
FileUpload control working on second click but not first attempt of saving posted file?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-30 02:26:06
问题 My Question I managed to answer myself, however the same set of functionality has another problem. For some reason the first postback of the save event of the posted file hits the Ol' Object not set to an instance of an object error, but on the second attempt of uploading a file and firing my save event (converts to byte[] an stored as SQL Server BLOB) it does everything is supposed to do. Same problem here There is a good suggestion of using the AJAX AsyncUpload control however I am a firm

How to control ModalPopupExtender after AsyncPostBackError

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-08 00:44:47
问题 I have a pretty simple question which I'm sure somebody has come across before. I am using an AJAX ModalPopupExtender to initiate an Ajax request. In the event of an error I want to raise an alert and hide the Ajax ModalPopupExtender. My attempts of hiding the ModalPopup extender and displaying the exception as an alert have been unsuccessful after an exception is raised. It seems that the show()/hide() methods of the ModalPopupExtender are disabled when there is an unhandled exception. My

How to control ModalPopupExtender after AsyncPostBackError

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-06 14:29:22
I have a pretty simple question which I'm sure somebody has come across before. I am using an AJAX ModalPopupExtender to initiate an Ajax request. In the event of an error I want to raise an alert and hide the Ajax ModalPopupExtender. My attempts of hiding the ModalPopup extender and displaying the exception as an alert have been unsuccessful after an exception is raised. It seems that the show()/hide() methods of the ModalPopupExtender are disabled when there is an unhandled exception. My first attempt was to try and hide the ModalPopupExtender by adding exception handling into the calling