
Can I use sqlbulkcopy with Azure SQL Paas?

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-01-28 11:17:06
问题 Can I use sqlbulkcopy with Azure SQL Paas? I have an app that does bulk copy to a database and we are testing it with SQL PaaS. It appears to be failing on the SQLBulkCopy. I thought I read this is not supported somewhere but do not see it in the Azure SQL documentation. Is this still a limitation? Where is that documented? I am using .net code to do the bulk copy (not SSIS or any other tool), it is a .net app, if it matters. 回答1: Short answer is, yes, you can use SQLBulkCopy to insert data

Operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group (Azure)

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-01-28 00:16:44
问题 I am experiencing an intermittent issue with SQL Azure. I am copying a readonly SQL Azure database (V12) from one elastic pool into another. Once the database is copied, I set it to read/write using: $"ALTER DATABASE [{databaseName}] SET READ_WRITE" This sometimes fails with the error: The operation cannot be performed on database *** because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group I have tried implementing retry logic with backoff but that doesn't work. I have

Azure SQL Database traffic migration to newer Gateways

二次信任 提交于 2021-01-27 23:09:15
问题 Got an email from azure regarding Azure SQL Database traffic migration to newer Gateways. There are several links in the email including Azure SQL Database traffic migration to newer Gateways Having read the article it says: You will not be impacted if you have Redirection as the connection policy Connections to SQL Database from inside Azure and using Service Tags Connections made using supported versions of JDBC Driver for SQL Server will see no impact. New to azure. Can anyone offer any

Transient Fault Handling with Azure database

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-27 23:04:41
问题 We are using ReliableSqlConnection from Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFaultHandling to support transient fault handling for Azure database, we are on .NET 4.6.1. The thing is randomly we got exception: "Internal .Net Framework Data Provider error 6" when trying to open connection with this class. ReliableSqlConnection does not support async await , but built-in transient fault handling with ConnectRetryInterval and ConnectRetryCount on ADO.NET 4.6.1 only support at connection

Azure SQL Database traffic migration to newer Gateways

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-01-27 21:48:12
问题 Got an email from azure regarding Azure SQL Database traffic migration to newer Gateways. There are several links in the email including Azure SQL Database traffic migration to newer Gateways Having read the article it says: You will not be impacted if you have Redirection as the connection policy Connections to SQL Database from inside Azure and using Service Tags Connections made using supported versions of JDBC Driver for SQL Server will see no impact. New to azure. Can anyone offer any

Cannot create master key for master database in azure sql

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-27 21:25:35
问题 i'm using Azure SQL. In Azure Portal, i was create 1 Azure SQL Server (with username login user01 ) and 2 Azure SQL Database ( ExDatabase1 and ExDatabase2 ) inside it. In Microsoft SQL server management studio tool, i'm login success with user user01 . i'm using transparent data encryption (TDE) and try create Database Master Key for master database with command bellow: USE master; Go CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION by PASSWORD = 'Strongp@ssw0rd'; Go But, i received error: Msg 15247, Level 16,

List of all users in Azure SQL

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-01-27 17:50:32
问题 How can I list all users which can connect to my sql server database? Now able to find any sql command. I tried few links available on the internet but none of them worked. Some commands that I tried SELECT * FROM sys.sql_logins; SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers; select * from sys.sysusers SELECT [name], [sid] FROM [sys].[database_principals] WHERE [type_desc] = 'SQL_USER' I also looked in azure portal but did not find any users information. I am able to connect to sql database which connection

Create a table in Azure SQL Database from Blob Storage

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-27 04:54:54
问题 I need to take large tables out of our Azure Data Warehouse and move them over to stand alone Azure SQL Databases. I haven't been able to get the Data Factory to work quickly enough for my scenario. I can get my tables into Blob storage from my Data Warehouse via external tables. What I can not figure out is how to create an external table on an Azure SQL Database with an external data source to my Blob storage. This is the format file, external data source, and external table used to get my

Using Azure managed Identities to access Azure SQL DB

二次信任 提交于 2021-01-07 04:57:06
问题 Is there a way to use Azure managed identities with Linux VMs to access Azure SQL DB? All I could find is this document which specifically speaks to Windows VMs. Is there a documented step-by-step approach for a Linux machine? 回答1: SQL access using Managed Identity from Linux webapp is supported. The Use a Windows VM system-assigned managed identity to access Azure SQL

Using Azure managed Identities to access Azure SQL DB

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-07 04:56:12
问题 Is there a way to use Azure managed identities with Linux VMs to access Azure SQL DB? All I could find is this document which specifically speaks to Windows VMs. Is there a documented step-by-step approach for a Linux machine? 回答1: SQL access using Managed Identity from Linux webapp is supported. The Use a Windows VM system-assigned managed identity to access Azure SQL