
Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-18 21:11:50
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-18 21:11:18
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-18 21:10:03
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

Change entire console background color (Win32 C++)

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-18 21:09:40
问题 How can I change the entire console's background color? I've tried SetConsoleTextAttribute and it only changes the background color of new text. I effectively want the entire console to turn red when a serious error arises. Thanks to everyone who attempts to help. 回答1: Try something like: system("color c2"); 回答2: I think the FillConsoleOutputAttribute function will do what you need. Set it to the starting coordinate of the console, and set nLength to the number of characters in the console (

CMYK values as background Color

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-16 19:45:21
问题 I have to set backgroundColor of div using RGB values . Im able to get this way. <div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: rgb(255,0,0)"> </div> Now, Since I also have CMYK (0,1,0.5,0) values , So Can you assist me how to achieve same with these values. Im doing this way , but no gain . <div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: device-cmyk(0, 1, 0.5, 0)"> </div> Thanks 回答1: You can't do it directly in CSS. You'll have to convert your CMYK values to their RGB

Eclipse IDE for (Embedded C/C++) Developers 2020-12: Classic dark theme deep black color background and text in menu

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-13 17:23:29
问题 Problem with dark classic theme in Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) for C/C++. Menu have all black color: Top panel has the same problem: 回答1: That's a bug of Eclipse TMF which is contained by default in the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers and the Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers in Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) that has already been fixed : Eclipse bug 569790 - [dark] Dark mode issue when Trace Compass is installed Unfortunately, this bug was detected and fixed only shortly after the 2020-12

Android Drawable color runtime

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-11 12:15:46
问题 I am developing an android app. I have two different text view with different text view as shown in below two images: Text view one: Text view Two: I have a question, should I create two different drawable files with different colors or should I create a single drawable file and change the color runtime? What's the standard way to achieve this? If I should create a single drawable file then how should I change to color programmatically? 回答1: try this simple example public class MainActivity

Angular: How to change the color of cell table if condition is true

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-06 19:57:47
问题 I have an object which has a variable called changeColor . In my html table I want to change the cell color if changeColor is true. I am using angular. <tr ng-repeat="list in results"> <% if (!{{list.changeColor}} ) %> <% { %> <td bgcolor="red">{{list.value}}</td> <% } %> <td>{{list.price}}</td> But after testing it is always red and the <% if (! ) %> <% { %> <% } %> is written in my html page! Can you please help me? Tested this <td style=".red {bgcolor: red;} .black {bgcolor: black;}" ng

Angular: How to change the color of cell table if condition is true

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-06 19:57:28
问题 I have an object which has a variable called changeColor . In my html table I want to change the cell color if changeColor is true. I am using angular. <tr ng-repeat="list in results"> <% if (!{{list.changeColor}} ) %> <% { %> <td bgcolor="red">{{list.value}}</td> <% } %> <td>{{list.price}}</td> But after testing it is always red and the <% if (! ) %> <% { %> <% } %> is written in my html page! Can you please help me? Tested this <td style=".red {bgcolor: red;} .black {bgcolor: black;}" ng

Xamarin Forms: How to add background color for clicked button inside grid(Word Search Game)

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-05 11:13:24
问题 I am using a button inside grid for showing letters to implement a word search game. When clicking a button the entire buttons' background color is changing. I need to change only the background color of the clicked button. Xaml.cs void SetGridLayout(char[,] matrixToPrint) { int numRows = matrixToPrint.GetLength(0); int numCols = matrixToPrint.GetLength(1); gridLayout.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; gridLayout.SetBinding(Button.HeightRequestProperty, new Binding("Width",