
SSLError in Requests when packaging as OS X .app

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-06 09:16:11
问题 I'm developing an application for OS X. The application involves communicating with a server through python-requests, using a secure connection. I am able to run the python file I intend to package, and it succeeds with the SSL connection. However, when I package the file with py2app and try to run it, I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/yossi/Documents/repos/drunken-octo-nemesis/dist/", line 338, in <module


坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-08-11 15:23:21
百度云盘|Python高级编程PDF高清完整版免费下载 提取码:f85q 内容简介 《Python高级编程》通过大量的实例,介绍了Python语言的最佳实践和敏捷开发方法,并涉及整个软件生命周期的高级主题,诸如持续集成、版本控制系统、包的发行和分发、开发模式、文档编写等。《Python高级编程》首先介绍如何设置最优的开发环境,然后以Python敏捷开发方法为线索,阐述如何将已被验证的面向对象原则应用到设计中。这些内容为开发人员和项目管理人员提供了整个软件工程中的许多高级概念以及专家级的建议,其中有些内容的意义甚至超出了Python语言本身。 《Python高级编程》针对具备一定Python基础并希望通过在项目中应用最佳实践和新的开发技术来提升自己的Python开发人员。 作者简介 Tarek Ziadé,是巴黎Ingeniweb公司的CTO,其工作方向为Python、Zope、Plone技术和质量保证。他参与Zope社区已经有5年了,并且曾经为Zope自身贡献过代码。 Tarek创建了Afpy,这是法国的Python用户组,并且编写了两本法语的Python书籍。他还在诸如Solutions Linux、Pycon、OSCON和EuroPython等法国及国际会议上发表了许多演讲,并且主持了许多课程。 目录 第1章 准备工作 1.1 安装Python 1.1.1 Python实现版本

[线段树系列] 线段树优化建图

十年热恋 提交于 2020-04-30 04:18:24
这一篇讲线段树优化建图。 发现网上关于线段树优化建图的博客很少而且讲的不是很详细,很多人会看得比较懵。 于是原本这一篇打算讲树链剖分的就改成讲优化建图了。 前置知识: 动态开点线段树 看到标题你可能会感觉奇怪,线段树和建图有什么关系? 事实上,线段树优化建图就是利用两棵线段树,减少连边数量,达到降低复杂度的目的。 听起来好像很神奇,其实实现非常简单。 我们来看这一道题: CF786B-Legacy 题目描述比较长,我就不打出来了,这里给出题目概述: 有n个点,q个询问,每次询问给出一个操作。 操作1:1 u v w,从u向v连一条权值为w的有向边 操作2:2 u l r w,从u向区间[l,r]的所有点连一条权值为w的有向边 操作3:3 u l r w,从区间[l,r]的所有点连一条权值为w的有向边 连完边后跑一遍最短路就好了。 首先考虑暴力连边,复杂度肯定是O(n^2)的,显然不行。 然后我们看到了“区间”,“[l,r]”这种东西,肯定就会往数据结构上面想。 看到博客的标题就明白,肯定是用线段树解决了。 废话 接下来讲实现。 我们考虑用两棵线段树来搞,建两棵线段树,一棵处理入边,一棵处理出边。 方便起见,我们下文称其为入树和出树。 开始我们让父亲和儿子连边,然后我们再让入树和出树的叶子节点之间连上边权为0的边。 建出来的图大概长这样: 这图画得累死我了,画图真难用

Django nose to run only project tests

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-02-04 01:16:12
问题 I added nose , django-nose , nose-exclude , coverage to my buildout.cfg and ran buildout. Furthermore I added the TEST_RUNNER and the NOSE_ARGS to my In the last step I created a exclude_dirs.txt and included it into the NOSE_ARGS . That worked so far. Finally I ran bin/django test to run the tests of my project. I found out that every app inside INSTALLED_APP is run and that even parts of the django core models are run. How can I limit this to my project only without exernal

zc.buildout stopped working: ImportError: No module named apport.fileutils

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-22 13:47:53
问题 I've been using buildout for quite a while now without any issue, in fact I did yesterday without any problems. But as today all my projects fail to buildout. I tried on two different Ubuntu workstations with the same result. This is the error I get: Initializing zc.buildout Debug: Downloading Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 259, in <module> import zc.buildout.buildout File "/tmp

How to make sure buildout doesn't use the already installed packages?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-12 18:53:10
问题 I am trying to switch fully to buildout - but our development environment already has lot of stuff installed in /usr/lib/pythonxx/ How can I make sure that buildout doesn't use the libraries installed on the system already - eventually without virtualenv ? For example - how to avoid this behavior ? : > cat buildout.cfg [buildout] parts = django [django] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = django interpreter = django >bin/django >>> import django >>> django <module 'django' from '/usr/lib/python2.6

How do I tell buildout to ignore a binary distribution and build from source instead?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-01-11 07:22:27
问题 I am including in a buildout an egg (jsonlib) that uses C extensions. On pypi a precompiled blob is present. But it's not compatible with my environment: I get a undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_FromEncodedObject error. I know this has to do with different environments at compile time and runtime. To solve it buildout should compile the package instead of using the prebuilt one. How do I tell buildout to compile a package (all packages would be fine too) no matter what precompiled egg files it

Fail to run buildout to upgrade plone from 4.2.4 to 4.3

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-06 04:14:06
问题 Debian 6. After modified extents and commented out all in [version] in buildout.cfg, "buildout -vvv" shows: Installing 'buildout.dumppickedversions'. We have the distribution that satisfies 'buildout.dumppickedversions==0.5'. Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'. We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.6'. Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0' We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'. Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5' We have the distribution that

buildout - using different python version

你。 提交于 2020-01-01 03:19:29
问题 i have set up buildout project (django to be specific) that has to run in old machine, it works fine in my local system with python 2.7. In production server it runs python 2.5 and i want to configure buildout that it would download and use 2.6, but only this project not system wide. So i assume it should use some sort of recipe, but witch and how? I cannot find one. I hope to achieve it only using buildout.cfg file.. 回答1: Buildout specifically supports this scenario. Each part in a buildout

Better resources to learn buildout

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-31 09:03:06
问题 I am trying to grasp a bit more of buildout with this tutorial, but unlike a tutorial, it seems like a cut and paste of presentation slides. I don't have a really clear idea of what the purpose of buildout is, and how it positions itself with scons and setuptools. Would you be so kind to provide details on these issues? Thanks! 回答1: I quite like the Plone Buildout Tutorial. It gives a reasonable overview of how it all works and the ways in which you can extend a simple buildout file. Here is