
SQL how to subtract result row 1 from row 2, row 2 from row 3

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-08 08:35:56
问题 How do I subtract row 1 from row 2 and row 2 from row 3, etc. in MySQL? The table i am pulling my data from contains multiple products and all products have multiple prices (on different dates) The code i am working with: SELECT orderline_sales.product_name, orderline_sales.price FROM orderline_sales GROUP BY price HAVING orderline_sales.product_name = 'Ibuprofen'; The result I am getting: |---------------------|------------------| | product_name | price | |---------------------|-------------

Iterate over different columns using withcolumn in Java Spark

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-08 04:10:47
问题 I have to modify a Dataset<Row> according to some rules that are in a List<Row> . I want to iterate over the Datset<Row> columns using Dataset.withColumn(...) as seen in the next example: (import necesary libraries...) SparkSession spark = SparkSession .builder() .appName("appname") .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") .getOrCreate(); Dataset<Row> dfToModify ="TableToModify"); List<Row> ListListWithInfo = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList()); ListWithInfo.add(0

Convert a column of dates from ordinal numbers to the standard date format - pandas

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-05 09:29:17
问题 I have to convert a column of dates from the integer/date format to the date format d-m-Y. Example: import pandas as pd col1 = [737346, 737346, 737346, 737346, 737059, 737346] col2 = ['cod1', 'cod2', 'cod3', 'cod4', 'cod1', 'cod2'] dict = {'V1' : col1, 'V2' : col2} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict) df V1 V2 0 737346 cod1 1 737346 cod2 2 737346 cod3 3 737346 cod4 4 737059 cod1 5 737346 cod2 expected: df V1 V2 0 14-10-2019 cod1 1 14-10-2019 cod2 2 14-10-2019 cod3 3 14-10-2019 cod4 4 31-12-2018

Flag Records with highest version number within calculated field/calculated column as “true”, rest as false

北城以北 提交于 2021-01-29 06:04:00
问题 Environment: MS SQL Server 2016. I have a table which contains (Jasper Reports) layout representations like this (only relevant fields shown for brevity): ID Name Key Version 1 CoverLetter <guid1> 1.00.00 2 Contract <guid2> 1.00.00 3 CoverLetter <guid1> 1.00.01 Goal: I need an additional calculated field which is set to true or false according to whether the record is the highest version of any given Layout or not (Same layout but different versions have same key, different layouts have

Pandas groupby and correct with median in new column

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-29 03:09:48
问题 My dataframe look like this Plate Sample LogRatio P1 S1 0.42 P1 S2 0.23 P2 S3 0.41 P3 S4 0.36 P3 S5 0.18 I have calculated the median of each plate (but it's probably not the best idea to start like this) grouped = df.groupby("Plate") medianesPlate = grouped["LogRatio"].median() And I want to add a column on my dataframe CorrectedLogRatio = LogRatio-median(plate) I suppose with : df["CorrectedLogRatio"] = LogRatio-median(plate) To have something like this : Plate Sample LogRatio

Error in creating a calculated column that refers to a linked table in Power Pivot

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-28 10:36:09
问题 Context: I have a data model in Power Pivot with two tables, tTasks and tCaseworks. They are linked through the common field casework_id (unique to tCaseworks). I am attempting to create a calculated column in tCaseworks that checks whether or not that particular casework has any (i.e. one or more) corresponding tasks. I have attempted the following DAX code: has_task = IF ( CONTAINS ( RELATEDTABLE ( tTasks ); tTasks[casework_id]; tCaseworks[casework_id] ); "Yes"; "No" ) Problem: When I have

How to convert XML data into row column data in SQL Server

故事扮演 提交于 2020-12-26 03:16:08
问题 I have a requirement where I have XML data in database, which I need to pull in the form of row and Column from database. My XML is like <Equipment> <EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentType>E</EquipmentType><MfgName>APPLE iPH564WHT</MfgName><Model>885909600205</Model><ActDate>10/26/2012</ActDate><CancelDate /> </EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentType>E</EquipmentType><MfgName>SAMSUNG D710 HANDSET KIT</MfgName><Model>SPHD710KIT</Model><ActDate>09/04/2012</ActDate><CancelDate>10/01/2012<

How to convert XML data into row column data in SQL Server

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-12-26 03:14:27
问题 I have a requirement where I have XML data in database, which I need to pull in the form of row and Column from database. My XML is like <Equipment> <EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentType>E</EquipmentType><MfgName>APPLE iPH564WHT</MfgName><Model>885909600205</Model><ActDate>10/26/2012</ActDate><CancelDate /> </EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentType>E</EquipmentType><MfgName>SAMSUNG D710 HANDSET KIT</MfgName><Model>SPHD710KIT</Model><ActDate>09/04/2012</ActDate><CancelDate>10/01/2012<

How to convert XML data into row column data in SQL Server

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-12-26 03:13:12
问题 I have a requirement where I have XML data in database, which I need to pull in the form of row and Column from database. My XML is like <Equipment> <EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentType>E</EquipmentType><MfgName>APPLE iPH564WHT</MfgName><Model>885909600205</Model><ActDate>10/26/2012</ActDate><CancelDate /> </EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentRecord> <EquipmentType>E</EquipmentType><MfgName>SAMSUNG D710 HANDSET KIT</MfgName><Model>SPHD710KIT</Model><ActDate>09/04/2012</ActDate><CancelDate>10/01/2012<

Python: create a new column from existing columns

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-12-02 06:59:40
问题 I am trying to create a new column based on both columns. Say I want to create a new column z, and it should be the value of y when it is not missing and be the value of x when y is indeed missing. So in this case, I expect z to be [1, 8, 10, 8] . x y 0 1 NaN 1 2 8 2 4 10 3 8 NaN 回答1: The new column 'z' get its values from column 'y' using df['z'] = df['y'] . This brings over the missing values so fill them in using fillna using column 'x' . Chain these two actions: >>> df['z'] = df['y']