
Measuring apparent length of object (in pixels) using OpenCV

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-01-07 00:04:47
问题 I have used blender to render different images of my 3D object from different angles/poses. The object has colored edges (as shown in the image). Now, I aim to measure the length of the orange and blue edge ( Lo and Lb ) in pixels, using OpenCV. Had the edge been made of a single pixel (i.e., a line made of a single edge), it would be an easy task. But, this is not the case here. Any help is appreciated. 回答1: Here is one way in Python OpenCV. - Read the input - Threshold on one of the colors

Measuring apparent length of object (in pixels) using OpenCV

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-07 00:04:20
问题 I have used blender to render different images of my 3D object from different angles/poses. The object has colored edges (as shown in the image). Now, I aim to measure the length of the orange and blue edge ( Lo and Lb ) in pixels, using OpenCV. Had the edge been made of a single pixel (i.e., a line made of a single edge), it would be an easy task. But, this is not the case here. Any help is appreciated. 回答1: Here is one way in Python OpenCV. - Read the input - Threshold on one of the colors

Measuring apparent length of object (in pixels) using OpenCV

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-01-07 00:03:41
问题 I have used blender to render different images of my 3D object from different angles/poses. The object has colored edges (as shown in the image). Now, I aim to measure the length of the orange and blue edge ( Lo and Lb ) in pixels, using OpenCV. Had the edge been made of a single pixel (i.e., a line made of a single edge), it would be an easy task. But, this is not the case here. Any help is appreciated. 回答1: Here is one way in Python OpenCV. - Read the input - Threshold on one of the colors

How to import an fbx in Unity correctly?

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-01-06 07:23:54
问题 I've modelled an object and exported as fbx. After I import the asset in Unity, some artefacts show up. The artefacts seem to be related to Unity import and not do the fbx file as the model viewed in Windo3d 3d viever seem to have no issues. Thank you a lot! Object in Blender Edit mode Object in Blender Object mode Object in Windows 3d Object in Unity 回答1: It looks like a triangle winding problem. The order of the vertices in a triangle, when combined with their visual orientation, can be

How to import an fbx in Unity correctly?

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-06 07:23:43
问题 I've modelled an object and exported as fbx. After I import the asset in Unity, some artefacts show up. The artefacts seem to be related to Unity import and not do the fbx file as the model viewed in Windo3d 3d viever seem to have no issues. Thank you a lot! Object in Blender Edit mode Object in Blender Object mode Object in Windows 3d Object in Unity 回答1: It looks like a triangle winding problem. The order of the vertices in a triangle, when combined with their visual orientation, can be

How to import an fbx in Unity correctly?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-06 07:23:08
问题 I've modelled an object and exported as fbx. After I import the asset in Unity, some artefacts show up. The artefacts seem to be related to Unity import and not do the fbx file as the model viewed in Windo3d 3d viever seem to have no issues. Thank you a lot! Object in Blender Edit mode Object in Blender Object mode Object in Windows 3d Object in Unity 回答1: It looks like a triangle winding problem. The order of the vertices in a triangle, when combined with their visual orientation, can be

How to import an fbx in Unity correctly?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-06 07:23:02
问题 I've modelled an object and exported as fbx. After I import the asset in Unity, some artefacts show up. The artefacts seem to be related to Unity import and not do the fbx file as the model viewed in Windo3d 3d viever seem to have no issues. Thank you a lot! Object in Blender Edit mode Object in Blender Object mode Object in Windows 3d Object in Unity 回答1: It looks like a triangle winding problem. The order of the vertices in a triangle, when combined with their visual orientation, can be

