能实战操作 测试1 配置文件 benchmarks/scenario/simple/config.yaml , 网络文件 networks/fabric/fabric-v1.4.1/2org1peergoleveldb/fabric-go.yaml npx caliper launch master -- caliper - workspace . -- caliper - benchconfig benchmarks / scenario / simple / config . yaml -- caliper - networkconfig networks / fabric / fabric - v1 . 4.1 / 2 org1peergoleveldb / fabric - go . yaml 测试2 配置文件 benchmarks/scenario/simple/config.yaml , 网络文件 networks/fabric/fabric-v1.4.1/2org1peergoleveldb/fabric-go-tls.yaml npx caliper launch master -- caliper - workspace . -- caliper -

Hyperledger Caliper测试框架中文文档

北城余情 提交于 2020-03-13 13:34:15
Hyperledger Caliper是一个通用的区块链性能测试框架,它允许用户使用自定义的用例测试不同的区块链解决方案,并得到一组性能测试结果。中文文档由汇智网翻译整理,访问地址: Hyperledger Caliper中文文档 。 Caliper目前支持以下区块链平台: Hyperledger Besu Hyperledger Burrow Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric FISCO BCOS Hyperledger Iroha Hyperledger Sawtooth Caliper目前支持的性能指标包括: 交易/读吞吐量 交易/读延迟:最小、最大、平均、百分比 资源消耗:CPU、内存、网络IO... Hyperledger Caliper系统架构 Caliper是一个可以对不同区块链平台进行基准测试的通用框架。Caliper 设计时考虑了伸缩性和可扩展性,因此很容易和主流的运维监控系统集成。 Hyperledger Caliper系统架构总览 Caliper的多区块链平台支持能力 Caliper的主进程与工作进程 Caliper的分布式处理能力 安装Hyperledger Caliper Caliper目前提供NPM和DOcker两种官方发布途径,此外,你也可以直接克隆官方代码然后从源码进行安装: 用NPM安装Caliper

How to use Caliper benchmark beta snapshot without maven?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-15 06:17:30
问题 I have been asked to use Google's Caliper project to create a few microbenchmarks. I would very much like to use the annotation features of the newest beta snapshot, but aside from a few small examples I am having trouble finding good documentation on how to actually run the thing... There is a video tutorial up which instructs users on the new maven integration feature, which I was also asked NOT to use. Right now I just have a small example stripped from one of theirs, modified with some

How to use Caliper for benchmarking?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-14 08:02:08
问题 I am trying to figure out how to use Caliper to do benchmark testing in Eclipse and I am getting nowhere. I tried following the 26 minute tutorial found here: but I get lost quickly. I have downloaded the Caliper jar file but I'm not sure what folder it should be in. I've also downloaded Maven for Eclipse plugin but I'm not even sure if that is necessary. Is it possible to install Caliper from the 'Install New Software..' option in the Help menu in Eclipse?

Strange performance drop of JDK8 LocalDate.toEpochDay

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-30 21:11:54
问题 I was curious if we finally get a fast datetime library with JDK8. Nearly all LocalDate computations use toEpochDay so I looked at the source and the large number of divisions and branches made me curious if I could do better. I eliminated some branching and all but one division, however the speedup is worse than expected. So my first question how is it possible that an algorithm using multiple division takes only about 30 cycles (throughput). Holger's comments seem to have answered this:

How to measure file read speed without caching?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-17 22:53:30
问题 My java program spends most time by reading some files and I want to optimize it, e.g., by using concurrency, prefetching, memory mapped files, or whatever. Optimizing without benchmarking is a non-sense, so I benchmark. However, during the benchmark the whole file content gets cached in RAM, unlike in the real run. Thus the run-times of the benchmark are much smaller and most probably unrelated to the reality. I'd need to somehow tell the OS (Linux) not to cache the file content, or better

Caliper test using exec-maven-plugin is saying main method signature isn't valid

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-13 05:18:30
问题 I'm trying to get Caliper working with maven, I haven't successfully ran a caliper benchmark test as of yet. Caliper version: 1.0-beta-1 My benchmark: public class MyXercesSAXHandlerBenchmark extends Benchmark{ @Param({"10", "100", "1000", "10000"}) private int length; public void timeNanoTime(int reps) { for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { System.nanoTime(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { CaliperMain.main(MyXercesSAXHandlerBenchmark.class, args); } } My maven pom.xml has:

How to specify the command line when using Caliper?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-12 12:34:45
问题 I find Google's micro benchmark project Caliper very interesting but the documentation is still (except some examples) quite non-existent. I have two different cases where I need to influence the command line of the JVMs Caliper starts: I need to set some fixed (ideally alternated between a few fixed values) -D parameters I need to specify some fixed (ideally alternated between a few fixed values) JVM parameters I saw some discussion about adding features like this but I could not conclude if

Unable to load caliper results online

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-11 06:19:53
问题 I followed few suggestions available online but none has helped. Got caliper and built it from export CLASSPATH=/home/deepakkv/projects/poc/benchmarkparquet/target/classes:~/.m2/repository/com/google/code/caliper/caliper/1.0-SNAPSHOT/caliper-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:~/projects/poc/caliper/lib/gson.jar:~/projects/poc/caliper/lib/allocation.jar:~/projects/poc/caliper/lib/guava-r09.jar Now to push the results to web, we need to specify the key. Here is the confusion

Performance of Guava's ImmutableSet.contains

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-10 12:32:36
问题 Guava's ImmutableSet seems to perform quite poorly in my benchmark concerning contains . For some sizes it gets even much slower than List : size benchmark ns linear runtime 100000 ListContains 110279.54 == 100000 SetContains 7.15 = 100000 ImmutableSetContains 76716.47 = 200000 ListContains 275367.66 ===== 200000 SetContains 7.34 = 200000 ImmutableSetContains 322185.50 ====== 500000 ListContains 935210.10 ==================== 500000 SetContains 7.79 = 500000 ImmutableSetContains 1382765.76 ==