AngularJS filter search not working at all

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-25 03:00:31


I am writing an app using AngularJS on the front end. I want to search through a table by any word/field; one search box for everything. I tried to follow this plunker's working example:

This is my code on the front end:

<div class = "row">
   <label>Search: <input ng-model="query"></label>

<div class = "row">
  <table ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: sort | filter: search">
       <td> {{index(post)}} </td>

       <td> {{post.title}} </td>

       <td> {{}} </td>

       <td> {{post.content}} </td>

       <td> {{ | date: "d/M/yyyy"}} </td>

And this is inside my main controller:

'use strict';
 $scope.posts = posts.posts;

 $ = function (row) {
    return (angular.lowercase($scope.query || '') !== -1 ||
    angular.lowercase(row.title).indexOf($scope.query || '') !== -1 ||
    angular.lowercase(row.content).indexOf($scope.query || '') !== -1 ||
    angular.lowercase($scope.query || '') !== -1 ||

What should I do? Thank you


Make a filter variable in your scope like so:

$scope.myFilter = "defaultFilterValue";

Bind your filter to a search field like this:

    <input type="text" ng-model="myFilter"></input>

Put the filter in your html like so:

  <table ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: sort | filter: myFilter">
       <td> {{index(post)}} </td>

       <td> {{post.title}} </td>

       <td> {{}} </td>

       <td> {{post.content}} </td>

       <td> {{ | date: "d/M/yyyy"}} </td>

And then...oh wait, that's it. Let me know if you have any problems. Tutorial here on exactly your question.

Edit: This code is TESTED, so use it exactly as is and go from there. Html:

<div class = "row">
    <label>Search: <input type="text" ng-model="myFilter"></input></label>

<div class = "row">
    <table ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: sort | filter: myFilter">
            <td> {{}} </td> //you had a weird formatting mistake here

            <td> {{post.title}} </td>

            <td> {{}} </td>

            <td> {{post.content}} </td>

            <td> {{ | date: "d/M/yyyy"}} </td>


$scope.myFilter = "";

$scope.posts = [
        {index: 1, author: "Mark Twain", title: "Tom Sawyer", description: "And den Jim said some racist stuff", date:"02/05/1870"},
        {index: 2, author: "Eirch Remarque", title: "Western Front", description: "Our lost generation, bawww", date: "03/17/1955"}

Note: I REALLY recommend the tutorial I linked earlier. If you don't read it, then at least use table headers.


<div class = "row">
   <label>Search: <input ng-model="query"></label>

<div class = "row">
    <table ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: sort | filter: query">
            <td> {{index(post)}} </td>
            <td> {{post.title}} </td>
            <td> {{}} </td>
            <td> {{post.content}} </td>
            <td> {{ | date: "d/M/yyyy"}} </td>


Try this one.


  <input ng-model="searchKeyword" ng-model-options="{debounce:1000}">

<table ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: sort | filter: search">
    <td> {{post.title}} </td>
    <td> {{}} </td>
    <td> {{post.content}} </td>
    <td> {{}} </td>


$scope.posts = [{
  title: 'Title one ',
  author: 'Author one ',
  content: 'Content one ',
  date: new Date('10.10.2010')
}, {
  title: 'Title two ',
  author: 'Author two ',
  content: 'Content two ',
  date: new Date('11.11.2011')
}, {
  title: 'Title three ',
  author: 'Author three ',
  content: 'Content three ',
  date: new Date('12.12.2012')

$scope.searchKeyword = '';
$scope.sort = 'title';

var authorMatch, titleMatch, contentMatch, dateMatch;

$ = function(row) {
  authorMatch =$scope.searchKeyword);
  titleMatch = row.title.toLowerCase().includes($scope.searchKeyword);
  contentMatch = row.content.toLowerCase().includes($scope.searchKeyword);
  dateMatch =$scope.searchKeyword);

  return authorMatch || titleMatch || contentMatch || dateMatch;

The debounce option is explained here. Includes function is new in JavaScript and is explained here.

