
MS Excel Vba Arabic unicode

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-18 19:42:38
问题 I have a text file and a macro enabled excel file. the excel file gets (using vba) the string (arabic text) from the text file per line then put it on the sheet1 cells. The problem is the string is not properly displayed. It is displayed in random Japanese characters. (My windows locale is Japan). Here is my code: Open FilePath For Inputs As #1 Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, textline ActiveWorkbook.sheets(1).Cell(1,1).Value = textline 'MsgBox(textline) Loop Close#1 Question: How can I get the

How to detect on which side of the browser is scrollbar - right or left (in case of RTL)?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-17 21:10:04
问题 For <html dir="rtl"> some browsers (Safari, Edge, IE) will automatically move the scrollbar to the left side which is the correct behavior: Unfortunately, major browsers (Chrome and Firefox) are behaving in a different way, the scrollbar is still on the right side of the browser. Is it possible to detect programmatically (preferably with vanilla JS) on which side is scrollbar? UPD (28.09.2018): so far, there's no working solution in the answers, people are trying to detect the scrollbar

How to detect on which side of the browser is scrollbar - right or left (in case of RTL)?

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-17 21:08:38
问题 For <html dir="rtl"> some browsers (Safari, Edge, IE) will automatically move the scrollbar to the left side which is the correct behavior: Unfortunately, major browsers (Chrome and Firefox) are behaving in a different way, the scrollbar is still on the right side of the browser. Is it possible to detect programmatically (preferably with vanilla JS) on which side is scrollbar? UPD (28.09.2018): so far, there's no working solution in the answers, people are trying to detect the scrollbar

imagettftext and arabic language: how can I write in RTL mode?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-08 10:01:49
问题 I need to write in RTL mode to imagettftext, 'caus arabic language is in this way: and I don't mean to revert the letters, I mean a css-like RTL (direction:rtl), so aligned-flag on the right... how can I? My easy code: require('static/I18N/Arabic.php'); $Arabic = new I18N_Arabic('Glyphs'); $font="static/ArabicModern-Light.ttf"; $testo=$Arabic->utf8Glyphs($testo); imagettftext($im, 26, 0, 560, 345, $textcolor, $font, "\"".$testo."\""); Thanks! 回答1: After eventually finding and downloading Ar

Support for Farsi/Arabic texts in Three.js

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-08 09:01:09
问题 I need to show some text in Persian/Arabic language. I loaded a font including characters and I used TextGeometry to create a text on the scene: var loader = new THREE.FontLoader(); loader.load('B Zar_Regular.js', function (font) { var textGeo = new THREE.TextGeometry('سلام!', { font: font, size: 1, height: 0.05, curveSegments: 12, }); var material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(); var textMesh = new THREE.Mesh(textGeo, material); textMesh.position.x = 15; scene.add(textMesh); }); I was

Support for Farsi/Arabic texts in Three.js

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-08 09:01:06
问题 I need to show some text in Persian/Arabic language. I loaded a font including characters and I used TextGeometry to create a text on the scene: var loader = new THREE.FontLoader(); loader.load('B Zar_Regular.js', function (font) { var textGeo = new THREE.TextGeometry('سلام!', { font: font, size: 1, height: 0.05, curveSegments: 12, }); var material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(); var textMesh = new THREE.Mesh(textGeo, material); textMesh.position.x = 15; scene.add(textMesh); }); I was

Missing presentation forms (glyphs) of some arabic characters in Unicode

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-05 11:14:08
问题 I am working on a code that generates PDF containing arabic texts. For each character, I am choosing the correct glyph in the presentation forms to display the text correctly. This works fine but Unicode doesn't contain presentation form of all arabic characters. For example \u067D ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE DOWNWARDS ٽ. There is no presentation form of this character even though the character has medial form, as can be seen in this string: لٽط What is the reason that

word2vec cosine similarity greater than 1 arabic text

自作多情 提交于 2021-01-29 22:01:22
问题 I have trained my word2vec model from gensim and I am getting the nearest neighbors for some words in the corpus. Here are the similarity scores: top neighbors for الاحتلال: الاحتلال: 1.0000001192092896 الاختلال: 0.9541053175926208 الاهتلال: 0.872565507888794 الاحثلال: 0.8386293649673462 الاكتلال: 0.8209128379821777 It is odd to get a similarity greater than 1. I cannot apply any stemming to my text because the text includes many OCR spelling mistakes (I got the text from ORC-ed documents).

How to detect text language with jQuery and XRegExp to display mixed RTL and LTR text correctly

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-29 14:43:30
问题 I'm trying to display a Twitter feed in a WordPress site. My client tweets in English and in Arabic and sometimes in a combination of the two languages. I need to detect the language and add the class 'rtl' to Arabic tweets and also those tweets where the content is predominately in Arabic. I'm using a plugin which strips the Twitter iso_language_code metadata. When attempting this on a previous development site a few years ago, I remember successfully using a variation of Tristan's solution

Arabic text with iTextSharp RTL

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-29 14:34:10
问题 I have the below situation and issue I would like to ask your input and help. At the company we have an app that generates PDF and we are using iTextSharp for that purpose. And so far we used only Latin alphabet, but now we have to upgrade the app to use Arabic alphabet too. The generator gets the input in json file and it already contains the proper Arabic texts in the proper format (I mean in right to left format) The ColumnText component (from iTextSharp) gets everything that is needed to