
Beagleboard Black doesn't boot from MicroSD

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-12 01:58:25
问题 So I can flash the eMMC from the BBB. However I downloaded from wget the Ubuntu image and extracted and placed it on the SD card through Win32DiskImager. I put the SD card in the sd slot and tried to boot by pressing the S2 button while I connect the board to the usb for power to my laptop. I wait for LEDs to turn on and nothing happens. It works without the SD card, but not with it.

Beaglebone gpio input not working

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-10 20:07:14
问题 I am using beaglebone to access digital input from specific pin using sysfs interface. And I can change the output states but not the input :(. What I did is, I have two pins pinA and pinB. pinA I made it output and pinB I made input. Connected pinA to pinB. Configured pinA as output pin by sending out to direction attribute in sysfs and pinB as input by passing in. And I changed value of PinA to 1 and it is giving 1 as output (I tested using LED). But when I read the value of PinB it is

USB Bluetooth Dongle isn't recognized by BeagleBone Black

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-10 19:43:43
问题 I'm attempting to figure out how to get a USB Bluetooth dongle to work with my BeagleBone Black. I've tried a few different ones to no avail, but have seen posts from others who seem to have had some success. I have tried the procedure documented here: However, when I plug the dongle in, it doesn't even light up. Nor does it show up when I "lsusb". The BBB is being powered by a 2.5A 5V adapter, so power should not be an

USB Dongle Recognition in Android - Beaglebone

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-10 13:47:36
问题 Issue : Some of the Huawei USB Dongles not recognized by Android JellyBean4.1.2 in Beaglebone. In Detail : I am working with BeagleBone running on Android JellyBean4.1.2 . Huawei - E1731 [Locked] , Huawei - E303D [Locked] are working fine in this platform. Huawei E303F , Huawei E303F (Both Factory Unlocked) are not recognized by the OS (Communication files not generated) Work-Around done by myself Change the Dongle's Mode to Modem Only Mode using AT command Add the vendor ID & Product ID to

Why does my SWI instruction hang? (BeagleBone Black, ARM Cortex-A8 cpu)

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-10 11:48:36
问题 I'm starting to write a toy OS for the BeagleBone Black, which uses an ARM Cortex-A8-based TI Sitara AM3359 SoC and the U-Boot bootloader. I've got a simple standalone hello world app writing to UART0 that I can load through U-Boot so far, and now I'm trying to move on to interrupt handlers, but I can't get SWI to do anything but hang the device. According to the AM335x TRM (starting on page 4099, if you're interested), the interrupt vector table is mapped in ROM at 0x20000. The ROM SWI

Why does my SWI instruction hang? (BeagleBone Black, ARM Cortex-A8 cpu)

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-09 04:53:27
I'm starting to write a toy OS for the BeagleBone Black , which uses an ARM Cortex-A8-based TI Sitara AM3359 SoC and the U-Boot bootloader. I've got a simple standalone hello world app writing to UART0 that I can load through U-Boot so far, and now I'm trying to move on to interrupt handlers, but I can't get SWI to do anything but hang the device. According to the AM335x TRM (starting on page 4099, if you're interested), the interrupt vector table is mapped in ROM at 0x20000. The ROM SWI handler branches to RAM at 0x4030ce08, which branches to the address stored at 0x4030ce28. (Initially, this

Faster quadrature decoder loops with Python code

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-08 04:11:15
问题 I'm working with a BeagleBone Black and using Adafruit's IO Python library. Wrote a simple quadrature decoding function and it works perfectly fine when the motor runs at about 1800 RPM. But when the motor runs at higher speeds, the code starts missing some of the interrupts and the encoder counts start to accumulate errors. Do you guys have any suggestions as to how I can make the code more efficient or if there are functions which can cycle the interrupts at a higher frequency. Thanks, Kel

Auto-Start Program at Login in Angstrom on BeagleBoard

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-08 03:57:26
How do I start an application automatically after login? I have tried the following: Editing /etc/inittab but I don't have an /etc/inittab file, it looks like my system uses systemd. Starting my application by adding it to the script /etc/rc.local . Adding a script in /etc/init.d and a symlink to the script in /etc/rc5.d/S51script_name . Calling my script from ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile . Adding a service to systemd but I couldn't get it to work and it seems more complicated than it should be for my purposes. I am running Angstrom v2012.01-core - Kernel 3.0.17+ on BeagleBoard xM. Found the

Faster quadrature decoder loops with Python code

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-06 20:27:28
I'm working with a BeagleBone Black and using Adafruit's IO Python library. Wrote a simple quadrature decoding function and it works perfectly fine when the motor runs at about 1800 RPM. But when the motor runs at higher speeds, the code starts missing some of the interrupts and the encoder counts start to accumulate errors. Do you guys have any suggestions as to how I can make the code more efficient or if there are functions which can cycle the interrupts at a higher frequency. Thanks, Kel Here's the code: # Define encoder count function def encodercount(term): global counts global Encoder_A

running code on BeagleBone using Cloud9 IDE

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-06 16:46:23
问题 I am very new to BeagleBone. I have been using Arduino upto now. I plug my BeagleBone into my Linux laptop, and connect BeagleBone to my router. I can open Cloud9 off the board by browsing to 192...:3000. I want to load and run this code: described here: On the File menu I can not find any option to create a new project. How am I suppose to load code into Cloud9 ? 回答1: You don't