
How to pass booleon back from Worker_ProgressChanged to Worker_DoWork

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-07-08 02:35:51
问题 I'm using a Background worker to read values in and to pass values to Worker_ProgressChanged, to update UI. In Worker_DoWork: while (agi.DvmReadyToRead) // wait for digipot to be adjusted before reading in worker { Thread.Sleep(20); Application.DoEvents(); //logS.Debug("Waiting for ready to read in worker"); } Thread.Sleep(40); // Give digipot chance to make the change agi.SendSoftwareTriggerOne(); Thread.Sleep(7); // Duration for above command to execute A = agi.ReadOne(); Thread.Sleep(1);

xamarin, How to smoothly upload content to StackLayout

早过忘川 提交于 2020-06-09 05:45:06
问题 I have a large database and I need to organize searching accounts from my application. App is loaded data dynamically. NetworkBackgroundWorker is a class that send requeste to the server (with database). This class uses BackgroundWorker for waiting answer in the background. //Callback method Action<string> refToSP = SetParticipants; //Send a request to the server for getting account data NetworkBackgroundWorker.InvokeService( query, requestURL, methodName, refToSP); The SetParticipants method

Does Xamarin.Forms support periodic background tasks?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-05-24 16:23:28
问题 I am having a difficult time finding documentation on background tasks support for Xamarin.Forms. Does Xamarin.Forms provide support for periodic background tasks? I need to implement this for both Windows Phone 10 and Android. 回答1: XF has no implementation for background tasks. You will need to implement these natively. Below are examples on how to do it for each type of project. UWP Android https:/