
angularjs filter multidimensional object json

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-25 17:44:34
问题 I wnt to use ng-repeat to display a list filtered by an object value. Here is a plukr of my attempt The following returns all of my JSON names as expected. <li ng-repeat="item in collection_data">{{}}</li> now i want to filter and only show the names of the items that have "foreign_lang": "es", like in this json snippet { "id": "ddb06ba2-6348-4d45-9e63-a6fa3632e5c2", "created_at": "2015-10-12T18:34:15.668Z", "updated_at": "2016

angularjs filter multidimensional object json

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-25 17:44:30
问题 I wnt to use ng-repeat to display a list filtered by an object value. Here is a plukr of my attempt The following returns all of my JSON names as expected. <li ng-repeat="item in collection_data">{{}}</li> now i want to filter and only show the names of the items that have "foreign_lang": "es", like in this json snippet { "id": "ddb06ba2-6348-4d45-9e63-a6fa3632e5c2", "created_at": "2015-10-12T18:34:15.668Z", "updated_at": "2016

Angular UI Bootstrap Typeahead does not working for filter and orderBy

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-25 08:58:28
问题 Is there any option to use typeahead search the item name when the item details are coming from another JSON object ? Demo: The other filter and orderBy working fine, but I couldn't find solution for the item search from typeahead with orderBy and filter based on the selected items from the list angular.module('mytodos', ['ui.bootstrap']).controller('TodoController', function($scope) { $scope.changeNum = function(itemNum) { $scope.numPerPage = itemNum; };

filter in ng-repeat by values?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-25 07:59:53
问题 I would like to filter an ng-repeat by a key that has 4 values(1-4) using uib-tabs. Is there a way to do this inline with ng-model on the tab elements? If so, what is the format? For instance, I have an ng-repeat like this: <div ng-repeat="item in reportsData">{{}} - {{item.packageID}}</div> and in my reportsData array I have ..."packageID": 1,... Where packageID can be of a value between 1 and 4. The trick is that I want to setup something along the lines of item.packageID >=1 How

How to filter by month in AngularJs with filter

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-25 04:17:11
问题 I want to filter data using AngularJs filter in a ng-repeat. Here is my ng-repeat snippet <tr ng-repeat="finance in finances | filter:trierParDate "> <td>{{finance.created_at}}</td> <td>{{finance.prix | numeraljs:'argent'}}</td> <td>{{finance.grandtotal | numeraljs:'argent'}}</td> </tr> Here is my buttons to filter by months: <div ng-click="trierParDate = {'created_at': '2015-03-12 22:43:07'}">Janvier</div> <div ng-click="trierParDate = {'created_at': '2015-03-12 22:43:07'}">Février</div> etc

AngularJS filter search not working at all

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-25 03:00:31
问题 I am writing an app using AngularJS on the front end. I want to search through a table by any word/field; one search box for everything. I tried to follow this plunker's working example: This is my code on the front end: <div class = "row"> <label>Search: <input ng-model="query"></label> </div> <div class = "row"> <table ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: sort | filter: search"> <tr> <td> {{index(post)}} </td> <td> {{post.title}} </td> <td>

How to create random/shuffle filter without infinite digest loop

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-24 15:38:37
问题 I would want to achieve the following: To be able to show image from array in random order. To solve this, I decided to create a filter : var app = angular.module('app'); app. filter('randomizer', randomizer); function randomizer() { return function (collection, defaultValue) { var result = defaultValue; if (!!collection) { if (Array.isArray(collection) && collection.length === 1) { result = collection[0] || defaultValue; } else if (!Array.isArray(collection)) { result = collection ||

Filters not working on array from resource

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-24 14:28:21
问题 I have a filter that is not returning anything when it is run on an array from a factory. But when I copy paste the array directly into the filter, it works fine. There must be a simple solution, and it is driving me crazy. This works: $filter('filter')([ {"name":"firstItem","code":"one"}, {"name":"secondItem","code":"two"}, {"name":"thirdItem","code":"three"} ],"two",true); This doesn't: $filter('filter')($scope.items,"two",true); Angular sample: angular.module('App', ['ngResource'])

how to group json data in angularjs

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-23 19:20:13
问题 [{name: 'A', team: 'team alpha', value:"10"}, {name: 'A', team: 'team beta' value:"20"}, {name: 'A', team: 'team gamma' value:"40"}, {name: 'B', team: 'team alpha' value:"15"}, {name: 'B', team: 'team beta' value:"25"}, {name: 'C ', team: 'team alpha' value:"30"}]; I want to group my dat in such a way that i get the following structure: name:A team alpha: 10 team beta: 20 team gamma:40 name:B team alpha:15 team beta:25 name:C team alpha:30 I check online but could not find a way to group this

How to filter angular model (array) without destroying it

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-23 10:49:14
问题 I have a model for my view. That model is array of objects: var arr = { "12345qwery": { prop1: "value", prop2: "value" } } // contains 500 items And today I am filtering it in the following way: arr = $filter('filter')(arr, filterTerm); // contains 4 items And after this line I get nice filtered data but if I run this filter again I don't have 500 items in it but 4. So to avoid this I store original array in temporary object and when user change filter I first update arr with backup data (it