
perl6/rakudo: How could I disable autoflush?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-03 17:15:30
问题 I tried this, but it didn't work: $*OUT.autoflush( 0 ); 回答1: $*OUT.autoflush = False should disable it, and it runs without error, but it seems that parrot's IO still flushes automatically. So there currently doesn't seem to be an easy way. 回答2: Rakudo doesn't support autoflush. There's a note in 5to6-perlvar under the $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH entry. Some examples from a long time ago mention an autoflush method, but that has disappeared: $*ERR.autoflush = True; $*ERR.say: "1. This is an error"; $

perl6/rakudo: Does perl6 enable “autoflush” by default?

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-03 15:59:39
问题 #!perl6 use v6; my $message = "\nHello!\n\nSleep\nTest\n\n"; my @a = $message.split( '' ); for @a { sleep 0.3; .print; } Does perl6 enable "autoflush" by default. With perl5 without enabling "outflush" I don't get this behavior. 回答1: Rakudo enables autoflush by default; the specification is silent about the default. 回答2: Quoting from the docs regarding auto flush: ‘No global alternative available. TTY handles are unbuffered by default, for others, set out-buffer to zero or use :!out-buffer

PrintWriter autoflush puzzling logic

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-20 06:49:08
问题 public PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush): out - An output stream autoFlush - A boolean; if true, the println, printf, or format methods will flush the output buffer public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush): out - The output stream to which values and objects will be printed autoFlush - A boolean; if true, the output buffer will be flushed whenever a byte array is written, one of the println methods is invoked, or a newline character or byte ('\n') is written What

Django test database not auto-flushing

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-12 11:17:54
问题 I have a bunch of unit test files, all of which consist of django.test.TestCase classes. Wrote myself a little shell script to uncomment/comment test file imports in my file, so I can run tests from certain test files, based off the command line arguments I give it. I am also able to run all the tests of all the test files in one go (for regression testing purposes). I have this one test file that has some JSON fixtures and the first test checks that a certain model/table has 3

can you force flush output in perl

孤人 提交于 2019-12-09 08:25:56
问题 I have the following two lines in perl: print "Warning: this will overwrite existing files. Continue? [y/N]: \n"; my $input = <STDIN>; The problem is that the print line does not get executed before the perl script pauses for input. That is, the perl script just seems to stop indefinitely for no apparent reason. I'm guessing that the output is buffered somehow (which is why I put the \n in, but that doesn't seem to help). I'm fairly new to perl, so I would appreciate any advise on how to get

EntityManger flushmode in JDBC

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-04 02:32:25
问题 JPA is essentially an higher abstraction of JDBC. EntityManager has an API setAutoFlushMode. It can be set to AUTO or COMMIT. What's th equivalent of this in JDBC terms? thanks 回答1: JDBC has auto commit as well. They're both for configuring whether the library should automatically commit to the database. JDBCs auto-commit is very simplistic, it will commit every update to the database immediately. Without auto-commit, changes aren't committed until the commit method is called. JPA AUTO causes

can you force flush output in perl

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-03 10:58:27
I have the following two lines in perl: print "Warning: this will overwrite existing files. Continue? [y/N]: \n"; my $input = <STDIN>; The problem is that the print line does not get executed before the perl script pauses for input. That is, the perl script just seems to stop indefinitely for no apparent reason. I'm guessing that the output is buffered somehow (which is why I put the \n in, but that doesn't seem to help). I'm fairly new to perl, so I would appreciate any advise on how to get around this issue. By default, STDOUT is line-buffered (flushed by LF) when connected to a terminal,

PrintWriter autoflush puzzling logic

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-02 11:04:54
public PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush) : out - An output stream autoFlush - A boolean; if true, the println, printf, or format methods will flush the output buffer public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush) : out - The output stream to which values and objects will be printed autoFlush - A boolean; if true, the output buffer will be flushed whenever a byte array is written, one of the println methods is invoked, or a newline character or byte ('\n') is written What was the reason for changing autoflush logic between these classes? Because they are always

Is there a guarantee of stdout auto-flush before exit? How does it work?

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-01 15:33:08
Here is the code (valid C and C++) #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("asfd"); // LINE 1 return 0; } If in line 1 I put segfaulting expression the program would just crash without printing anything (as expected). But why is the above code printing "asdf" and not exiting without buffer being flushed? What is under the hood and why does it work as expected? This is accomplished by these two sections in the C++ language specification: [basic.start.main] A return statement in main has the effect of leaving the main function and calling exit with the return value as the argument. and [lib

Is there a guarantee of stdout auto-flush before exit? How does it work?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-01 15:18:04
问题 Here is the code (valid C and C++) #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("asfd"); // LINE 1 return 0; } If in line 1 I put segfaulting expression the program would just crash without printing anything (as expected). But why is the above code printing "asdf" and not exiting without buffer being flushed? What is under the hood and why does it work as expected? 回答1: This is accomplished by these two sections in the C++ language specification: [basic.start.main] A return statement in main has