
What is the use of maintaining two aliases for a single Elastic Search Index

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-02-10 14:18:10
问题 I have been exploring Elastic Search lately. I have been going through aliases. I see ES provides an API to create multiple aliases to a single index like below: { "actions" : [{ "add" : { "indices" : ["test1", "test2"], "alias" : "alias1" } }] } Refer: I'm wondering what is the use case of this. Won't the queries on aliases get split if an alias point to multiple indices? I have tried getting

mysql: referring to columns by numbers

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-01-11 14:15:09
问题 I want to give columns aliases without knowing their names, but only their number in the table. Something like this: select firstColumn as myId, secondColumn as myName, thirdColumn as myLastName where I don't know the actual names of the columns (I understand that the need sounds strange. And yes I can know the names of the columns. This is a technical question, please answer if you know the technical answer, regardless of the motivation. Thank you!) 回答1: The closest you could do is use

ElasticSearch Filtered Aliases Creation - Best Practice

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-13 09:50:03
问题 We are planning to use Filtered Aliases as mentioned here - Our input data is going to be a stream with each line of the stream corresponding to an object we would like to store in ES. Each object contains an 'id', which we are using for routing and filtering. QUESTION - How do we create alias and index data in a performant way ? -- Do we index all data, keep track of all the unique 'id's and the very end

Teradata: use of aliases impacts EXPLAIN estimation of time

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-11 20:33:47
问题 I have a relative simple query SELECT , db1.something , COALESCE(db2.something_else, 'NA') AS something2 FROM dwh.db_1 AS db1 LEFT JOIN dwh.db_2 AS db2 ON db1.some_id = db2 = some_id EXPLAIN gives an estimated time of something more than 15 seconds. On the other hand, explain on the following, where we basically replaced the alias with the table name: SELECT , db1.something , COALESCE(db_2.something_else, 'NA') AS something2 FROM dwh.db_1 AS db1 LEFT JOIN dwh.db_2 AS db2 ON db1.some_id = db2

SQL Database for related family members

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-08 08:57:40
问题 I am curious what you think is the best way to get this MySQL database to work. i had this table: family.related And thought it wouldnt be a problem to connect related family members together in 1 query like this: id | name | related 1 | Name1 | 2 | Name2 | 3,5 3 | Name3 | 4 | Name4 | 5 | Name5 | 4,1 6 | Name6 | 7 | Name7 | 8 | Name8 | 6 9 | Name9 | 7 So Name2 is related to Name3 and Name5, where Name5 have other related id's, so i should make a query to get the

How do I add aliases to a Servlet Context in java?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-08 01:50:49
问题 I have a servlet running under Tomcat. I need to serve some files, I guess we can call them semi-static (which change occasionally ... they are updated by another part of the app) from an external (to the WEB-APP) directory. I have managed to do this by adding the following to my context.xml in the META-INF directory <Context aliases="/working_dir=c:/apache_tomcat_working_dir" ></Context> This works fine, in my HTML I refer to the file as <img src="/myWebbApp/working_dir/fixpermin_zoom.png">

How do I add aliases to a Servlet Context in java?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-06 13:42:32
I have a servlet running under Tomcat. I need to serve some files, I guess we can call them semi-static (which change occasionally ... they are updated by another part of the app) from an external (to the WEB-APP) directory. I have managed to do this by adding the following to my context.xml in the META-INF directory <Context aliases="/working_dir=c:/apache_tomcat_working_dir" ></Context> This works fine, in my HTML I refer to the file as <img src="/myWebbApp/working_dir/fixpermin_zoom.png"> and in my web.xml inside WEB-INF I let the default server handle png files as follows <!-- use default