

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-02-08 01:09:08
一、关于DTD HTML5 不基于 SGML,所以不需要引用 DTD(HTML 4.01 基于 SGML) 二、HTML5结构标签 <header> 标记定义一个页面或一个区域的头部 <nav> 标记定义导航链接 <section> 标记定义一个区域 <aside> 标记定义页面内容部分的侧边栏 <article> 标记定义一篇文章 <hgroup> 标记定义文件中一个区块的相关信息 <figure> 标记定义一组媒体内容以及它们的标题 <figcaption> 标记定义 figure 元素的标题。 <dialog> 标记定义一个对话框(会话框)类似微信 <footer> 标记定义一个页面或一个区域的底部 三、HTML5多媒体标签 video (视频) 兼容性: safari支持mp4、不支持webm和ogv ie8(包含)以下都不支持 video 标签 ie9 支持 video 标签(但只支持 mp4 ) <video src="..." autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" loop="loop" width="500" height="500" poster="..." muted> <!-- 其中loop设置循环 poster设置封面 muted静音 --> audio (音频) 兼容性: safari支持mp3和wav

YouTube Autoplay Issue

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-02-07 02:38:07
问题 I am trying to get an embedded YouTube video to autoplay. I have set the ?autoplay=1 in the parameter but this seems to be deprecated. I have not been able to find any documentation on it though. How can I get autoplay to work on videos? <iframe class="iframe-vid" width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> 回答1: If


元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-02-03 11:27:36
在HTML5出现之前,要在网络上展示视频、音频、动画,除了使用第三方自主开发的播放器之外,使用得最多的工具应该是Flash了,但是它们都需要在浏览器中安装相应插件才能使用,但是有时速度很慢。html5的出现解决了这个问题。在html5中,提供了音频、视频的标准接口,通过html5中的相关技术,播放视频、动画、音频等多媒体再也不需要安装插件,只是使用支持html5的浏览器就可以了。 video元素与audio元素相同的属性的介绍: src属性和autoplay属性 src属性用于指定媒体数据的URL地址。 autoplay属性用于指定媒体是否在页面加载后自动播放,使用方法如下: <video src="" autoplay="autoplay"></video> perload属性 该属性用于指定视频或音频数据是否预加载。如果使用预加载,则浏览器会预先将视频 或音频数据进行缓冲,这样可以加快播放速度,因为播放时数据已经预先缓冲完毕。该属 性有三个可选值,分别是“none”、“metadata”和“auto”,其默认值为“auto”。 none值表示不进行预加载; metadata表示只预加载媒体的元数据(媒体字节数、第一帧、播放列表、持续时间等)。 auto表示预加载全部视频或音频。 perload属性的使用方法如下所示。 <video src="sample

Chrome video autoplay

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-30 05:29:09
问题 Following Chrome & Firefox's recent update autoplay videos are no longer supported - I've tried to add some code to play this on startup but it doesn't seem to work? var vid = document.getElementById("attractor"); function playVid() {; } Has anyone found a workaround to this? We do a lot of touch-screen interactives and rely on this method for our attractor videos. 回答1: autoplay will only work if you specify it as muted by default, like this. <video autoplay muted> <source src=

Autoplay HTML5 video after it loads

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-25 03:29:06
问题 I want to autoplay an HTML5 video only after it loads. I would also like to have a progress bar (GIF or CSS) while it loads. Any help? 回答1: UPDATE 2 Hey so this answer is a specific work around for this scenario (only a 12sec. video for a slow connection wanting to be played back smoothly) nonetheless this should fill your needs: $(document).ready(function() { _V_("example_video_1").ready(function(){ var myPlayer = this; myPlayer.on("progress", out_started); }); }); function out_started(){


孤人 提交于 2020-01-19 20:31:01
HTML5->video 目录† video使用 属性 支持的格式 用时遇到的问题 video使用 † <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签。 </video> 属性 † 属性 值 描述 autoplay autoplay 如果出现该属性,则视频在就绪后马上播放。 controls controls 如果出现该属性,则向用户显示控件,比如播放按钮。 height pixels 设置视频播放器的高度。 loop loop 如果出现该属性,则当媒介文件完成播放后再次开始播放。 muted muted 如果出现该属性,视频的音频输出为静音。 poster URL 规定视频正在下载时显示的图像,直到用户点击播放按钮。 preload auto metadata none 如果出现该属性,则视频在页面加载时进行加载,并预备播放。如果使用 “autoplay”,则忽略该属性。 src URL 要播放的视频的 URL。 width pixels 设置视频播放器的宽度。 支持的格式 † 格式 MIME-type MP4 video/mp4 WebM

trigger setup.exe when I mount an iso

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-15 09:43:09
问题 Whenever I mount an ISO. i want the setup.exe to be triggered automatically. There is a autorun.inf file to handle this but still nothing works. Contents of autorun.inf [autorun] open=setup.exe what am I missing here. any registry entry I should change. Please help me out. 回答1: ISO : Have you confirmed that this is even possible from a mounted image? (Seems not to be). In other words, did you try to put your autorun.inf and friends on a DVD or a USB stick and then testing whether auto-run

trigger setup.exe when I mount an iso

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-15 09:42:30
问题 Whenever I mount an ISO. i want the setup.exe to be triggered automatically. There is a autorun.inf file to handle this but still nothing works. Contents of autorun.inf [autorun] open=setup.exe what am I missing here. any registry entry I should change. Please help me out. 回答1: ISO : Have you confirmed that this is even possible from a mounted image? (Seems not to be). In other words, did you try to put your autorun.inf and friends on a DVD or a USB stick and then testing whether auto-run

Autoplay audio with iOS 5 Mobile Safari, any workarounds left?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-14 04:16:11
问题 We all know Apple doesn't allow autoplay on html5 audio tags with Mobile Safari. The workaround for iOS 4 was to use an iframe with an mp3 src. Apple seems to have patched this on iOS 5. <html> <body> iframe mp3 autoplay test <iframe src='iframe.mp3' width='0px' height='0px' scrolling='no'></iframe> </body> </html> This works on iOS 4.3.1, but not on 5.0.1. Any workarounds left, or has Apple finally patched all the autoplay loopholes? 回答1: The answer might be inside of this post here, of

How can i make this slider code to autoplay in JavaScript?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-07 09:03:54
问题 Hello I'm trying to get this slider to auto play in Javascript, but I can't seem to get it to work, Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I took the slider from here: Here is the current code: $(".button-next").click(function() { var e = $(""); $(e).removeClass("active"), $(e).next().addClass("active"), $(".feature-slide").hasClass("active") || $(".feature-slide:first").addClass("active") }); $(".button-prev").click(function() { var e = $(""); $(e)