
Will AWS Codepipeline pass symlinks to Codebuild in artifacts

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-05-29 10:15:08
问题 I have some symlinks in my github repo. When I have a Codebuild project that clones directly from github, symlinks are preserved. I switched so that Codepipeline listens for changes in my dev branch in github, and passes the artifacts to codebuild. Since making this switch, Codebuild can't see the symlinks anymore. Is this by design, or am I perhaps missing something in how my codepipeline is configured? 回答1: Up to now, AWS CodePipeline doesn't support symlinks in source. Refer to Source

Use CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND for nested stacks on CloudFormation

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-05-10 04:16:06
问题 I am trying to use nested stack and when my ChangeSet is being executed, I got this error: Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND] I went and create a pipeline with cloudformation. This can be use to create a pipeline: Configuration: ActionMode: CHANGE_SET_REPLACE ChangeSetName: changeset RoleArn: ?? Capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM StackName: appsync-graphql TemplatePath: BuildArtifact::output.yaml This can’t: Configuration: ActionMode: CHANGE_SET_REPLACE ChangeSetName: changeset

I'm trying to integrate Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline? What is the best approach?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-05-07 10:52:51
问题 I want to integrate my code from Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline. I unable to find proper examples on the same. My source code is in .Net. Can someone please guide me. Thanks. 回答1: You can integrate Bitbucket with AWS CodePipeline by using webhooks that call to an AWS API Gateway, which invokes a Lambda function (which calls into CodePipeline). There is an AWS blog that walks you thru this: Integrating Git with AWS CodePipeline 回答2: BitBucket has a service called PipeLines which can deploy

I'm trying to integrate Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline? What is the best approach?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-05-07 10:49:58
问题 I want to integrate my code from Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline. I unable to find proper examples on the same. My source code is in .Net. Can someone please guide me. Thanks. 回答1: You can integrate Bitbucket with AWS CodePipeline by using webhooks that call to an AWS API Gateway, which invokes a Lambda function (which calls into CodePipeline). There is an AWS blog that walks you thru this: Integrating Git with AWS CodePipeline 回答2: BitBucket has a service called PipeLines which can deploy

I'm trying to integrate Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline? What is the best approach?

蓝咒 提交于 2020-05-07 10:49:09
问题 I want to integrate my code from Bitbucket into AWS Code Pipeline. I unable to find proper examples on the same. My source code is in .Net. Can someone please guide me. Thanks. 回答1: You can integrate Bitbucket with AWS CodePipeline by using webhooks that call to an AWS API Gateway, which invokes a Lambda function (which calls into CodePipeline). There is an AWS blog that walks you thru this: Integrating Git with AWS CodePipeline 回答2: BitBucket has a service called PipeLines which can deploy

Codepipeline: Insufficient permissions Unable to access the artifact with Amazon S3 object key

余生颓废 提交于 2020-05-06 19:55:27
问题 Hello I created a codepipeline project with the following configuration: Source Code in S3 pulled from Bitbucket. Build with CodeBuild, generating an docker image and storing it into a Amazon ECS repository. Deployment provider Amazon ECS. All the process works ok until when it tries to deploy, for some reason I am getting the following error during deployment: Insufficient permissions Unable to access the artifact with Amazon S3 object key 'FailedScanSubscriber/MyAppBuild/Wmu5kFy' located in

What does each action configuration property of CodeDeployToECS refers to in AWS CodePipeline?

风格不统一 提交于 2020-03-25 08:09:48
问题 I am trying to create an Amazon ECS (Blue Green) action ( CodeDeployToECS ) in AWS CodePipeline. This will be done using Terraform, so the actions need to be manually specified. According to the CodePipeline Pipeline Structure Reference under the Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline, a CodeDeployToECS action has 8 action configuration properties: ApplicationName DeploymentGroupName Image1ArtifactName Image1ContainerName AppSpecTemplateArtifact AppSpecTemplatePath

What does each action configuration property of CodeDeployToECS refers to in AWS CodePipeline?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-03-25 08:09:35
问题 I am trying to create an Amazon ECS (Blue Green) action ( CodeDeployToECS ) in AWS CodePipeline. This will be done using Terraform, so the actions need to be manually specified. According to the CodePipeline Pipeline Structure Reference under the Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline, a CodeDeployToECS action has 8 action configuration properties: ApplicationName DeploymentGroupName Image1ArtifactName Image1ContainerName AppSpecTemplateArtifact AppSpecTemplatePath

CodePipeline deployment to Beanstalk fails despite IAM properly set up

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-03-24 03:32:23
问题 Context This was a CodeStar project initially, and then it grew into something bigger. We reused the Beanstalk application to create the stage and prod environments and kept the initially-created dev environment as-is. We updated the CodePipeline to deploy to our new environments using "Elastic Beanstalk" as the Provider. (While CodeStar had setup a deployment using CloudFormation for the environment it automatically provisioned in the Beanstalk application.) The problem The deployment fails

CodePipeline ECS Blue/Green Deployment cross account fails with PermissionError

十年热恋 提交于 2020-03-05 06:21:07
问题 I'm trying to set up CodePipeline with an ECS blue/green deployment where the deployment is in a different AWS account. I've been using the two guides for ECS Blue/Green and CodePipeline cross-account deployments. CodePipeline lives in Account A along with its KMS Key, S3 artifact bucket and ECR repository. The ECS cluster lives in Account B with the CodeDeploy setup. The ECR, KMS key and S3 buckets have cross-account permissions (these give a different error when wrong). The cluster starts