.toggle() function on bool does not call didSet. Is this a bug?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-11 05:10:13


I have a @State Bool variable with didSet on it. I want to do something when the variable change therefore I have tried to use didSet. The problem is when I use the .toggle() function to toggle the state of the bool, didSet is not called.

Take this code for example:

import SwiftUI

struct SwiftUIView: View {
    @State var testBool = false {
        didSet {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button(action: {
            }) {
                Text("Toggle with .toggle()")

            Button(action: {
                if self.testBool {
                    self.testBool = false
                } else {
                    self.testBool = true
            }) {
                Text("Toggle with if")

struct SwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

All I have is 2 buttons: - One button toggles the state of the bool using the .toggle() function. - The next button toggles the state using a basic if/else

The top button using the .toggle() function does not print “set” in the console as expected with the didSet on the variable. The bottom button does as expected.


This is a known compiler regression SR-12407. It will be probably fixed in next Xcode version.

