
$(window).on('popstate') is not working in IE

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-11 17:50:43
问题 $window 'popstate' event is not working in IE on browser back button. Below is the code snippet which is getting used to remove some modal classes on back button. $(window).on('popstate', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); $('body').removeClass( 'modal-open' ); }); Issue - when Modal is open and on click of browser back button trying to remove modal classes on previous page which is coming after click of browser back button. In

Prevent form resubmit after pressing back button

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-07 07:26:19
问题 I am in bit of a delicate situation here. In my organization we design stock management systems and it is a web application based on JSP pages and servlets which handles them. I have been asked to fix a specific problem. We have a JSP page with an HTML form table where there are stock details. When user enters the details manually and submit the form, stock details updated in the database and it works fine. Problem is this : When the user press the browser's back button, user can come to the

How to detect when back button pressed in fragment android?

余生颓废 提交于 2021-01-27 04:06:56
问题 I have project with navigation drawer with fragment, with 5 menu, the problem is when i go to menu 4 and the i press the back button the app closed, but i need the app back to first menu which is all the menu in fragment. This is code for Main Activity (Navigation Drawer) public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{ DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; NavigationView mNavigationView; FragmentManager mFragmentManager; FragmentTransaction mFragmentTransaction; @Override protected void onCreate

How to detect when back button pressed in fragment android?

北慕城南 提交于 2021-01-27 04:06:47
问题 I have project with navigation drawer with fragment, with 5 menu, the problem is when i go to menu 4 and the i press the back button the app closed, but i need the app back to first menu which is all the menu in fragment. This is code for Main Activity (Navigation Drawer) public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{ DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; NavigationView mNavigationView; FragmentManager mFragmentManager; FragmentTransaction mFragmentTransaction; @Override protected void onCreate

How to detect when back button pressed in fragment android?

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-27 04:06:35
问题 I have project with navigation drawer with fragment, with 5 menu, the problem is when i go to menu 4 and the i press the back button the app closed, but i need the app back to first menu which is all the menu in fragment. This is code for Main Activity (Navigation Drawer) public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{ DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; NavigationView mNavigationView; FragmentManager mFragmentManager; FragmentTransaction mFragmentTransaction; @Override protected void onCreate

In payu, when integrated inside WebView of android, clicking back button that is inside the WebView doesn't cancel the transaction

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-08-20 14:55:48
问题 When I click on a Button , I go to payment page. There I can see 3 back Button . the usual one at the bottom the one in the ActionBar / Toolbar the one inside the WebView Clicking on the 1 and 2 is working fine but clicking on 3 doesn't take me back or doesn't cancel the transaction. Yet this is not the full story. When I select on Cards it takes me to the respective page where I enter the card details. Then when I click on 3, it comes back to the main page(selecting type of payment viz.,

In payu, when integrated inside WebView of android, clicking back button that is inside the WebView doesn't cancel the transaction

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-08-20 14:43:14
问题 When I click on a Button , I go to payment page. There I can see 3 back Button . the usual one at the bottom the one in the ActionBar / Toolbar the one inside the WebView Clicking on the 1 and 2 is working fine but clicking on 3 doesn't take me back or doesn't cancel the transaction. Yet this is not the full story. When I select on Cards it takes me to the respective page where I enter the card details. Then when I click on 3, it comes back to the main page(selecting type of payment viz.,

SwiftUI NavigationBarItems slideBack freezes app

自作多情 提交于 2020-08-07 06:41:11
问题 My HomeView (where I store list of Movies ) has NavigationView and NavigationLink with destination to DetailView . When I want to add NavigationBarItems in my DetailView , it makes my GoBack Slide (from DetailView to HomeView ) useless. The app freezes when I stop sliding in ~1/3 of screen. I don't have additional NavigationView in DetailView , because when I had it I had it doubled in DetailView . I found lines of code which ruins everything. It's part with NavigationBarItems :

How to change color of back button on NavigationView

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-07-03 03:11:47
问题 When you click on the button it takes you to a new view and puts a back button in the top left. I can't figure out what property controls the color of the back button. I tried adding an accentColor and foregroundColor but they only edit the items inside the view. var body: some View { NavigationView { NavigationLink(destination: ResetPasswordView()) { Text("Reset Password") .foregroundColor(Color(red: 0, green: 116 / 255, blue: 217 / 255)) .padding() } } } 回答1: You can use the accentColor

How to intercept flutter back-button when keyboard is shown

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-06-15 18:38:44
问题 I want to intercept the back-button of the soft keyboard in flutter. So when I want to close the keyboard by pressing the back-button I want an additional function to be called. How can I do that? Keyboard Back button 回答1: you can use the keyboard_visibility package to achieve this. Working Example the following code displays a SnackBar once the keyboard is dismissed. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:keyboard_visibility/keyboard_visibility.dart'; void main() => runApp