
Cognito User Pool custom attributes do not show up in the ID token if user pool is configured with a SAML identity provider

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-11 03:25:35
问题 According to the documentation, the ID token (a JWT token) created by Cognito upon user authentication is also supposed to contain the custom attributes defined for the user's User Pool. It seems that when the User Pool is configured with a SAML identity provider, the ID token does not contain those custom attributes of the user pool, but only the Cognito attributes which are mapped from the SAML token. Note: the custom attribute is already configured when the user pool is created, therefore

How to use Federation from a User Pool (not from an Identity Pool)!

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-29 16:26:19
I'm trying to use Federation from a User Pool . Note, I am not talking about Federated Identity Pool a different concept. Is there a SignIn API for federated users or is just a hosted UI Does the app "have to" open a browser on a Sign In URL that looks like ? Can the end-user can stay inside the app, similar to how Google SignIn API on Android works (it pops up a small Google sign in UI, user clicks on their name, you're immediately back inside the app with a token. How do I launch a

How to use Federation from a User Pool (not from an Identity Pool)!

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-11-28 11:05:42
问题 I'm trying to use Federation from a User Pool. Note, I am not talking about Federated Identity Pool a different concept. Is there a SignIn API for federated users or is just a hosted UI Does the app "have to" open a browser on a Sign In URL that looks like ? Can the end-user can stay inside the app, similar to how Google SignIn API on Android works (it pops up a small Google sign in