
How does ASP.NET parse an ASPX file into executable code?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-13 19:32:40
问题 How does ASP.NET parse an .aspx, .ascx or .master file into executable code? I have a brain and a copy of .NET Reflector, so if someone could tell me where to look, that is sufficient. 回答1: You're looking for the TemplateParser and TemplateBuilder classes and their derivatives. You can download the reference source for the .Net framework, which includes comments and will be more readable than Reflector. 回答2: It uses the syntax parser (system.web.dll) compilation namespace, and codedom

Attaching JavaScript to the prototype of an ASCX client side instance

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-13 03:46:56
问题 How can I code my ASCX control so that I can give an ID and from the browser run some javascript such as $find('myASCXControlClientId') and the returned object, has a class with a prototype with my custom javascript methods that can be called on said instance of the control? The Telerik controls such as RadTreeView can do this for instance The control they fetch with Javascript has a prototype with some neatly defined methods. How can I do this with ASCX? 回答1: The RadControl you show above

Programmatically load UserControl with reference in web.config

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-13 03:34:51
问题 I register usercontrols in Web.config as below. How do i dynamically load usercontrol with tagname header from code-behind into a placeholder? I Use ASP.NET 4.0 <configuration> <system.web> <pages> <controls> <add tagPrefix="blogUc" src="~/Controls/Header/Header.ascx" tagName="header"/> </controls> </pages> </system.web> </configuration> 回答1: Here is a good article How to Create Instances of ASP.Net UserControls Programmatically. do not forget to put a reference to the namespace that the

Set Gridview DataNavigateUrlFormatString Dynamically inside User Control(ASCX)

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-12 13:32:31
问题 i have a issue that i dont know if it can be done. i have an in an aspx page , that loads dedpends on user activity a user control (ascx). the user control has a gridview which one of my columns are hyperlink. <asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFormatString='<%page %>' DataTextField="ReqId" HeaderText="Request No." DataNavigateUrlFields="ReqId" /> i want that on click of that hyperlink , it will direct to the same page with parameters, but i cant do it right. for some reason so i tried this

Can ASCX or files be saved as HTML files

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-12 02:39:55
问题 Can ASCX or files be saved as HTML files? if so, how? 回答1: yes, it is possible, to get the rendered content of a User Control, do the following : StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); Page pageHolder = new Page(); UserControl viewControl = (UserControl)pageHolder.LoadControl("path to ascx file"); pageHolder.Controls.Add(viewControl); HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(pageHolder, output, true); string htmlOutput = output.ToString(); Am sure you can adapt the above for ASPX page if

How to display twitter user timeline?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-12 02:14:07
问题 I'm getting a twitter user timeline by this code: But I don't know how to display user timeline on website from ascx file. Pls help me.. 回答1: The ascx file is simply a usercontrol. You can add the control to your page and loop through the data sent and populate other controls on your form or webpage. List[dynamic] objects = serializer.Deserialize[List[dynamic]]{responseData}; The line above from the code gives a list of dynamic objects from the JSON data returned.

User Controls (, ascx-files) inside a C# class library, build error (aspnet_compiler.exe)

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-11 23:16:29
问题 Having trouble "passing" this error from ASPNET_Compiler.exe: error CS0103: The name 'TestMath' does not exist in the current context. The function called within TestMath from a user control (.cs) file, is outside of the context (scope/namespace/...). If I comment out the line that calls a method within TestMath the compilation works and so does my user control (referenced the DLL from within a WebApplication). The "TestMath"-class is a static class which contains one static method "Get",

Possible to load ASCX with jQuery.load() function?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 19:14:35
问题 Is it possible without encapsulating these controls in aspx files? The Register tag makes me think that it is not. 回答1: You can't call ascx page directly, they can't serve any html without added to aspx or render then dynamically in response to any page/handler. 回答2: One possible way would be to have a generic aspx stub page that acts as a host to the ascx in the normal web forms way make a callback to the that page using JQuery's $.ajax() method with some arguments to denote what ascx

ASP.NET How can 2 dynamically loaded user controls respond to each others events?

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-11 16:21:20
问题 Greetings All, I have two ascx's loaded in the page-init event of an aspx page. Control 1 has a radio button list that I want a dropdown list on control 2 to respond to it's selectedIndex change. So far I call RaiseBubbleEvent on the SelectedIndexChange handler and I pass on a control reference and commandArgs. Then in the aspx I override OnBubbleEvent and I am able to receive the control reference and commandArgs. My question is how do I pass this information on to Control 2. The page is not

web control access web form methods

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-11 14:11:24
问题 My web form contains a web control and a asp:HiddenField. I am trying to access that hiddenfield in my asxc.cs file. I defined a public get,set block in my aspx.cs file. In web control, when I tried to call ReportPage.TestID, it does not recognize the Reportpage class. Is it the right way to access the HiddenField in the webcontrol? If so, how should I access the ReportPage class? public partial class ReportPage : System.Web.UI.UserControl { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e