
Differences between Angular compilations

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-08-09 17:51:07
问题 When I compile my app with ng build --prod I have this error ERROR in : Cannot determine the module for class AppComponent in D:/desarrollos/PatientPortal/front/src/app/customizations/database/app.component-database.ts! Add AppComponent to the NgModule to fix it. but if it compile with ng build --configuration=prod It's compile ok and my app works ok. I see the difference is the first one is compile with the AOT option, but I don't know why have this error, and don't know if it is important

Enable AOT in Xamarin for Android (Visual Studio)

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-06-09 08:37:49
问题 I know that there's support for AOT in Xamarin for Android. After the software became free, all of its features became free as well. I read around the documentation and I enabled AOT by modifying my project.csproj file, as follows: <AotAssemblies>True</AotAssemblies> After making sure that my project path doesn't contain spaces (breaks process), I ran a build and I got an APK with both managed .NET DLLs and native compiled libs. Sadly, the app seems to be using the .NET DLLs and completely


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-02-15 13:25:21
1. 前言 如果说目前H.264是视频CODEC的实际霸主,那么AAC就是音频CODEC的女王。主流的音视频格式都是H.264搭配AAC,无论是非实时的媒体文件还是实时的媒体流。 2. AAC历史 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) 是一个有损压缩的音频编码集(其实新的编码工具也支持无损)。 其设计目标是替代原有MP3编码标准,在与MP3在相似的码率下希望质量优于MP3。这一目标已达到并且由ISO和IEC标准组织标准化在MPEG-2和MPEG-4中。 AAC已被广泛支持并应用到各种设备和系统中 YouTube, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS, iTunes, DivX Plus Web Player and PlayStation 3. It is supported on PlayStation Vita, Wii (with the Photo Channel 1.1 update installed), Sony Walkman MP3 series and later, Android and BlackBerry等等。 1997年,AAC第一次出现在标准MPEG-2 Part 7,(ISO/IEC 13818-7:1997)。和视频CODEC标准类似,AAC在MPEG-2 Part


怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-26 05:23:22
关于对JIT和AOT特性的理解 面向对象语言性能较低的原因 将大部分的对象使用堆来进行存储,只有少数基本类型在栈中存放,而且堆得性能低于栈。 很多强制类型转换(cast)或加查,耗用内存大。java运行时对类型检测,如果类型不正确会抛出ClassCastException异常。 自动垃圾回收机制要耗用不少内存。 面向对象语言是半编译语言,最终的执行代码并不是可以直接进行编译的二进制机械码。 JIT和AOT java文件的执行流程 上述过程源代码经javac编译成字节码.class文件,后经程序字节码经过JIT环境变量进行判断,是否属于“热点代码”(消耗大部分系统资源的一小部分的代码),最后通过JIT编译为具体硬件处理器(如sparc、intel)机器码。 优点: 1.通过在运行时收集监控信息,把"热点代码"(Hot Spot Code)编译成与本地平台相关的机器码,并进行各种层次的优化; 2.可以大大提高执行效率; 缺点: 1.收集监控信息影响程序运行; 2.编译过程占用程序运行时间(如使得启动速度变慢); 3.编译机器码占用内存; JIT(运行时动态编译) JIT(Just-in-time)即“即时编译”,指的是一句一句边翻译边运行,不产生目标程序。它将源语言(如BASIC和java得到的class字节码文件)书写的源程序作为输入,解释一句后就提交计算机执行一句,并不形成目标程序

Angular AoT and Rollup - Error: Runtime compiler is not loaded

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-24 14:05:55
问题 I have a been building a dashboard application using Angular for the last 6 months in that time I have had a really nice development workflow using JiT compilation and gulp browser sync to get instant updates when I make changes. Which has worked great. I have come to the point where I am happy to deploy a production version, however, I have run into issues with AoT and rollup. I have followed the guide but got the following ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Runtime

Angular 2 Aot Error: 'ToastsManager' is not exported

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-01-05 03:54:04
问题 While performing AOT I'm facing issue with ng2-toastr which I'm using ToastsManager' is not exported by 'node_modules\ng2-toastr\src\toast-manager.js 'ToastModule' is not exported by 'node_modules\ng2-toastr\src\toast.module.js'. 'ToastOptions' is not exported by 'node_modules\ng2-toastr\src\toast-options.js'. Any idea on how to resolve this? I checked all those mentioned files, they have export declare keywords with them, even checked with this site

Tokenizing for AoT compilation

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-03 21:00:13
问题 I've been having some issues with the inconsistencies between the JIT and AoT compilers. The most recent error that has stumped me was Error: Can't resolve all parameters for IndexedDBCache . IndexedDBCache is a service that depends on a string parameter: Please note this issue also arises when I remove the 'protected' property! // indexeddb-cache.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class IndexedDBCache { constructor(protected databaseName : string) {} } I'm

Tokenizing for AoT compilation

可紊 提交于 2020-01-03 20:57:09
问题 I've been having some issues with the inconsistencies between the JIT and AoT compilers. The most recent error that has stumped me was Error: Can't resolve all parameters for IndexedDBCache . IndexedDBCache is a service that depends on a string parameter: Please note this issue also arises when I remove the 'protected' property! // indexeddb-cache.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class IndexedDBCache { constructor(protected databaseName : string) {} } I'm

Angular 2 AOT build error - JavaScript heap out of memory

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-03 18:59:50
问题 My Angular 2 app is generated by angular2-webpack-starter. When I run command npm run build:aot to build AOT package, the console shows the following error message: ..... 92% chunk asset optimization 500690 ms: Mark-sweep 1290.1 (1421.8) -> 1290.1 (1437.8) MB, 1219.8 / 0.0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested]. 501898 ms: Mark-sweep 1290.1 (1437.8) -> 1290.1 (1437.8) MB, 1207.9 / 0.0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested]. 503171 ms: Mark-sweep 1290.1 (1437.8) ->