
Random Start Times for Move Clips

不问归期 提交于 2020-03-27 10:31:14
问题 I want these growing circle movie clips to start at random times within a set amount of time and then not repeat again until the whole movie loops. Does that make sense? Attached is a fla and swf to show what I want except, over course, they're not yet starting at random times. animation should be a set amount of time long animation should repeat but with random start times for each mc all mc should play before animation loops again no mc should play until 10 frames in fla

How to remove the line break at the end of a string?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-03-21 11:04:19
问题 How do I remove a line break at the end of a string? I can use RegEx or string.indexOf(). What I have so far doesn't work: var message = "first paragraph.\n\nNext paragraph.\n"; var trimMessage = message.lastIndexOf("\n")==0 ? message.substring(0, message.length-2) : message; 回答1: Regex to the rescue: var trimMessage = message.replace(/\n$/, ''); The $ means "end of input." Example: var message = "first paragraph.\n\nNext paragraph.\n"; var trimMessage = message.replace(/\n$/, ''); var pre =

what is different betwen .ipa and .app format in using iphone?

旧时模样 提交于 2020-02-26 11:39:16
问题 i tried Adobe flash professional cs5 based to develop iphone application in windows os but when i publish it's out will be .ipa format , so is it working properly in iphone ? so could u know about ipa and app please explain me . And also is it possible to develop iphone application in Adobe flash professional cs5 and how can we get .app format ? 回答1: Disclaimer: my answer comes completely from digging around the files themselves. .app s are application bundles. They contain the executable

what is different betwen .ipa and .app format in using iphone?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-02-26 11:37:27
问题 i tried Adobe flash professional cs5 based to develop iphone application in windows os but when i publish it's out will be .ipa format , so is it working properly in iphone ? so could u know about ipa and app please explain me . And also is it possible to develop iphone application in Adobe flash professional cs5 and how can we get .app format ? 回答1: Disclaimer: my answer comes completely from digging around the files themselves. .app s are application bundles. They contain the executable

what is different betwen .ipa and .app format in using iphone?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-02-26 11:36:20
问题 i tried Adobe flash professional cs5 based to develop iphone application in windows os but when i publish it's out will be .ipa format , so is it working properly in iphone ? so could u know about ipa and app please explain me . And also is it possible to develop iphone application in Adobe flash professional cs5 and how can we get .app format ? 回答1: Disclaimer: my answer comes completely from digging around the files themselves. .app s are application bundles. They contain the executable

AS3 URLRequest Timeout (not AIR)

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-02-25 05:03:39
问题 I am building a web-app that should send some data to the server. Flash has a built in timeout limit for URLRequest set to 30 seconds. I cannot use AIR (as this solution should run from the browser) and sometimes the request is for more than 30seconds. Flash ignores any data received after 30 seconds and sends an IO Error event although when I check the server, the script would have been executed. Is there any solution to modify the timeout limit? Maybe a smarter way? (any libraries to divide

AS3 URLRequest Timeout (not AIR)

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-02-25 05:02:14
问题 I am building a web-app that should send some data to the server. Flash has a built in timeout limit for URLRequest set to 30 seconds. I cannot use AIR (as this solution should run from the browser) and sometimes the request is for more than 30seconds. Flash ignores any data received after 30 seconds and sends an IO Error event although when I check the server, the script would have been executed. Is there any solution to modify the timeout limit? Maybe a smarter way? (any libraries to divide

AS3 How to make only 1 movieclip clickable at a time when there are multiple movieclips

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-02-24 11:20:33
问题 Ok, so I have a page with 5 movieclips/buttons on it. When you mouse over each one they light up (OVER state) and when you click on them they expand (DOWN state). The problem is if you have multiple movieclips expanded (in the DOWN state) they overlap and it looks awful. I want to code them so only 1 can be expanded at a time. How can I do this? I imagine I need an IF statement on each button like "If any other movieclips are in the DOWN state, then disable DOWN for this movieclip, if no

Different versions of AIR and Flash being used in release and debug

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-02-08 07:47:52
问题 I am making a few HTTP/HTTPS requests to my servers from an Adobe Air application. While monitoring the network traffic (using Fiddler web debugger), I noticed that when debugging, a different version of Air and flash were being used than when the installed application (production) is executed. Here's are the differences:- **Production** User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) AdobeAIR/17.0 x-flash-version: 17,0,0,128 **Debug - adt** User-Agent:

as3 PNGEncoder error

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-02-07 02:20:11
问题 I am trying to save my graphics using the PNG encoder, and I get two errors. Scene 1, Layer 'canvas', Frame 2, Line 42, Column 12 1172: Definition PNGEncoder could not be found. Scene 1, Layer 'canvas', Frame 2, Line 965, Column 24 1120: Access of undefined property PNGEncoder. Here is all the code revolving saving: import PNGEncoder; [Recieves the first error] function export():void { var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(board.width, board.height); bmd.draw(board); var ba:ByteArray =