
Why is this int $0x10 BIOS INT not working on Linux?

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-20 00:43:42
问题 I am not sure if I am doing something drastically wrong. I am learning assembly language in AT&T syntax on a linux machine with intel chip. I learned that INT 10H is used to invoke BIOS subroutines for various video purposes. I wrote this simple assembly code to clear the screen. .section .data data_items: .section .text .global _start _start: mov $6, %ah # to select the scroll function mov $0, %al # the entire page mov $7, %bh # for normal attribute mov $0, %ch # row value of the start point


蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-12 09:11:56
EFI :可扩展固件接口   可扩展固件接口(英文名Extensible Firmware Interface 或EFI)是由英特尔,一个主导个人电脑技术研发的公司推出的一种在未来的类PC的电脑系统中替代BIOS的升级方案。BIOS技术的兴起源于IBM PC/AT机器的流行以及第一台由康柏公司研制生产的“克隆”PC。在PC启动的过程中,BIOS担负着初始化硬件,检测硬件功能,以及引导操作系统的责任,在早期,BIOS还提供一套运行时的服务程序给操作系统及应用程序使用。BIOS程序存放于一个掉电后内容不会丢失的只读存储器中,系统加电时处理器的第一条指令的地址会被定位到BIOS的存储器中,便于使初始化程序得到执行。 EFI的产生 众所周知,英特尔在近二十年来引领以x86系列处理器为基础的PC技术潮流,它的产品如CPU,芯片组等在PC生产线中占据绝对领导的位置。因此,不少人认为这一举动显示了英特尔公司欲染指固件产品市场的野心。事实上,EFI技术源于英特尔安腾处理器(Itanium)平台的推出。安腾处理器是英特尔瞄准服务器高端市场投入近十年研发力量设计产生的与x86系列完全不同的64位新架构。在x86系列处理器进入32位的时代,由于兼容性的原因,新的处理器(i80386)保留了16位的运行方式(实模式),此后多次处理器的升级换代都保留了这种运行方式。甚至在含64位扩展技术的至强系列处理器中

print string with bios interrupt 0x10

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-08 07:10:33
问题 I want to print a string using bios interrupt 0x10. But I get only a blue fiel, without letters in it. Maybe I habe a problem by adressing my string. Edit: I have two code files. The first is written on the first sector of a floppy. It copys the second sector from the floppy to the memory (starting at 0x5000) and jump to 0x5000. Here is my second file, where I should print my string. [BITS 16] org 0x5000 sect2: mov ah, 0x03 ;get curser position mov bh, 0x00 ;page number int 0x10 mov ax,

Is there a way to manually change BIOS POST codes on motherboard LCD?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-01-29 14:26:31
问题 I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to change the BIOS POST Code that is displayed on the motherboard LCD. I want to develop a program that can manipulate the LCD screen on the motherboard to display any set of desired characters. I haven't been able to find anyone who has done something similar. Does anyone have any ideas on if this is possible? Thank You! 回答1: POST codes are usually displayed on LED devices on the motherboard, not LCD. Historically, POST codes can be output

How Does BIOS initialize DRAM?

我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-20 20:08:23
问题 I've been searching all over for an explanation of how exactly BIOS works now for quite some time. I have designed a bootloader and have jumped to 32-bit mode with it while successfully initializing the IDT as well as the GDT, but in doing so, I have found "operating systems" seeming to be quite simple, and the feeling as if "BIOS" IS the actual operating system of every computer. So now I have took on a new challenge of trying to discover how BIOS actually initializes itself, discovers how

How Does BIOS initialize DRAM?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-01-20 20:07:54
问题 I've been searching all over for an explanation of how exactly BIOS works now for quite some time. I have designed a bootloader and have jumped to 32-bit mode with it while successfully initializing the IDT as well as the GDT, but in doing so, I have found "operating systems" seeming to be quite simple, and the feeling as if "BIOS" IS the actual operating system of every computer. So now I have took on a new challenge of trying to discover how BIOS actually initializes itself, discovers how

How Does BIOS initialize DRAM?

寵の児 提交于 2021-01-20 20:07:39
问题 I've been searching all over for an explanation of how exactly BIOS works now for quite some time. I have designed a bootloader and have jumped to 32-bit mode with it while successfully initializing the IDT as well as the GDT, but in doing so, I have found "operating systems" seeming to be quite simple, and the feeling as if "BIOS" IS the actual operating system of every computer. So now I have took on a new challenge of trying to discover how BIOS actually initializes itself, discovers how

How Does BIOS initialize DRAM?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-01-20 20:06:34
问题 I've been searching all over for an explanation of how exactly BIOS works now for quite some time. I have designed a bootloader and have jumped to 32-bit mode with it while successfully initializing the IDT as well as the GDT, but in doing so, I have found "operating systems" seeming to be quite simple, and the feeling as if "BIOS" IS the actual operating system of every computer. So now I have took on a new challenge of trying to discover how BIOS actually initializes itself, discovers how get hardware information

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-04 15:35:30
问题 If I create an page, am I able to get the current users CPUID and BIOS serial number? Or is that not allowed because of security? I currently have a Visual application that gets these values, I am just wondering if I can do the same thing on a web page. 回答1: In a nut shell, no you cannot get this information using just a regular html & JavaScript web page. That's not however, to say that it's not possible. If your client computer has Java, Flash or Silver-light installed get hardware information

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-01-04 15:23:19
问题 If I create an page, am I able to get the current users CPUID and BIOS serial number? Or is that not allowed because of security? I currently have a Visual application that gets these values, I am just wondering if I can do the same thing on a web page. 回答1: In a nut shell, no you cannot get this information using just a regular html & JavaScript web page. That's not however, to say that it's not possible. If your client computer has Java, Flash or Silver-light installed