Golem 项目白皮书

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-03 16:46:20
Golem项目概览宏大愿景和核心特征 Golem是第一个真正去中心的全球算力市场。Golem结合灵活的开发工具,帮助开发者 发布软件并赚钱,进而改变了算力任务的组织和执行方式。通过实现去中心微服务和 异步任务执行,Golem致力于成为建设未来互联网的基石。通过大幅降低计算价格,复 杂的应用,如CGI渲染,科学计算,机器学习(人工智能)将惠及每个人。 通过P2P网络连接电脑,使应用所有者和个体用户(算力“请求方”)可以从其他用户租 用算力(算力“供应商”)。这些算力资源可以完成对计算时间和计算能力有一定要求 的计算任务。在当下,算力资源被中心化云服务商把控,受制于封闭网络,外部支付 系统,和死板的运营模式。Golem还有一个核心内置的特性—基于以太的支付转账系 统,可以实现算力买家(请求方),卖家(供应商),及软件开发者之间的直接支付。 Golem作为去中心算力市场的支柱功能可以看作为是一种基建即服务(Iaas),也是一 种平台即服务(PaaS)。通过集成一些专属软件后,Golem会展现其真正的潜力。任何 有兴趣的第三方可以在Golem基础上自行创建和部署软件并通过应用注册市场进行发 布。在转账支付框架下,开发者可扩展和自定义支付方式,实现独特的赚钱方式。 Golem生态系统 Golem的商业应用可以归结为这样的现实,因为近年来的科技进步,算力资源市场可以根据全 新理论重新架构


孤人 提交于 2020-12-30 16:55:07
出品 | AI科技大本营 魔性的背景音乐、酷炫的AR特效、多元的内容题材,让大众欲罢不能的短视频App正在成为内容生产和传播主要渠道之一。 而短视频平台为了抢夺用户,正在通过各种方式提升用户体验。其中,AR特效打破虚拟与真实的界线,带来丰富的娱乐性,再度提升了短视频的体验。结合人脸识别技术,AR特效相机可以在人脸上添加各种萌萌的动物挂件,与此同时,AR特效功能还会匹配相应的背景音乐,从而吸引用户生成有趣生动的AR内容。 腾讯微视作为一款时下热门的短视频软件之一,对于创意玩法应用也有诸多有趣的探索。 最近, 他们推出了“AR投篮机”,在微视APP内搜索“AR投篮” , 点击体验后,手机屏幕会出现一个投篮的小游戏,点开始就能投篮。除了AR投篮机,腾讯微视此前还推出了摆摊、熊出没等有趣的特效。 更重要的是,从微视引入的AR特效功能出发,也可以一窥腾讯在AR前沿技术上的布局。 这些AR特效背后的核心技术 是由腾讯微视光流团队和视频理解团队研发的一整套AR技术基建, 具体包括6自由度定位与跟踪、语义分割、物体检测等,以及集成物理引擎、渲染引擎骨骼绑定及驱动等技术。 当然,在开发具体AR特效时,以上相关AR算法都被集成到一个SDK,每个具体技术的都可以进行类似模块化组合,有效加速新能力的接入速度。在玩法设计上,微视将底层的能力统一封装打包制作成针对设计师的可图形化操作工具


拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-12-16 12:12:56
计算机视觉使计算机能够理解图像和视频的内容。计算机视觉的目标是使人类视觉系统可以完成的任务自动化。 计算机视觉任务包括图像采集,图像处理和图像分析。图像数据可以采用不同的形式,例如视频序列,从多个角度不同的摄像机查看的图像或来自医疗扫描仪的多维数据。 用于计算机视觉训练的图像数据集 Labelme: 由 MIT 计算机科学和人工智能实验室( CSAIL )创建的大型数据集,包含 187,240 张图像, 62,197 条带注释的图像和 658,992 张带标签的对象。 乐高积木: 通过文件夹和使用 Blender 渲染的计算机对 16 种不同乐高积木进行分类的大约 12,700 张图像。 ImageNet: 用于新算法的实际图像数据集。根据 WordNet 层次结构进行组织,其中层次结构的每个节点都以成千上万的图像进行描绘。 LSUN : 场景理解和许多辅助任务(房间布局估计,显着性预测等) MS COCO : COCO