
Sort typeahead suggestions with the exact input at top

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-17 19:16:49
问题 I am using Twitter typeahead.js 0.10.5 as a suggestion engine. It works great, with one exception, I can't sort the list of suggestions the way I want. As an example: var data =[{"id":1,"value":"no need"}, {"id":2,"value":"there is no need"}, {"id":3,"value":"in the need of"}, {"id":4,"value":"all I need"}, {"id":5,"value":"need"}, {"id":6,"value":"needs"}, {"id":7,"value":"all he needs"}, {"id":8,"value":"he needs"}, {"id":9,"value":"they need"}, {"id":10,"value":"you need"}] var suggestion


痴心易碎 提交于 2020-04-22 04:10:10
1.简介 BootstrapTagsInput是一个基于jQuery和Bootstrap.css的用于管理标签的插件。 官网在这: 官网 这个官网呢,怎么说呢,比较简洁。示例聊胜于无。 最简单的用法就是在引入jquery,和Bootstrap的前提下,在input标签中添加 data-role="tagsinput",即可初始化。 <input type="text" value="" data-role="tagsinput" /> 原因在于下方代码,代码最后一部分,写了是如何初始化的。 /** * Initialize tagsinput behaviour on inputs and selects which have * data-role=tagsinput */ $(function() { $("input[data-role=tagsinput], select[multiple][data-role=tagsinput]").tagsinput(); }); 还有一个通过 select标签初始化的方式。并在标签加上 multiple 属性,在通过$("select").tagsinput('items'),获取值时,返回的是一个数组,而不是逗号分隔的字符串了。 <select multiple data-role="tagsinput"> <option

OSChina 周一乱弹 —— 不努力就会变成女人的玩物!

好久不见. 提交于 2020-04-13 01:25:29
Osc乱弹歌单(2020)请戳( 这里 ) 【今日歌曲】 @ 老bia同学 :分享Bloodhound Gang的单曲《Fire Water Burn》: 房子着火了,我是一个笨笨的白人,让房子烧着吧,我们来开party。 《Fire Water Burn》- Bloodhound Gang 手机党少年们想听歌,请使劲儿戳( 这里 ) @ 龙马行空 :周五7点一直干到周六12点,18个小时 你这么努力为的什么哇? “这就是男生该努力的理由 !” 可也要注意身体啊 @ 胸毛随风飘 :年轻人不要过度消费你的身体 我也不想啊! 可我的身后站着甲方监督我呢! 我能说什么! “讨厌的甲方!!!!” 但你的身体受不了呀, @ 当朝宰相 :你的身体其实在欺骗你, 帐会秋后一起算的。 那…… 就定时检查身体去, “好啦 别担心了,你没事。” 如果工作不需要你加班, 你也会失眠啊, @ 布鲁斯里 :注定又是失眠的一夜。 为什么? @ 为中华之崛起而上osc :2020年4月11日 新增女友:0 确定女友:0 疑似女友:0 境外女友:0 其实没必要啊, 你的心会告诉你爱的是谁, 不会因为别的原因去讲究这些问题, “爱一定是因为自己喜欢呀!这一点都没毛病。” 我给自己定的各种想做的事情, @ 头发茂密的红薯 :我还有的救吗。 是呀, 生活不易, 最近看的烟台养女的一个事传的沸沸扬扬的。

How do I list objects for Typeahead.js and/or with the Bloodhound engine?

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-01 14:51:32
问题 I'm having a hard time figuring out how to display a list of objects using typeahead with a json file as the source. None of my data is being displayed. I want to list the names, and use the other attributes for other things when selected. ../data/test.json [ {"name": "John Snow", "id": 1}, {"name": "Joe Biden", "id": 2}, {"name": "Bob Marley", "id": 3}, {"name": "Anne Hathaway", "id": 4}, {"name": "Jacob deGrom", "id": 5} ] test.js $(document).ready(function() { var names = new Bloodhound({

Typeahead insensitive accent

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-28 04:31:53
问题 I tried this solution but I got this error : Uncaught ReferenceError: normalized is not defined Here is my code : var charMap = { "à": "a", "â": "a", "é": "e", "è": "e", "ê": "e", "ë": "e", "ï": "i", "î": "i", "ô": "o", "ö": "o", "û": "u", "ù": "u" }; var normalize = function(str) { $.each(charMap, function(chars, normalized) { var regex = new RegExp('[' + chars + ']', 'gi'); str = str.replace(regex, normalized); }); return normalized; } var queryTokenizer = function(q) { var normalized =

Using Knockout with Typeahead.js and Bloodhound.js v0.10

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-24 12:39:50
问题 I have just converted over to using Bloodhound.js and Typeahead.js with Knockout. I am having a few issues - The Typeahead is not displaying the Name property in the suggestions list I can't figure out how to update the set to query against I am 'statically' adding new data right now but it should still show up in the result set, and is not self.addNew = function () { self.someOptions.push(new Option(self.someOptions().length + 1, 'Johnnn')); } I am up for any

How to catch event when typeahead bloodhound remote returns zero results

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-23 21:30:08
问题 I'm using twitter typeahead with bloodhound suggestion engine, everything is working fine. Below is my code snippet // instantiate the bloodhound suggestion engine var searchData = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(d) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.value); }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: '<?php echo 'http://localhost/project1/perform/find?q=%QUERY'; ?>', filter: function (data) { return $.map(data.results, function (record) { return {

Using Typeahead with Google Custom Search Engine

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-23 10:15:08
问题 I'm trying to get Twitter Typeahead+Bloodhound to work with Google's CSE. So far, I've managed to get the results returning, but I'm not able to work out the datumTokenizer. var results = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(data) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.value) }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace, remote: { url: "

Why is my datumTokenizer never getting called?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-22 11:11:41
问题 I put a breakpoint inside the datumTokenizer function, but it never seems to get called. Why not? Does it work with remote-only data? var engine = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(d) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace(d); }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.nonword, identify: function( obj ) { return; }, remote: { url: '/typeahead/%QUERY', wildcard: '%QUERY' }, limit: 5 }); $( '#city_or_zip' ).typeahead({ hint: true, minLength: 2 }, { display: function( data )

Pass a parameter into Bloodhound from Typeahead?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-21 12:32:46
问题 I am setting up a form with Typeahead. I have two input fields next to each other, and I need an autocomplete on each of them. My HTML looks like this: <select id="numerator"> <option value="presentation">presentation</option> <option value="chemical">chemical</option> </select> <input id="numeratorId" class="typeahead" type="text" /> <br/> <select id="denominator"> <option value="presentation">presentation</option> <option value="chemical">chemical</option> </select> <input id="denominatorId