
Test if a number is a multiple of another [closed]

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-17 07:16:27
问题 This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 8 years ago . i have a question in my textbook that says: Write a method multiple that takes two integers as its arguments and returns true if the first integer is

If Statement Always True (String)

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-17 05:57:04
问题 I have here a rather simple rock, paper, scissors program where I am having some trouble with if statements. For some reason, when I enter rock, paper, or scissors (True Values), the program always performs if 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors' not in player: print("That is not how you play rock, paper, scissors!") for some reason. The complete program is as below. computer = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] com_num = randint(0,2) com_sel = computer[com_num] player = input('Rock, paper, scissors GO

Creating a boolean array by testing if each element in numpy array is between 2 numbers

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-17 05:46:25
问题 I have a numpy array of numbers and i want to create a boolean array of the same size and dimensions that says whether or not that element lies between 2 numbers. For example: a=np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) I know if I write, print a>3 I get an array that has the first three elements "False" and the rest "True" np.array([[False,False,False],[True,True,True],[True,True,True]]) But i want to get a boolean array where the conditions are such that a>3 and a<8 Is there a way to do this

How to create a binary list based on inclusion of list elements in another list

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-02-15 05:38:12
问题 Given two lists of words, dictionary and sentence , I'm trying to create a binary representation based on the inclusion of words of dictionary in the sentence such as [1,0,0,0,0,0,1,...,0] where 1 indicates that the ith word in the dictionary shows up in the sentence. What's the fastest way I can do this? Example data: dictionary = ['aardvark', 'apple','eat','I','like','maize','man','to','zebra', 'zed'] sentence = ['I', 'like', 'to', 'eat', 'apples'] result = [0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0] Is there

.toggle() function on bool does not call didSet. Is this a bug?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-11 05:10:13
问题 I have a @State Bool variable with didSet on it. I want to do something when the variable change therefore I have tried to use didSet. The problem is when I use the .toggle() function to toggle the state of the bool, didSet is not called. Take this code for example: import SwiftUI struct SwiftUIView: View { @State var testBool = false { didSet { print("set") } } var body: some View { VStack { Button(action: { self.testBool.toggle() }) { Text("Toggle with .toggle()") } Button(action: { if self

How to parse string representations of bool into bool in python?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-10 14:26:58
问题 My scenarios where I need it: User is inputting True or False and it is parsed as str by default. I cannot change the parsing type as python 3+ parses as str (Using Python 3.8) So when I parse bool(input('Enter True or False')) , it returns True regardless since default bool function only returns False when there is an empty string. True otherwise. I have a json for which I need it. It has following representation: list_of_visits ='''{"Museum": "True", "Library": "True", "Park": "False"} '''

bitiwise exclusive or ^ with stdbool.h bool types in C and assignment

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-10 06:42:08
问题 I have a toy program in which I use the <stdbool.h> library to use the type bool . I have a few arrays of bool 's, and the following commands work in a loop. I have read online that I should not use bit-wise logic with bools. They appear to work here. Is this just luck of the draw with my compiler, or did I just misunderstand warnings about bitwise operators? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define N 5 int main(void) { bool a[N] = { true, true, false, false, false }; bool b[N] = {

Does “operator true” in c# have exactly two places it can be used?

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-08 13:29:17
问题 c# lets you override "operator true" and "operator false" for a class: class Foo { bool Thing; Foo(bool thing) { Thing = thing; } public static bool operator true(Foo foo) => foo.Thing; public static bool operator false(Foo foo) => !foo.Thing; } and it sort of works. You can say Foo foo = new Foo(true); if (foo) Stuff(); string s = foo ? "yes" : "no"; But you can't say Foo foo = new Foo(true); bool boo = true; if (boo && foo) Stuff(); if (boo & foo) Stuff(); if (boo & (foo == true)) Stuff();

Pythonic and efficient way to do an elementwise “in” using numpy

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-08 12:23:33
问题 I'm looking for a way to efficiently get an array of booleans, where given two arrays with equal size a and b , each element is true if the corresponding element of a appears in the corresponding element of b . For example, the following program: a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) b = numpy.array([[1, 2, 13], [2, 8, 9], [5, 6], [7]]) print(numpy.magic_function(a, b)) Should print [True, True, False, False] Keep in mind this function should be the equivalent of [x in y for x, y in zip(a, b)] Only

How to evaluate python string boolean expression using eval()?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-08 07:50:32
问题 I get boolean expression like below : string = '!True && !(True || False || True)' I know eval('1+2') returns 3 . But when I am executing eval(string) it is throwing me error as in invalid syntax. Is there any other way I can execute the above expression? 回答1: None of ! , && and || are valid Python operators; eval() can only handle valid Python expressions. You'd have to replace those expressions with valid Python versions; presumably ! is not , && is and , and || is or , so you could just