
Android Espresso: Make assertion while button is kept pressed

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-20 11:26:12
问题 I'm quite new to Espresso on Android and I am running into the following problem: I want Espresso to perform a longclick(or something..) on a button, and while the button is kept pressed down, I want to check the state of a different View. In (more or less) pseudocode: onView(withId(button_id)).perform(pressButtonDown()); onView(withId(textBox_id)).check(matches(withText("Button is pressed"))); onView(withId(button_id)).perform(releaseButton()); I tried writing 2 custom Taps, PRESS and

How can I conditionally execute a module-level doctest based on a feature flag?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-20 06:40:26
问题 I am writing documentation for a module that has some options controlled by a Cargo feature flag. I'd like to always show this documentation so that consumers of the crate know that it's available, but I need to only run the example when the feature is enabled. //! This crate has common utility functions //! //! ``` //! assert_eq!(2, featureful::add_one(1)); //! ``` //! //! You may also want to use the feature flag `solve_halting_problem`: //! //! ``` //! assert!(featureful::is_p_equal

Request reuse in Postman

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-19 15:00:25
问题 Our team wants to automate our REST API testing. Right now, we have a collection of Postman requests and make them jump through hoops manually. We could create a collection/folder for each testing scenario, but that would mean a ton of duplication. Our API is still under heavy development and I really don't want to fix the same thing at twenty places after it changes. I would like to have each endpoint request only once in a collection and some kind of independent logic that can execute them

Request reuse in Postman

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-19 14:48:20
问题 Our team wants to automate our REST API testing. Right now, we have a collection of Postman requests and make them jump through hoops manually. We could create a collection/folder for each testing scenario, but that would mean a ton of duplication. Our API is still under heavy development and I really don't want to fix the same thing at twenty places after it changes. I would like to have each endpoint request only once in a collection and some kind of independent logic that can execute them

Failed loading config.ts due to import protractor

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-19 05:48:22
问题 I am trying to start a new protractor project to test an angular site. I installed node.js, typescript, protractor globally and jasmine. I go to the project folder and do webdriver-manager update . Then I do webdriver-manager start . I also build the config.ts using tsc config.ts . Everything works fine until i try protractor config.ts . Here i will provide my config.ts and my package.json. { "name": "protractortests", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Automated tests for a game platform",

Karate afterFeature function execution works fine when run locally but fails when run through Jenkins

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-16 21:00:40
问题 Karate afterFeature function execution works fine when run locally but fails when run through Jenkins, I get assertion failed: assert evaluated to false: responseStatus == 200 || responseStatus == 404 . Whereas the responseStatus should either be 200 or 404 . Code Snippet main.feature snippet Background: ... * def myName1 = 'karate-test-name' * configure afterFeature = function(){'cleanup.feature'); } ... ... cleanup.feature @ignore Feature: To cleanup after main.feature

Karate afterFeature function execution works fine when run locally but fails when run through Jenkins

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-16 21:00:16
问题 Karate afterFeature function execution works fine when run locally but fails when run through Jenkins, I get assertion failed: assert evaluated to false: responseStatus == 200 || responseStatus == 404 . Whereas the responseStatus should either be 200 or 404 . Code Snippet main.feature snippet Background: ... * def myName1 = 'karate-test-name' * configure afterFeature = function(){'cleanup.feature'); } ... ... cleanup.feature @ignore Feature: To cleanup after main.feature

Asserting and using conditions for an array response in Karate

二次信任 提交于 2021-02-13 12:45:23
问题 I've got a request that returns a list of responses in two possible structures, depending on the 'status'. { "listSize": 2, "itemList": [ { "id": , "Name": "", "submittedOn": "", "Reference": null, "status": "Receipted", "response": null }, { "id": 12345, "submittedOn": "", "Reference": null, "status": "Failed", "response": { "xml": "", "formErrors": [ { "error_type": "", "error_location":"", "error_message": "", } ] } }, ] } I need to check the structure for the status being either

Asserting and using conditions for an array response in Karate

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-13 12:42:56
问题 I've got a request that returns a list of responses in two possible structures, depending on the 'status'. { "listSize": 2, "itemList": [ { "id": , "Name": "", "submittedOn": "", "Reference": null, "status": "Receipted", "response": null }, { "id": 12345, "submittedOn": "", "Reference": null, "status": "Failed", "response": { "xml": "", "formErrors": [ { "error_type": "", "error_location":"", "error_message": "", } ] } }, ] } I need to check the structure for the status being either

How to get Json response by selenium webdriver using Java?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-02-11 13:58:59
问题 I'm trying to get Json response by selenium webdriver. How to get it as a Json format. Currently what I get is a String format. Here is what I'm trying to get: {"id":377,"text":"Playing Sudoku is fun!"} <pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">{"id":377,"text":"Playing Sudoku is fun!"}</pre> Here is my code: import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; public class GameTestSelenuim { public static void