
Exception while using lateral view in Hive

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-29 09:58:08
问题 I am using the below code to parse xml data in Hive. In my xml data, a few tags are repeating so I am using the brickhouse jar and lateral view to parse the tags and place in Hive tables. But when I am executing my code, I am getting an error. Please help as I am not able to understand what I am doing wrong. Code: add jar /home/cloudera/brickhouse-0.5.5.jar; CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION numeric_range AS 'brickhouse.udf.collect.NumericRange'; CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_index AS 'brickhouse

Exception while using lateral view in Hive

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-11-29 17:31:38
I am using the below code to parse xml data in Hive. In my xml data, a few tags are repeating so I am using the brickhouse jar and lateral view to parse the tags and place in Hive tables. But when I am executing my code, I am getting an error. Please help as I am not able to understand what I am doing wrong. Code: add jar /home/cloudera/brickhouse-0.5.5.jar; CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION numeric_range AS 'brickhouse.udf.collect.NumericRange'; CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_index AS 'brickhouse.udf.collect.ArrayIndexUDF'; add jar /home/cloudera/hivexmlserde-; set hive.exec.mode.local