
About deque<T>'s extra indirection

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-28 00:49:54
问题 Wondering why my memory accesses were somewhat slower than I expected, I finally figured out that the Visual C++ implementation of deque indeed has an extra layer of indirection built-in, destroying my memory locality. i.e. it seems to hold an array of T* , not an array of T . Is there another implementation I can use with VC++ that doesn't have this "feature", or is there some way (although I consider it unlikely) to be able to avoid it in this implementation? I'm basically looking for a

JDK容器学习之Queue: ArrayDeque

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-11-27 20:11:44
数组双端队列 ArrayDeque 双端队列,表示可以添加元素到(或删除,获取)队列头也可以添加元素到(或删除,获取)队列尾 1. 底层数据结构 类中定义成员变量,一个数组和两个int transient Object[] elements; transient int head; transient int tail; 数据结构比较清晰,就是一个数组,head指向队列的头,tail指向队列的尾 数组定义要求数组的容量为2的n次幂 2. 常见接口实现方式 删除元素 先看删除逻辑,因为比较简单,实现如下 public E poll() { if (size == 0) // 队列为空 return null; int s = --size; modCount++; // 数组中第一个为队列头 E result = (E) queue[0]; E x = (E) queue[s]; queue[s] = null; if (s != 0) // 队列非空时,重排剩下的元素 siftDown(0, x); return result; } 添加元素 在队头和队尾添加的逻辑基本一致,这里以在队列尾添加元素绩进行分析 public void addLast(E e) { if (e == null) // 不支持向队列中塞入null对象 throw new

Why typical Array List implementations aren't double-ended?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-11-27 07:48:53
问题 Why aren't ArrayList s generally implemented to be double-ended, which would support fast amortized insertion in the front as well as the back? Is there ever a disadvantage to using the latter over the former? (I'm not talking just about Java -- I haven't seen double-ended array lists being the default in any other language, but Java was just a good example here.) *Edit: I originally called them "array deques" but that was a misunderstanding on my part; I wasn't talking about queues, but

Why is ArrayDeque better than LinkedList

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-27 05:53:16
I am trying to to understand why Java's ArrayDeque is better than Java's LinkedList as they both implement Deque interface. I hardly see someone using ArrayDeque in their code. If someone sheds more light into how ArrayDeque is implemented, it would be helpful. If I understand it, I will be more confident using it. I could not clearly understand the JDK implementation as to the way it manages head and tail references. Linked structures are possibly the worst structure to iterate with a cache miss on each element. On top of it they consume way more memory. If you need add/remove of the both