
Is it possible to see the restart history of an Azure App Service?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-11 08:48:26
问题 Is it possible to see the restart history of an Azure App Service? I mean to see it in the GUI, not an API. 回答1: Yes, you can see it from Activity log in azure portal. Screenshot as below: 来源:

How to find out why an ASP.NET web application is being restarted

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-28 04:59:04
问题 In my web application Application.End is called after every request for some reason and the application is restarted. When I set a breakpoint in Applicaion_End I don't get a useful stack trace. Furthermore, there are no entries in Event Viewer. According to MSDN, the following could cause an application restart: Adding, modifying, or deleting assemblies from the application's Bin folder. Adding, modifying, or deleting localization resources from the App_GlobalResources or App_LocalResources

Application is getting killed after enable/disable permissions from settings on Android M nexus 6

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-11 08:31:05
问题 Application is restarting after enable/disble the permissions from Settings->apps->my app->Permissions. Adb can see Permission related app op changed... , 08-31 14:30:29.480 I/ActivityManager( 8206): Displayed +392ms 08-31 14:30:29.496 D/OpenGLRenderer(15990): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x9a60bd80 (ListView) with handle 0x97d4c1f0 08-31 14:30:30.477 D/audio_hw_primary( 7972): out_set

How to restart NodeJS with cPanel

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-05 08:03:15
问题 I need to know what to use from root side of cPanel based server to restart NodeJS app, for example, if process terminated now for some reasons NodeJS app will not start until I manually start it, same if server restart I need manually to restart it. Also, this is case for several accounts on server, command should allow more apps to be restarted/started. Any help would be great 回答1: Here is an automated way to do the it: - Find if node server [eq. server.js] is running or not. - If server is

how to restart my own application in VC++

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-01-01 05:38:11
问题 Am working on VC++ application. Figuring out how to restart my own application Can somebody show some example 回答1: Write a program, which will: Wait for your application to terminate Run it again. Call this program, then exit your application. This solution is quite widely used. Another option: Call your application with specific parameter (eg. /restarted). The new instance should wait for the old one to terminate before performing any tasks. Then shut down the old instance. 回答2: I think You

Restart an application by itself

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-29 03:04:14
问题 I want to build my application with the function to restart itself. I found on codeproject ProcessStartInfo Info=new ProcessStartInfo(); Info.Arguments="/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 3 & Del "+ Application.ExecutablePath; Info.WindowStyle=ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Info.CreateNoWindow=true; Info.FileName="cmd.exe"; Process.Start(Info); Application.Exit(); This does not work at all... And the other problem is, how to start it again like this? Maybe there are also arguments to start applications.

sending crash report via email using DefaultExceptionHandler

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-25 07:33:53
问题 background i'm trying to capture all crashes and allow the user to send my own customized error report via email. it's a very temporary solution since i need to send the logs of the app and other information . it is not intended to be sent to end users . only a very tiny group of testers. how it works anyway, i've created a class that extends from java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler , and that has a function uncaughtException() . i register to it using Thread

Editing app.config in execution time using the same App

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-24 09:49:15
问题 I have an Windows Forms application VS 2008 - C#, that uses app.config. In execution time, in Menu option of my application, I want editing values of app.config, save it and restart application. any sample source code, any good patterns and practices ?? edit: in MSDN Forums, Jean Paul VA: Create an test windows forms application and add an app.config into it. Add reference to System.confguration Add a key named "font" in appSettings with value "Verdana" Place a button on form and on click of

How to restart an Android Activity?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-24 03:37:25
问题 I am creating an application in Android, but when I would like to update some data, I want to restart my MainActivity. But my problem when I try to restart my Application, it crashes. I use the following code to restart my Activity case admin = false; Intent intent1 = getIntent(); finish(); startActivity(intent1); break; my Log is 04-22 12:28:10.444: E/AndroidRuntime(11867): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 04-22 12:28:10.444: E/AndroidRuntime(11867): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to

Advanced error handling

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-20 09:23:42
问题 I recently posed this question and thankfully was pointed to withRestarts() which seems pretty awesome and powerful to me :-) Now I'm eager to understand R's error handling capabilities in a bit more detail. Actual questions What is the recommended usage of simpleCondition() ? Never used it before, but I thought it might be useful for designing custom errors and warnings that are in fact "true" conditions. Could it be used to build a database of specific conditions for which specific handlers