
How to render array of arrays of objects with mustache

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-18 06:38:38
问题 I am trying to render an array of arrays of objects with a mustache template in javascript, and I have not found anyone else who has asked this question. I can render an array of objects just fine, but I can't figure out how to render an array of them. I could assign each nested array to its own variable I suppose, but there could be any number of them, so I really need to keep them as an array. Here is the type of data I need to render: [ [ { id: 12345, name: "Billy" }, { id: 23456, name:

Detect Javascript event type

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-16 14:49:32
问题 There is a function OPEN in my javascript which is called when the user either blur (lose focus on the input field) or hit Enter. Then within OPEN(), depending on whether it was triggered by blur or keypress, it leads to two different other functions. For the Keypress, I did it like this. if (e.keyCode==13) ENTER_FX(); How do you do this for BLUR Thank you UPDATE: I found that it should be e.type=="focusout" So is focusout the right word instead of blur? 回答1: WORKING JSFIDDLE EXAMPLE e.type

Detect Javascript event type

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-16 14:48:30
问题 There is a function OPEN in my javascript which is called when the user either blur (lose focus on the input field) or hit Enter. Then within OPEN(), depending on whether it was triggered by blur or keypress, it leads to two different other functions. For the Keypress, I did it like this. if (e.keyCode==13) ENTER_FX(); How do you do this for BLUR Thank you UPDATE: I found that it should be e.type=="focusout" So is focusout the right word instead of blur? 回答1: WORKING JSFIDDLE EXAMPLE e.type

Simulate XHR2 file upload

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-10 18:46:47
问题 I have a HTML upload button to send (multiple) files to a server which responds with JSON. Based on that response, my application flow continues. Now, to test the rest of my code (dependent on the server response), I would like to simulate the file upload so that I do not have to manually select and upload new files on every reload. Following is a simplified version of my upload method: uploadToServer: function (file) { var self = this, data = new FormData(), xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //

Simulate XHR2 file upload

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-10 18:46:08
问题 I have a HTML upload button to send (multiple) files to a server which responds with JSON. Based on that response, my application flow continues. Now, to test the rest of my code (dependent on the server response), I would like to simulate the file upload so that I do not have to manually select and upload new files on every reload. Following is a simplified version of my upload method: uploadToServer: function (file) { var self = this, data = new FormData(), xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //

mongoose objectid to number

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-07 13:47:56
问题 How can I cast an ObjectId to a number? In my app I'm using the latest mongoose version and backbone on the clientside. My problem is that the ObjectId always ends up being put in between quotes which results in double quotes like ""233453452534"" in my jade templates and on my client. edit: I'm querying mongodb with this.users.find({},function(err,docs){ cb(null,docs) }) console.log(docs) shows { name: 'test', _id: 5220bc207f0c866f18000001, __v: 0 } in my template option(data-id=val._id) #


自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-02 06:04:49
在一些小企业或者公司人力不足的时候,经常会出现一个人干多个人的活。开发可能会干架构、测试、运维,一些小项目可能需要一个人完成。我把这些角色合并在一起称之为兼职架构师。 我用我的经历来说说兼职架构师的需要干的事吧。 1.首先,幸运的事情至少我还有一个产品经理,可以给出RoadMap,比如下: 单独项目的唯一好处是,产品经理会给你安排一个大致时间,可以把控一下时间和进度。你也不需要开会,因为就你一个人,不过看过《人月神话》的都知道,1+1有时并不能大于2。当然我们底层功能的版本有人C++的人来支持,这边不叙说了。 first,你拿到roadmap心中需要有个大致安排时间,技术选型,功能组织架构。尽量多思考,花多一点时间去想如何实现比较好,哪些重点功能,哪些列出来可以不需要首先完成的(可以自由安排优先级,一般周末很少需要加班,效率非常高) second,因为我们测试人少,基本一个月一个小版本(小版本自己测试),一个季度保持一个大版本(大版本有测试帮测)。没有运维,就要考虑到部署人员通俗易懂,一个脚本需要执行所有环境的安排(内网实体机,需要安装包带所有功能,jdk,tomcat,mysql等脚本安装),所以非常考验脚本功底。尽量多想、多测,你也不想实施人员半夜打你电话吧? at last,你需要geek最新技术,我重构的项目经历过struts2 到spring mvc

Internet Explorer 11 issues: addEventListener not working

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-29 19:13:37
问题 I am trying to add listener event for mouse down on a list of elements. The code works for chrome, but not for IE document.getElementsByClassName('select2-result-selectable').forEach(function(item){ item.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { console.log( "User clicked on 'foo.'" ); e.preventDefault();}); }) This works on chrome, but not on IE 11. I tried the following code as well. document.getElementsByClassName('select2-result-selectable').forEach(function(item){ if (item

Is there an easy way to distribute a Flask server as an executable?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-01-27 07:10:40
问题 I'm building some simple editors with Backbone.js, and I'm hoping to be able to distribute them as apps for users to edit content in a mostly client-side way (i.e., I don't want users to have to futz with setting up stuff like MySQL or Apache). So I was imagining a scenario like: User downloads a .zip file In the resulting opened folder, the user clicks index.html That opens in a browser Backbone app starts, stores data in localStorage The user can then export to CSV. Believe it or not, that