
Block UI Jquery plugin for a specific DIV

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-21 11:25:19
问题 Anyone knows a JQuery plugin for BlockUI that allows blocking a specific DIV, not just the whole page. Thanks. 回答1: You can do it thru blockui plugin 回答2: You can do this natively with BlockUI: $('div.test').block({ message: null }) 回答3: $.blockUI({ message: $("#divid"), css: { position: 'absolute', } }); 来源:

Block UI spinning preloader

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-21 09:10:07
问题 I was wondering if anyone could shed insight as to how I could add a spinning preloader (like apple uses) using the jQuery Block UI plugin. The preloader would have to spin until the AJAX content loads. Is this possible with Block UI? Any direction would be helpful, thanks! 回答1: Find a good animated throbber image off the web, like this: Set up a hidden throbber div to show it. <div id="throbber" style="display:none;"> <img src="/img/busy.gif" /> </div> Tell blockUI to use that div as the

Block UI spinning preloader

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-21 09:08:57
问题 I was wondering if anyone could shed insight as to how I could add a spinning preloader (like apple uses) using the jQuery Block UI plugin. The preloader would have to spin until the AJAX content loads. Is this possible with Block UI? Any direction would be helpful, thanks! 回答1: Find a good animated throbber image off the web, like this: Set up a hidden throbber div to show it. <div id="throbber" style="display:none;"> <img src="/img/busy.gif" /> </div> Tell blockUI to use that div as the

jQuery BlockUi Message after another

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-19 03:45:11
问题 I'm using jQuery BlockUI plugin, and i have been able to sucessfully show a single message in the page, however... let's say that I want to show 3 messages , one after another. Something like: message: 'hello world!' message: 'hello galaxy!' message: 'hello universe!' how do I do this with jQuery BlockUI? 回答1: Just create a div in your page like this: <div id="blockMessage"></div> And for the script... $.blockUI({ message: $('#blockMessage') }); $("#blockMessage").html('Hello World!'); $("

How to reference p:commandLink in p:dataTable from p:blockUI trigger?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-18 05:55:58
问题 This is not working for me: <h:form id="wfMgtForm"> . . . <p:dataTable id="wfTable" ..." var="item"> <p:column> . . . </p:column> <p:column> <p:commandLink id="editWatchfolderButtonId" oncomplete="" update=":editWFForm" process="@none"> <f:param value="#{item.value.ID}" name="editId"/> <h:graphicImage alt="Edit Image" style="border: none" value="./images/edit.png" /> </p:commandLink> </p:column> . . . <p:blockUI block=":wfMgtForm" trigger="editWatchfolderButtonId"> Loading...

Display Loading.. gif in angular-blockUI plugin

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-13 21:45:11
问题 I have used blockUI PLUGIN from Problem i'm facing is that i want to dislay loading gif along with Saving Synids... Message. So how can i do that. $scope.saveDefSynId = function(item, event) { if($rootScope.savedSynids.length!==0){ **blockUI.start({message: 'Saving Synids...'});** var toSaveSynid=[]; angular.forEach($rootScope.savedSynids, function(value){ if(value.isSaved=='Y'|| value.isUpdated=='Y'){ toSaveSynid.push(value); } }); var clientId=

Error in IE7 when using jQuery.blockUI() plugin

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-13 03:36:31
问题 When I'm using blockUI() for show modal form I've got error in jquery.js: Invalid argument (line 1061) (jquery.js) At sting "elem[ name ] = value" in .attr() method. JavaScript code: Copy code $('#deviceAddFormButton').click(function() { $.blockUI({ message: $('#deviceAdd') }) }) HTML is just ..., nothing extraordinary I'm using jQuery 1.3.2, blockUI 2.35. This error was thowing only in IE (Safari, Opera, Chromium, FireFox looks good:) 回答1: I've had this exact same problem, and I solved it by

How to target entire JSF page to be blocked by p:blockUI / pe:blockUI?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-12 12:06:02
问题 The example demonstrates blocking of <h:form> by <pe:blockUI>. <h:form id="form" prependId="true"> <pe:blockUI target="form" widgetVar="blockBodyUIWidget"> <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:graphicImage library="default" name="images/ajax-loader1.gif" class="block-ui-image"/> <h:outputText value="#{messages['blockui.panel.message']}" class="block-ui-text"/> </h:panelGrid> </pe:blockUI> <p:commandButton id="btnSubmit" onstart="PF('blockBodyUIWidget').block()" oncomplete="PF('blockBodyUIWidget')

jquery plugin 'blockUI' doesn't gray out screen in firefox

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-12 10:07:20
问题 I'm attempting to use blockUI to block the interface of my web app while performing an ajax operation, but the screen was refusing to gray out for me in firefox (although the message box does show up). I finally figured out that everything was working except the calls to jquery's fadeIn or show. blockUI starts with elements that have explicitly declared styles of "display: none;" and calls jquery's "fadeIn()" or "show()" functions do display them. Is there anything I'm missing in either

BlockUI jQuery on Button click

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-12 02:41:25
问题 ANSWER : The fix for this problem is this : Change selector from $('#Button3') to $('#<%= Button3.ClientID %>') Thanks to Yuri. ISSUE : I am trying to get a button click to run the JQuery BlockUI plugin. I am having some issues this is my first shot at JQuery. I do have the Hello World pop-up example working so I think I am close but could use some help getting the rest worked out. Here is the code... <script src="../../scripts/jquery-1.2.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="..