
Emscripten can't find path to cmake

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-12 20:32:25
问题 I've gone over the instructions several times, looked in countless forums, and still can't resolve this issue. I'm running Windows 10, and simply trying to install Emscripten. I've got Emscripten installed: I run # Fetch the latest registry of available tools. emsdk update followed by # Download and install the latest SDK tools. emsdk install latest But it continues to throw the same warning about being unable to find the path to cmake. I've downloaded and installed cmake-3.3.2-win32-x86 . I

What does |0 do in Javascript? [duplicate]

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-12 17:26:38
问题 This question already has answers here : What does the “|” (single pipe) do in JavaScript? (4 answers) What is this asm style “x | 0” some javascript programmers are now using? (4 answers) Closed 4 years ago . I have been looking into asm.js to use for a project recently, and I noticed that very often the asm.js compiled code will end a statement with |0; , even seemingly redundantly as in the statement i = i|0; This is not something I have encountered in Javascript code before. What is it

Why is the asmjs code slower even in firefox?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-10 16:09:33
问题 I've created a jsPref, to test this asm.js thing: I think I did something wrong, because the asmjs code runs two times slower than the regular js code, even in firefox nightly. I have no idea what's wrong in the code. Thanks in advance, Edit: Benchmark.prototype.setup = function() { function DiagModule(stdlib, foreign, heap) { "use asm"; // Variable Declarations var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt; var pow = stdlib.Math.pow; // Function Declarations function square(x) { x =

Where should I defined emscripten extern functions in JS?

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-08 09:19:45
问题 Suppose I have function x in C++ defined as: extern "C" void x(); and I implement it in JS in global context function _x() { console.log('x called'); } _x is defined in asm compiled js file, which is getting invoked and not my implementation. What am I doing wrong? I'm getting this warning while linking: warning: unresolved symbol: x Here is the stacktrace: Uncaught abort() at Error at jsStackTrace (http://localhost/module.js:978:13) at stackTrace (http://localhost/module.js:995:22) at abort

What “use asm” does exactly?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-04 10:32:31
问题 As far as I know, Asm.js is just a strict specification of JavaScript, it uses the JavaScript features and it's not a new language. For instance, instead of using var a = e; , it offers var a = e|0; . My question is, if asm.js is just a definition and can be achieved by changing the way one uses and declares variables and dynamic types, what does "use asm"; actually do? Is this necessary to put this string before declaring function's body or not? 回答1: Asm.js is a very strict subset of

How to test and develop with asm.js?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-03 15:19:10
Recently I read asm.js spec and it seems cool but is there any environment/tool to develop and test this tool or not? Is that still on spec phase only? You can try it by using emscripten with ASM_JS=1 and running it in a firefox build from a side branch. Links and more instructions are in these slides about asm.js, Use the '-s' command line option of the compiler, like thus: ./emcc -O1 -s ASM_JS=1 tests/hello_world.c 来源:

Firefox does not seem to be faster using the asm.js profile, yet Chrome is

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-03 08:16:34
问题 I am trying to understand how exactly ASM works and when it kicks in. I took a small function from the asm.js website. I wrap it using the module pattern: once for asm, once with the same syntax but without the "use asm" annotation, and once like vanilla-javascript. var add_asm = (function MyAOTMod(stdlib, foreign, heap) { "use asm"; var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt; function square(x) { x = +x; return +(x * x); } return function(x, y) { x = +x; // x has type double y = +y; // y has type double

Why does asm.js deteriorate performance?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-03 04:12:06
问题 Just to see how it performs, I wrote a very short asm.js module by hand, which simulates the 2D wave equation using 32-bit integer math and typed arrays (Int32Array). I have three versions of it, all as similar as possible: Ordinary (i.e. legible, albeit C-style) JavaScript Same as 1, with asm.js annotations added so that it passes the validator, according to Firefox and other tools Same as 2, except with no "use asm"; directive at the top I left a demo at

Firefox does not seem to be faster using the asm.js profile, yet Chrome is

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-02 23:33:31
I am trying to understand how exactly ASM works and when it kicks in. I took a small function from the asm.js website. I wrap it using the module pattern: once for asm, once with the same syntax but without the "use asm" annotation, and once like vanilla-javascript. var add_asm = (function MyAOTMod(stdlib, foreign, heap) { "use asm"; var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt; function square(x) { x = +x; return +(x * x); } return function(x, y) { x = +x; // x has type double y = +y; // y has type double return +sqrt(square(x) + square(y)); }; }(window)); var add_reg_asmstyle = (function MyAsmLikeRegularMod(

Passing double arrays between functions in asm.js

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-02 01:58:18
问题 I have a C function compiled into asm.js with the following parameters: void myfunc(double v1[], double v2[], int v_size, double c) It takes in an array ( v1 ), applies a transformation, then fills another array of the same size ( v2 ) with the output. I compile it, and then run the following JS code: v1 = new Array(1.0, 1.5, 2.0); v2 = Module._malloc(8 * v1.length); Module.ccall("myfunc", null, ["array", "number", "number", "number"], [v1, v2, v1.length, 2]); However when I run getValue(v2,