
How can i make this slider code to autoplay in JavaScript?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-07 09:03:29
问题 Hello I'm trying to get this slider to auto play in Javascript, but I can't seem to get it to work, Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I took the slider from here: Here is the current code: $(".button-next").click(function() { var e = $(""); $(e).removeClass("active"), $(e).next().addClass("active"), $(".feature-slide").hasClass("active") || $(".feature-slide:first").addClass("active") }); $(".button-prev").click(function() { var e = $(""); $(e)

Autoplay html5 audio on iPhone iOS 4.2.6

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-06 12:51:06
问题 ok i know apple has been trying to block the autoplay function for ios but i do have a jailbroken iphone so could i modify that to do auto play on any webview or even use a special sake click to auto play on 4.2.6? 回答1: actually, you can do this using webkitaudiocontext 回答2: Unfortunately I guess you won't be able to do this, AFAIK. 来源:

Autoplay html5 audio on iPhone iOS 4.2.6

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-06 12:50:11
问题 ok i know apple has been trying to block the autoplay function for ios but i do have a jailbroken iphone so could i modify that to do auto play on any webview or even use a special sake click to auto play on 4.2.6? 回答1: actually, you can do this using webkitaudiocontext 回答2: Unfortunately I guess you won't be able to do this, AFAIK. 来源:

Video loop autoplay won't work on Chrome/safari (webkit bug)

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-06 01:21:48
问题 Hi guys I am trying to have my video autoplay and loop in a slider but some how it's not playing on chrome and safari. I find out webkit browsers have a bug that stops the video autoplay function when it's restyled... Here's the video and the page. (works on firefox) I think you have to re-trigger the .play() Not sure what I did wrong. New to javascript... Here's the code below. JS var myVideo = document.querySelector('video'); var mediaController =

Video loop autoplay won't work on Chrome/safari (webkit bug)

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-06 01:20:34
问题 Hi guys I am trying to have my video autoplay and loop in a slider but some how it's not playing on chrome and safari. I find out webkit browsers have a bug that stops the video autoplay function when it's restyled... Here's the video and the page. (works on firefox) I think you have to re-trigger the .play() Not sure what I did wrong. New to javascript... Here's the code below. JS var myVideo = document.querySelector('video'); var mediaController =


青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-01-03 21:52:53
在index.wxml中添加以下代码 <view> <swiper indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}" autoplay="{{autoplay}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}"> <block wx:for="{{imgUrl}}" wx:key="index"> <swiper-item> <image src="{{item.url}}" class="slide-image" /> </swiper-item> </block> </swiper> </view> 在index.js中添加以下代码 Page({ data: { imgUrl: [ { url: "/images.png" }, { url: "/images.png" }, { url: "/images.png" }, ], indicatorDots: false, autoplay: false, interval: 5000, duration: 1000 }, }) 若本号内容有做得不到位的地方(比如:涉及版权或其他问题),请及时联系我们进行整改即可,会在第一时间进行处理。 请点赞!因为你们的赞同/鼓励是我写作的最大动力! 欢迎关注 达叔小生 的简书! 这是一个有质量,有态度的博客


邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-03 07:10:09
前端之HTML5,CSS3(一)   HTML5中常用内容标签   header标签   header标签定义文档的页眉,基本语法:<header>content</header>。   nav标签   nav标签定义导航链接部分,基本语法:<nav>content</nav>。   footer标签   footer标签定义文档的页脚,基本语法:<footer>content</footer>。   article标签   article标签定义文章内容部分,基本语法:<article>content</article>。   section标签   section标签定义文档中区域,类似于div标签,基本语法:<section>content</section>。   aside标签   aside标签定义内容之外的侧边栏部分,基本语法:<aside>content</aside>。   datalist标签   datalist标签与input标签结合使用,定义输入下拉选项,基本语法:<datalist><option>content</option>...</datalist>。 1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="utf-8"> 5 <title>datalist标签-测试</title> 6 <

EasyPlayerPro windows播放器本地配置文件配置方法介绍

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-02 01:19:50
需求背景 应EasyPlayerPro某客户需求,在EasyPlayerPro启动时,自动播放指定的url源, 不需要每次都去手动填写, 且实现自动播放,不需要手动的单击播放按钮; 为响应该需求,特增加配置文件: EasyPlayerPro.xml, 实现以下功能: 1. 在启动过程中读取配置中的URL源, 以指定的协议主动连接源, 进行音视频播放; 2. 设置缓冲帧大小, 实现流畅和实时模式的调整; 3. 可隐藏工具栏,使播放器运行后,将工具栏进行隐藏, 最大化的利用窗口空间显示视频; 实现界面 配置文件说明 以下为配置文件详细信息: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <XMLConfig> <SplitWindow>4</SplitWindow> <Scale>0</Scale> <Multiple>1</Multiple> <FullScreen>0</FullScreen> <Channel> <CH No="1" URL="rtmp://" OSD="1" Protocol="1" Cache="3" ShowToolbar="1" AutoPlay="0" /> <CH No="2" URL="http://live.hkstv

Autoplay audio on mobile safari

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-28 02:52:27
问题 Before I get flamed to death, I know this doesn't work currently due to Apple's concern over the terrifying cost to their users of downloading an audio file automatically (nothing to do with them trying to cripple web apps as they don't get their 30% from them). However, my question is: Has anyone found a cunning workaround yet? I just want to play a start up sound on the launch of a game and currently have to wait for the user to click somewhere before I can play the audio. One of you clever


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-26 15:47:05
HTML插入图片: <img src="" alt="" title="" width="" height=""> src图片地址,alt图片替换文字,title鼠标移上去显示文字,width宽height高 注意:src的图片地址可以是本地的,也可以是网络上的。 直接在img中调宽高时不需要带px像素。 常用的图片格式有bmp、jpg、png、gif等。 <body> <img src="**/**.png" alt="" title="" width="100" height="400"> </body> HTML插入音频: <audio src="" controls=""></audio> 常用音频格式 MP3 ,ogg <body> <audio src="music/music.mp3" controls=""></audio> </body> HTML插入视频: <video src="" controls autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop"></video> 注意controls不能少,autoplay自动播放只有ie支持,mp4支持最广泛 avi只能用ie webm的ie不能用,loop自动循环播放。 <body> <video src="video/vedio.mp4" controls autoplay="autoplay"