
Winforms界面开发技巧:如何实现Fluent Design和Acrylic Effects

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-08-12 08:36:53
下载DevExpress v20.1完整版 DevExpress Winforms Controls 内置140多个UI控件和库,完美构建流畅、美观且易于使用的应用程序。 在先前的版本中,技术团队正式宣布支持Fluent Design Form和Acrylic效果 - 旨在复制Microsoft下一代UI隐喻的新功能,本文将详细介绍这是如何实现的,WinForms组件可以使用DirectX渲染替代GDI + 。 正确的实施很重要 在开始之前,请务必注意,简单的透明度并不等于“ Fluent Design”。Fluent UI比简单的透明设置要复杂得多,换句话说,它不是Windows 7 Aero中简单TransparencyKey的设置。这是 Microsoft文档 中的屏幕截图,展示了真正Acrylic material功能:五个单独的层,具有各自的不透明性和视觉效果,旨在融合在一起来帮助创建适当的可视化效果。 微软将这种效果称为“ Reveal Highlight”,必须正确实现鼠标指针后面的聚光灯,否则它不是真正的“Reveal Highlight”。 对“ Reveal Highlight”的实现使用点镜反射照明和色彩矩阵效果,并通过计算合成将其应用于对象。此要求需要使用DirectX,并且在使用传统GDI +渲染器时根本不可能实现,这也是转向DirectX渲染的原因之一

how to make the material UI expansion panels open upwards when expanded instead expanding downwards?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-06-23 08:12:03
问题 Problem: Upon expanding expansion-panel , it should expand upwards to show more info rather than expanding down which makes user to scroll down again. 回答1: If you are using Angular Material Component's Expansion Panel , then you can use the following css for making the expansion-panel content to be present above the mat-expansion-panel-header in styles.css file. .mat-expansion-panel { display: flex !important; flex-direction: column; } .mat-expansion-panel-header { order: 2; } StackBlitz -

how to make the material UI expansion panels open upwards when expanded instead expanding downwards?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-06-23 08:11:14
问题 Problem: Upon expanding expansion-panel , it should expand upwards to show more info rather than expanding down which makes user to scroll down again. 回答1: If you are using Angular Material Component's Expansion Panel , then you can use the following css for making the expansion-panel content to be present above the mat-expansion-panel-header in styles.css file. .mat-expansion-panel { display: flex !important; flex-direction: column; } .mat-expansion-panel-header { order: 2; } StackBlitz -

Open clicked tab and close the rest

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-06-17 09:38:19
问题 I'm using JQuery to adjust some accordions. I have the accordion logic ready, but can't get the desired result. I would like that when a tab is clicked, that particular tab opens and the others close if they are open. And if an open tab is clicked, that particular tab closes too. So at any given time, only one tab should be open, but all tabs can be closed. Here is the fiddle $(function() { $('.collapsible-trigger').on('click', function() { var panel = $(this)

Open clicked tab and close the rest

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-06-17 09:38:09
问题 I'm using JQuery to adjust some accordions. I have the accordion logic ready, but can't get the desired result. I would like that when a tab is clicked, that particular tab opens and the others close if they are open. And if an open tab is clicked, that particular tab closes too. So at any given time, only one tab should be open, but all tabs can be closed. Here is the fiddle $(function() { $('.collapsible-trigger').on('click', function() { var panel = $(this)

How to make all the collapsible item open by default in react?

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-05-16 03:00:50
问题 I have made a collapsible button with tokens inside using reactstrap and everything is working fine for button click collapse. I would like to have this scenario as it is, but in the other hand how could I modify this to make all the collapsible buttons open on initial render of page. While visiting the page, all the tokens needs to be visible means all the collapsible items needs to get opened. If we give, this.state = { open: [0 , 1, 2] }; then it will be opened but for this post it will