
Scala read continuous http stream

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-19 04:27:05
问题 How can I connect to and read a continuous (chunked) http stream in scala? For example, if I have this simple service written in python/bottle: from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all() import gevent from bottle import route, run @route('/stream') def stream(): while True: yield 'blah\n' gevent.sleep(1) run(host='', port=8100, server='gevent') I'm planning to use akka-stream to process the data, I just need a way to retrieve it. 回答1: This should work. Basically, you do a single

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk - get visitor IP address (python)

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-10 18:16:15
问题 My application is developed in python and the bottle framework. I am using following code snippet to get IP address of visitors to the page: user_ip = bottle.request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] It works fine on my local machine, however, after deployment to the AWS Beanstalk instance, I think I am getting the load balancer IP, as the user_ip reads something like Is my thinking correct? If so, is there any way to obtain real visitor's ip address? 回答1: You are correct that the REMOTE

Bottle framework caches my template even in debug mode

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-01-29 07:59:33
问题 There's a similar question on here, but the answers are over 2 years old and I can't get it to work. If I'm missing something - please let me know. caching templates despite being in debug mode Whenever the browser points to, I need to prevent caching. The Bottle docs say when in Debug mode, caching is disabled, but that isn't the case for me unfortunately. Here is my code in question: @route('/16boxes') def send_static(): response.set_header('Cache

Bottle: BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

点点圈 提交于 2021-01-29 02:51:38
问题 I've written a little Python that is supposed to react to some webhooks by doing some stuff with a LED-Strip. I'm running this on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian using a Xterm window that starts at startup. the program starts and runs fine for a few minutes but then it stops working. I've done some debugging and found that sometimes the program would use 100% on one CPU core, sometimes it spits out the 'BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe' error and sometimes it just doesn't do anything.

Status code of response is incorrect in after_request hook in a bottle app

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-01-28 05:00:23
问题 I have the following Bottle application: from bottle import Bottle, run, request, response, HTTPResponse APP1 = Bottle() @APP1.hook('before_request') def before_request(): print "APP 1 - Before Request {}".format(request.url) @APP1.hook('after_request') def after_request(): print "APP 1 - After Request {}".format(request.url) print "Response status {}".format(response.status_code) @APP1.route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hello World!" @APP1.route('/error') def error(): raise HTTPResponse

Python web开发:几个模板系统的性能对比

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-08 18:28:21
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 对比目标,jinja2,cheetah,mako,webpy,bottle,tornado,django的性能。 方法,随机生成一个二维数组,第一列是自增数据,第二列是长度为100的随机字符串,然后生成html,比较一次生成的时间。 说明,如果模板有编译缓存,打开。有其他方法加速,打开。生成缓存,关闭。不计算随机数据生成时间,一次生成后一直使用。 以下是文件有效内容,没用的都略去了。最后的顺序是因为我根据结果整理了一下调用次序。 —–testcheetah.tmpl—– #for $i in $l #end for $i[0] $i[1] —–testdjango.html—– {% for i in l %} {% endfor %} {{ i.0 }} {{ i.1 }} —–testjinja2.html—– {% for i in l %} {% endfor %} {{ i[0] }} {{ i[1] }} —–testmako.html—– % for i in l: % endfor ${i[0]} ${i[1]} —–testwebpy.html—– $def with(l) $for i in l: $i[0] $i[1] —–—– #!/usr/bin/python # -﹡-

Method is NOT allowed when i add 'POST' as a method in a view function

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-06 14:47:50
问题 In all of my view functions if i 'methods=['POST'] for example: @app.route( '/file', methods=['POST'] ) i receive the error: Error: 405 Method Not Allowed Sorry, the requested URL '' caused an error: Why Bottle gives me this error message? 回答1: I'd guess you get error when trying to get the view (GET). And that is result of your only allowing POST. You should have @app.route( '/file', method=['POST', 'GET'] ) or a separate handler @app.route( '/file', method=

What is the way to reference an image from within a bottle template?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-06 05:05:28
问题 When within a bottle template file, what is the way to reference a static file? for example this one? <body background='/static/img/digital.gif'> Why the above relative file fails to load the image? How can i reference it correctly? If i try it as: <body background="{{ static_file( 'digital.gif', root='./static/img' }}"> The image also fail to render. Why Bottle fail to render the image even if no 'static_file' function is used? 回答1: You should add a route to your application that will return

Forwarding multipart/form-data to different service (python, bottle, requests)

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-05 21:20:08
问题 I have middle-layer api which receives request (form submit request with possibly with attachment) from client and verify couple of things (form validation using WTForms) and then forward form post request to another service which actually performs actions on that. Problem I am facing is not able to forward request data and files attached as it is, below is code example. @post('/') def index(): post_data = request.POST.dict"", data=post_data, files=request