
If firewalls don't accept incoming connections by default how do p2p networks work?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-01-22 05:33:10
问题 If firewalls block all incoming connections by default how do p2p technologies work? Like torrents, how do you connect to everyone who shares a file and get the information from them? Does it go through a relay server or something? 回答1: I'm not up on everything about BitTorrent, as I am about general P2P connectivity techniques. Typically clients in a P2P network rendezvous on a common signaling server (e.g. SIP, XMPP, tracking server, web site) to exchange IP addresses,other meta data, and

Can QUIC streams be improved upon for file transfer?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-16 16:48:11
问题 If I understand, QUIC exists to multiplex multiple streams over the same UDP channel, including same key exchange. QUIC also has an unreliable transport mode for VoIP, etc. Has anyone considered a “file" transfer mode for QUIC that uses either this unreliable mode or another "less" reliable mode? Would file transfer benefit much from even less ordered delivery than a QUIC stream supports? There is a bittorrent variant µTP (BEP-29)

Creating a torrent client in Java? [duplicate]

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-11 03:40:09
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Java BitTorrent library I would like to know more about creating a torrent client in java. I ask this question here because i do not know which direction do i look into to start programming for a torrent client. I guess i would require a Socket Knowledge of the networking torrents use Could someone point me in the right direction. 回答1: The Java Socket API:

How PEX protocol (Magnetic links) finds it first IP?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-09 04:22:30
问题 I'm trying to understand how can a magnetic link work, as I've read they use DHT and PEX to get the peers, but if I'm a new node in the network how can I find peers with only the hash of the file?! Doesn't it always require a link to a known host? Thanks 回答1: The bittorrent DHT can be bootstrapped in many ways. It just needs the IP and Port of any other reachable DHT node out there. Current clients generally use several of the following strategies: bootstrap from a cache of long-lived nodes

xdown 免费无广告128并发下载工具,百度云,youtube,torrent,磁链,做种,插件[1231更新]

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-06 21:00:00
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 功能特性 支持youtube下载视频,音频 支持torrent下载文件与做种 支持断线重连 支持标准FTP/HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2协议下载 支持http header自定义字段 支持手动设置并发数(最大128) 支持异步自定义dns服务器,支持非标准dns端口ipv4+ipv6 支持内置自定义hosts,一个域名可对应多个ip 支持多IP轮询节点下载 支持BITtorrent 内置tracker list设置 支持tls1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3-sni 支持磁力链接 支持DHT ipv4+ipv6 支持全局限速 支持自定义全局代{过}{滤}理设置 支持tracker请求自定义agent 支持torrent自定义用户标识,ID前缀 支持chrome浏览器接管下载 下载地址: 密码:3bt0 2019-12-31( 1:左侧树形与右侧列表可以大小调节大小. 2:chrome 启动xdown 无法启动更新. 3:设置删除可选拦截浏览器选项,默认强制启用. 4:修正限速设置无法保存,导致一些参数被重置了 5:其他多语言修正细节 6:优化环境诊断 7:修正安装目录若在"C:\Program Files\xdown"无法初始化组件

download content torrent files point to in python3

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-06 04:07:56
问题 Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how .torrent files work, but is there a way in python to download the actual referenced content the .torrent file points to that would be downloaded say using a torrent client such as utorrent, but from the shell/command line using python? The following works for simply downloading a .torrent file and sure I could open the torrent client as well do download the .torrent, but I'd rather streamline the process in the command line. Can't seem to find much online

How does ThePirateBay know the number of seeders for its torrents?

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-02 09:59:41
问题 How do websites like work? I heard that the age of trackers is pretty much over, so I guess they extract data from DHT. I wrote a simple DHT scraper, but it was pretty slow to query the servers - does TPB have its own DHT nodes they sniff on? Do they verify whether the peers actually have data? 回答1: I'm not staff on TPB (or any other torrent index site) and have no exact information how they do it, but my best guess is that they regulary fetch a full scrape from the (working)

Create torrent hash info

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-01 17:23:25
问题 how do I generate torrent hash info on torrent files. I have been taking a look on this example: How to calculate the hash value of a torrent using Java and am trying to convert it to C++. This is the code I have so far: void At::ReadTorrent::TorrentParser::create_hash(std::string torrentstub) { std::string info; int counter = 0; while(info.find("4:info") == -1) { info.push_back(torrentstub[counter]); counter++; } unsigned char array[torrentstub.size()]; int test = 0; for(int data; (data =

Torrent DHT udp

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-01 08:51:15
问题 Im trying to get access to a Torrent DHT network, and im having a hard time figuring out howto get access to the "entry" node in DHT. How does a DHT in a Bittorent client get "bootstrapped"? Describes that a couple of standard entry nodes could be used and running on port 6881 (UDP). AND describes the protocol on howto interact with a DHT server. But if i send a simple UDP message to

Torrent DHT udp

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-01 08:50:05
问题 Im trying to get access to a Torrent DHT network, and im having a hard time figuring out howto get access to the "entry" node in DHT. How does a DHT in a Bittorent client get "bootstrapped"? Describes that a couple of standard entry nodes could be used and running on port 6881 (UDP). AND describes the protocol on howto interact with a DHT server. But if i send a simple UDP message to