
Assignment Go Fish C++ classe

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-11-08 09:12:25
Assignment 2 - Go Fish Due by 11:59pm on Monday, 2/4/2019 Demos due by 11:59pm on Monday, 2/18/2019 The goals of this assignment is to start working with C++ classes and class composition (the "has-a" relationship). Follow the directions below, and make sure your source code files (no executable files, .o files, or other crufty stuff) are committed and pushed back into your repository on GitHub to earn credit for the assignment. Go Fish game For this assignment, you will write a program that allows one player to play a game of Go Fish against the computer. Go Fish is a game that uses a


安稳与你 提交于 2020-11-06 23:59:31
简介: MySQL 的连接查询,通常都是将来自两个或多个表的行结合起来,基于这些表之间的共同字段,进行数据的拼接。首先,要确定一个主表作为结果集,然后将其他表的行有选择 性的连接到选定的主表结果集上。使用较多的连接查询包括:内连接、左连接和右连接。 准备两张表做演示,这两张表必须要有相同的字段内容可匹配,这两张表是 id 和 bianhao 列 mysql > select * from a_player ; + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- - + | id | name | score | + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- - + | 1 | zhangsan | 88 | | 2 | lisi | 89 | | 3 | wangwu | 67 | | 4 | zhaoliu | 90 | | 5 | xuli | 80 | | 6 | keke | 75 | + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- - + 6 rows in set ( 0.00 sec ) mysql > select * from b_table ; + -- -- -- -- - + -- -- -- - + | bianhao | sushe | + -- -- -- -- - + -- --


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-08-20 06:13:30
效果展示 代码   博客园管理 -> 设置 -> 页脚HTML代码   把下面的代码粘贴上就ok了! 1 < link rel ="stylesheet" href ="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer@1.10.0/dist/APlayer.min.css" > 2 < script src ="https://blog-static.cnblogs.com/files/yjlaugus/APlayer.min.js" ></ script > 3 < div id ="aplayer" class ="aplayer" data-id ="865331941" data-server ="netease" data-type ="playlist" data-fixed ="true" data-listfolded ="true" data-order ="random" data-theme ="#F58EA8" ></ div > 4 < script src ="https://unpkg.com/meting@1.2/dist/Meting.min.js" ></ script >   保存之后就可以看到左下角的音乐播放器了,看博客的时候来点背景音乐也是可以的! 自定义自己的歌单   最核心的就是修改data-id和data


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-08-17 06:23:55
基于最近很多小伙伴加我微信想要我的博客园主题,那我就把博客园主题整理一下,送给喜欢的小伙伴,园友们喜欢可以收藏,关注,博客园主题仅供参考,博主顺便再多说一句,虽然我可以分享给你们,但是我更愿意你们加我微信是来问问题的,毕竟再绚丽的外观终归不是我们在这条路上追求的最终归宿,当你有一技之长完全可以自己写一套自己喜欢的博客园主题,好了废话不多说了。 博客园自定义主题的设置主要是在自己博客园中的 设置 选项中进行设置的,主要包括: 页面定制 CSS 代码 博客侧边栏公告(支持HTML代码) (支持 JS 代码) 页首 HTML 代码 页脚 HTML 代码 一、定制博客园背景图片 1、代码存放位置 代码存放在: 页面定制 CSS 代码 红色标注填写自己上传的背景图片地址即可 /* 定制博客背景图片,url里面是你的图片位置信息 */ body { background-color: #efefef; background-image:url( https://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg ); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center 0; background-size: cover;


て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-08-11 23:49:52
基于最近很多小伙伴加我微信想要我的博客园主题,那我就把博客园主题整理一下,送给喜欢的小伙伴,园友们喜欢可以收藏,关注,博客园主题仅供参考,博主顺便再多说一句,虽然我可以分享给你们,但是我更愿意你们加我微信是来问问题的,毕竟再绚丽的外观终归不是我们在这条路上追求的最终归宿,当你有一技之长完全可以自己写一套自己喜欢的博客园主题,好了废话不多说了。 博客园自定义主题的设置主要是在自己博客园中的 设置 选项中进行设置的,主要包括: 页面定制 CSS 代码 博客侧边栏公告(支持HTML代码) (支持 JS 代码) 页首 HTML 代码 页脚 HTML 代码 一、定制博客园背景图片 1、代码存放位置 代码存放在: 页面定制 CSS 代码 红色标注填写自己上传的背景图片地址即可 /* 定制博客背景图片,url里面是你的图片位置信息 */ body { background-color: #efefef; background-image:url( https://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg ); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center 0; background-size: cover;

#651 (Div. 2)C. Number Game(博弈论,思维)

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-08-10 07:15:57
题目描述 Ashishgup and FastestFinger play a game. They start with a number n and play in turns. In each turn, a player can make any one of the following moves: Divide n by any of its odd divisors greater than 1. Subtract 1 from n if n is greater than 1. Divisors of a number include the number itself. The player who is unable to make a move loses the game. Ashishgup moves first. Determine the winner of the game if both of them play optimally. Input The first line contains a single integer t (1≤t≤100) — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows. The only line of each test


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-08-09 12:24:59
1、添加音乐播放器(例如 网易云音乐) 【html5 音乐播放器】 源码 GitHub - MoePlayer/APlayer: Wow, such a beautiful HTML5 music player 中文使用指南 https://aplayer.js.org/#/zh-Hans/?id=cdn cdn链接 https://cdnjs.com/libraries/aplayer (1)添加html代码 (事先需要申请并通过 博客园的JS 权限 ) 【博客园后台管理】——【设置】——【页脚Html代码】——粘贴以下代码(下面的播放器 是 迷你版的,更多样式 可以参考 播放器源码文件) < link rel ="stylesheet" href ="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer@1.10.0/dist/APlayer.min.css" > < script src ="https://blog-static.cnblogs.com/files/yjlaugus/APlayer.min.js" ></ script > < div id ="aplayer" class ="aplayer" data-id ="3220493480" data-server ="netease" data-type ="playlist" data


廉价感情. 提交于 2020-05-06 07:08:00
有理有据的结论题 Problem Description "The Werewolves" is a popular card game among young people.In the basic game, there are 2 different groups: the werewolves and the villagers. Each player will debate a player they think is a werewolf or not. Their words are like "Player x is a werewolf." or "Player x is a villager.". What we know is : 1. Villager won't lie. 2. Werewolf may lie. Of cause we only consider those situations which obey the two rules above. It is guaranteed that input data exist at least one situation which obey the two rules above. Now we can judge every player into 3 types : 1. A

2018山东省ACM省赛 G题Games

安稳与你 提交于 2020-05-03 23:29:16
时间限制: 2 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB 提交: 70 解决: 17 [提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin] 题目描述 Alice and Bob are playing a stone game. There are n piles of stones. In each turn, a player can remove some stones from a pile (the number must be positive and not greater than the number of remaining stones in the pile). One player wins if he or she remove the last stone and all piles are empty. Alice plays first. To make this game even more interesting, they add a new rule: Bob can choose some piles and remove entire of them before the game starts. The number of removed piles is a nonnegative integer, and not greater than a

2018ACM山东省赛 Games(dp取数)

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-05-03 21:04:55
Games Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiB Submit Statistic Problem Description Alice and Bob are playing a stone game. There are n n piles of stones. In each turn, a player can remove some stones from a pile (the number must be positive and not greater than the number of remaining stones in the pile). One player wins if he or she remove the last stone and all piles are empty. Alice plays first. To make this game even more interesting, they add a new rule: Bob can choose some piles and remove entire of them before the game starts. The number of removed piles is a nonnegative integer,