

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-12 22:38:32
Jmeter在访问接口的时候,响应内容如果有中文可能会显示乱码,原因应该是响应页面没有做编码处理,jmeter默认按照ISO-8859-1编码格式进行解析。 下面把解决步骤列一下: 现象:jmeter访问本地文件,文件内容有中文,jmeter返回内容显示乱码: 方法一:改配置文件 进入Jmeter的bin目录下,找到jmeter.properties文件,以文本形式打开 本例目录:D:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin 找到sampleresult.default.encoding这个参数,此行默认是注释的。 可以看到说明,默认值是ISO-8859-1 将ISO-8859-1修改成utf-8,去掉注释符号,重启Jmeter 重启可以在命令行界面,进入jmeter的bin目录下,运行jmeter.bat,如果添加了环境变量,可以在任何位置运行jmeter.bat重启jmeter 再次访问文件,已经不显示乱码了 方法二:通过后置处理器BeanShell PostProcessor 问题还原: 添加后置处理器:BeanShell PostProcessor 输入prev.setDataEncoding("utf-8"); 目的是修改响应数据编码格式为utf-8,保存 再次请求,响应结果中已经没有乱码了 由以上方法可见,用后置处理器修改响应编码的方式更方便一些,不用改文件

How to read JMeter Test Cmd Line Parameters from JSR223/Beanshell

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-02-08 07:29:33
问题 I have wrote a JMeter test and I want to run it in Command Line with some parameters, let's say ThreadNumber. How do I read it in JSR223/BeanShell? 回答1: Send property in command line using -J which adds new property -JthreadNum=100 Inside Thread Group use the value using __P function in Number of Users(threads) field ${__P(threadNum)} simplified property function which is intended for use with properties defined on the command line. Use props to get properry in JSR223/BeanShell props.get(

JMeter - Run a python script before calling each HTTP request sampler

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-06 12:55:49
问题 I am new to Jmeter. My HTTP request sampler call looks like this Path= /image/**image_id**/list/ Header = "Key" : "Key_Value" Key value is generated by calling a python script which uses the image_id to generate a unique key. Before each sampler I wanted to generate the key using python script which will be passed as a header to the next HTTP Request sampler. I know I have to used some kind of preprocessor to do that. Can anyone help me do it using a preprocessor in jmeter. 回答1: I believe


本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-02 07:27:10
用jmeter录制考试上传成绩等脚本时,出现的问题及解决方法如下: 1、beanshell前置处理器,不能读取本地csv文件里的数据: 方法一: 在beanshell里不能直接从本地的csv文件里读取到tid的值,幸好tid数据是有规律的,从700000开始,依次增加,于是通过如下的几个步骤,解决了我的问题: (1)首先在test plan增加了一个全局变量,如tid,并赋值700000(这时,就不能读取csv里的数据了,这里需要注意); (2)在beanshell前置处理器上写如下代码: 这里的md5加密是导入的jar包,进行调用的 import com.xuexin.* ; import; import; String tid =vars.get("tid" ); String m_xuexin_id = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(tid)+1 ); String examSubjectID = "******" ; String mid_url = "examSubjectID=" + examSubjectID + "&xuexinID=" + m_xuexin_id; mymd5 mymd5 =

How can I write all values extracted via regex to a file?

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-01-29 08:08:20
问题 I've got a piece of regex which I've tested in JMeter using the regexp tester and it returns multiple results (10), which is what I'm expecting. I'm using the Regular Expression Extractor to retrieve the values and I would like to write ALL of them to a CSV file. I'm using the Beanshell Post Processor but I am only aware of a method to write 1 value to file. My script in Beanshell so far: temp = vars.get("VALUES"); // VALUES is the Reference Name in regex extractor FileWriter fstream = new

How to put an ArrayList<String> object to the props variable of jmeter and use it from Beanshell script

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-28 19:14:54
问题 I am trying to do this from a beanshell sampler. import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; list = new ArrayList(); props.putObject("list", list ); Now from another Beahshell sampler I want to do this. list = props.getObject("list"); list.add("Rajan"); And then from a third Bean shell sampler"The list is " + list ); The code will work if we use vars instead of props. But the scope of vars is inside a single thread only. I want an array object in the scope of the test plan.

Extract json values in beanshell script

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-28 05:44:48
问题 This is my json i want to extract firstname and code using beanshell script.But i'm not able to extract the values . Please help { "code":"HNYC", "message":"Sucess", "data":{ "Employeid":"TGRDH-887", "Perosonal":{ "Details":{ "firstname":"Sam", "id":3566, "dob":"23/11/1990", "Yearofjoing":"2018", "Salary":30000, "Address":"New Delhi", "City":"Delhi" } } } } Beanshell Code: import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject; String jsonString = prev.getResponseDataAsString(); JsonObject accountId =

How to catch exception in a beanshell?

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-01-07 01:34:30
问题 I can use the evaluateBeanshell rule to enforce some convention: no colon's in directories below src. <plugin> <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.4.1</version> <executions> <execution> <id>enforce-beanshell</id> <goals> <goal>enforce</goal> </goals> <configuration> <rules> <evaluateBeanshell> <condition>org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils.getDirectoryNames(new File("src"), "**/*:*", null, false).isEmpty()</condition> </evaluateBeanshell> </rules> </configuration> <