
connection interval for BLE on Galaxy S3 Android 4.3

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-15 08:41:11
问题 when I send data from my perifpheral ( CC2541 ) to my GalaxyS3 ( Android 4.3 ) I see that regardless of the connection interval that I set in the peripheral ( 7.5msec ) I get packets sent at intervals of ~100msec. That is really poor data rate. Any advice of how I can speed things up? ( I already turned off the WiFi ) Thanks 回答1: As you might already know, there's no way to configure the connection interval from Android BLE API, thus, the only way left is to set it from the peripheral device.

connection interval for BLE on Galaxy S3 Android 4.3

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-15 08:41:05
问题 when I send data from my perifpheral ( CC2541 ) to my GalaxyS3 ( Android 4.3 ) I see that regardless of the connection interval that I set in the peripheral ( 7.5msec ) I get packets sent at intervals of ~100msec. That is really poor data rate. Any advice of how I can speed things up? ( I already turned off the WiFi ) Thanks 回答1: As you might already know, there's no way to configure the connection interval from Android BLE API, thus, the only way left is to set it from the peripheral device.

ViewPager on Android 4.3 missing content

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-06 07:16:27
问题 I have a ListView each item of which is ViewPager with some content (mostly images). Everything works fine bot not on Android 4.3 and above ViewPager 's content is missing and ViewPager not scrollable. I don't know which part of source code to provide here - ask me and I'll try to provide you maximum info. EDIT: Found out that ViewPager in my case has zero dimensions. But only on Android 4.3+. Here is part of my layout: <...AdaptableHeightImageView android:id="@android:id/icon" android:layout

android webview crash 4.3

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-04 15:31:36
问题 i got a problem with my payement webview in android since the 4.3 release. I guess is due to the SSL certificate redirection but i can't change it. I tried the url on samsung or sony < 4.2 with success but on two different 4.3 nexus i got this dump. 08-08 17:22:38.619: E/AndroidRuntime(7568): FATAL EXCEPTION: WebViewCoreThread 08-08 17:22:38.619: E/AndroidRuntime(7568): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=-1 08-08 17:22:38.619: E/AndroidRuntime(7568): at java.lang

android webview crash 4.3

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-04 15:30:13
问题 i got a problem with my payement webview in android since the 4.3 release. I guess is due to the SSL certificate redirection but i can't change it. I tried the url on samsung or sony < 4.2 with success but on two different 4.3 nexus i got this dump. 08-08 17:22:38.619: E/AndroidRuntime(7568): FATAL EXCEPTION: WebViewCoreThread 08-08 17:22:38.619: E/AndroidRuntime(7568): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=-1 08-08 17:22:38.619: E/AndroidRuntime(7568): at java.lang

DrawerLayout not working with Android 4.4 & SurfaceView

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-30 10:34:50
问题 Today I had one of those "android" moments again, which left me absolutely clueless. I have an app which consists of a DrawerLayout, which includes a RelativeLayout as container for a SurfaceView (surfaceViewContainer) and a second ViewGroup (subclass of RelativeLayout) as navigation. When the app starts, in onCreate I inflate the layout and add a SurfaceView to the surfaceViewContainer. On a Samsung S2 with 4.1.2 and a S3 with 4.3 everything works fine, I can see the SurfaceView drawn and I

How to get the battery level after connect to the BLE device?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-28 03:38:10
问题 I am developing an application where I have to connect to Bluetooth device on Android 4.3. And I want to get the battery level by using Battery_Service and Battery_Level . public class BluetoothLeService extends Service { private static final UUID Battery_Service_UUID = UUID.fromString("0000180F-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); private static final UUID Battery_Level_UUID = UUID.fromString("00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); public void getbattery() { BluetoothGattService batteryService =

Android BLE onCharacteristicChanged not called

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-25 05:45:34
问题 I'm working on a project which includes a Bluegiga BLE113 module and an Android app. On the Bluegiga module I've set up several characteristics. For one characteristic I defined a descriptor to activate the client notification (in My case, the client is the Android app.). The characteristic definition of the BLE113 module looks like this: : <characteristic uuid="dcfa2671-974d-4e4a-96cd-6221afeabb62" id="ez1_flow_data_out"> <!-- org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_user_description -->

Is there a way to pass result of localstorage:getItem() to activity from webview

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-24 18:54:19
问题 Am using webview to load a page in android. Once the page is loaded, localstorage is updated. I want to retrieve data from it. Above kitkat, using evaluateJavascript am able to obtain the data. It have a callback. The problem is with versions below kitkat, where i have to use loadUrl() for it. loadUrl("javascript:localStorage.getItem('"+ key +"')"); I want to pass the value returned by function getItem(), to calling activity. 回答1: you can do it. First you need to add javascript interface to

Bug with Android 4.3 ImageView method getImageMatrix()

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-22 05:15:08
问题 I recently upgraded to Android 4.4 and someone of the features of my app have surprisingly stopped working. I have this code for initializing and then drawing my custom view. The basic idea is it adjusts the zoom level so the entire view fits on the screen. private void initAtZoomLevel(float zoomLevel){ .... Matrix transformMatrix = new Matrix(); transformMatrix.setScale(initialZoomLevel, initialZoomLevel); float yTransCenter = (screenHeight - mapHeight)/2.0f; setImageMatrix(transformMatrix);