
Github: “This email will not be used for commit blame”

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-17 22:50:14
问题 How can I use a fake email address with Github? Following Github's since-changed instructions, I had a fake email like user@server.fake configured with git ( git config --global "user@server.fake" ) and registered on my email settings page. It was linking my commits, but not since the past week or so, and it has a "(?)" tooltip saying: This email will not be used for commit blame My real email address is verified and blamable, but I want to keep it private. How can I use a fake one

git blame 查找修改者

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-13 04:09:26
git blame 查找修改者 最后,如果出现混乱的情况,你一定想要找出是谁造成的。如果生产服务器宕机,那么找到罪魁祸首是比较容易的事情:只需执行git blame。该命令会显示出文件中每一行的作者,提交hash则会找出该行的上一次修改,还能看到提交的时间戳。 git blame 可以查看到文件每行提交的详细情况 来源:

git blame查看每行代码的提交者、查看指定代码的提交者。

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-25 22:38:45
VSCode里有个叫Git Blame的插件,当你的光标放在某行代码上时,左下角会显示该行代码是由谁贡献的和贡献时间。 当然这个功能Git本身也是包含的,如果你要查看文件的每个部分是谁修改的,直接在Git bash里输入: git blame [filename] 会显示整个文件的每一行的详细修改信息:包括SHA-1串、日期和作者。 例如下边内容: [Live@Live-PC][ /fortunes/data ] (master) $ git blame song100 # 输入的命令在这里哦 15108174 (Duke 2016-11-14 20:59:20 +0800 1) 题目:《塞上》 15108174 (Duke 2016-11-14 20:59:20 +0800 2) 作者:柳开(946-999) 15108174 (Duke 2016-11-14 20:59:20 +0800 3) 鸣[骨交]直上一千尺,天静无风声更干。 15108174 (Duke 2016-11-14 20:59:20 +0800 4) 碧眼胡儿三百骑,尽提金勒向云看。 15108174 (Duke 2016-11-14 20:59:20 +0800 5) % 15108174 (Duke 2016-11-14 20:59:20 +0800 6) 题目:《寒食》 15108174 (Duke

Is there a blame/annotate for 'MKS Source Integrity'?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-23 12:56:04
问题 I am accessing some source code controlled on Windows via 'MKS Source Integrity' (a proprietary VCS, predecessor to 'MKS Integrity'). How can I find out in which revision particular lines of source code were last changed? The feature is variously called 'blame' or 'annotate' depending on the VCS. Update (21 May 2014): I'm using version 7.3e from 1999; I think MKS made large changes from ver 8 in 2000 onwards, so later versions bear little resemblance and the upgrade path is difficult. 回答1:

How to find out who delete a branch at git? [duplicate]

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-21 23:54:02
问题 This question already has answers here : Find who deleted a git branch (2 answers) Closed 5 years ago . I work at the team which works with git repository. We have an origin and several local copies. Everybody interacts with origin by different means: from Unix, from Windows, Unix shell, Windows shell, NetBeans, PHPStorm. It happens that somebody deleted several local and remote branches. We already restored them. But how to find the person who is responsible for it? I checked git reflog ,

Where is line based SCM blame information stored?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-20 05:52:43
问题 I can see line based SCM blame information in UI, but where is it stored and how can I retrieve through web API? I am using Perforce plugin. The issue is that the Perforce plugin finds the blame information from history, and because of that if a user has created a debt in a past branch, it still shows on his name in the current branch analysis. The Perforce plugin does not have any such way to disable looking into history beyond the current branch. I need to find another way to find out, if

Merge/diff tool that can show authors (supports blame or annotate) in files under version control

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-19 15:24:15
问题 When merging files it will be helpful (as for me) to show an author of each line. Is there any diff or merge tool supporting that? 回答1: The bundled gitk tool is not really a merge tool, but it shows conflicted lines with red and blue and "+"'s in front, and you can Rightclick->"Show origin of this line" on any of them, to go to the commit which introduced the line: You can run your mergetool, or just a text editor with diffmarks in parallel 回答2: So what you really want is a tool that can

Eclipse with EGit, git-blame info is hard to see

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-13 12:23:42
问题 using Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2, with EGit plugin and JDK 1.7. I've seen that it should support blame annotations, but I can't get it to show like I see here on Eclipse Wiki. Here's how it looks for me, you can't see the pointer but I'm hovering over the vertical brown line: Anyone know how to expand the annotations view? 回答1: Right-click on the brown line, Revisions -> Show Author . 来源:

git blame: correct author after merge

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-10 02:19:11
问题 A GIT merge introduces a new commit. This causes problems with "git blame": the merged lines appear to be committed by the developer that did the merge. I can understand this being the case for conflicting changes (because he solved the conflicts). But is there a way to not have this happening for non-conflicting lines? Some option to "git blame"? If there is no way around, this would basically make "git blame" almost useless when you have a lot of merges - and GIT encourages a lot of merges.

git blame

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-09 20:53:46
git blame system_server.c 每一行提交的sha ,作者,提交的日期及提交的信息 来源: