
Wireless accessory configuration in iOS: EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser will detect unconfigured accessories only once

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-01 08:48:09
问题 I am using EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser to detect EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessory . The code to start the accessory search it's the following: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; if (_accessories == nil) { _accessories = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } if (_browser == nil) { _browser = [[EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:nil]; _browser.delegate = self; } } Unfortunately it does find accessories only the first time the View loads. If I go back to

USB Accessory not communicating after restart

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-22 18:09:06
问题 I'm trying to figure out why my application does not start communicating with the USB accessory after the phone restarts. If I unplug the cable and plug it back in, the communication resumes. The application is targeted at Android API 19. At the app install I set it to always be the Home app and when I first connect it to the accessory I check the box to always permit the access to the current accessory. So when I restart the phone, the app opens up automatically, it goes through the steps of

Android adb wireless debugging with USB accessory

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-22 08:35:05
问题 I have adb wireless connection working for debuging applications in eclipse, but I am having an issue with an application that is using the USB cable to attach to an accessory. The application is designed to start when the accessory is plugged in, SO I establish my ADB connenction and then run debug on eclipse, code loads etc.., now when I plug the accessory in the app starts and runs but loses communication to eclipse. So I can't debug! 回答1: In the command prompt just run adb connect <device

Android USB Host Mode and Accessory Mode

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-22 07:04:34
问题 I am trying to learn Android USB Host/Accessory connection. I read android devices can act usb host or usb accessory. Therefore I create two project one of them usb host project, other usb accessory project. I installed these projects to two different android devices. One of them has usb host(Device A) project, other has usb accessory(Device B) project. My question is, I can connect with usb host project to Device B. I can see all information about device. But In accessory project( Device B)

Toolbar with “Previous” and “Next” for Keyboard inputAccessoryView

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-17 22:23:25
问题 I've been trying to implement this toolbar, where only the 'Next' button is enabled when the top textField is the firstResponder and only the 'Previous' button is enabled when the bottom textField is the firstResponder. It kind of works, but what keeps happening is I need to tap the 'Previous'/'Next' buttons twice each time to enable/disable the opposing button. Am I missing something in the responder chain that's making this happen? Here's my code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad];

Which is the best way to change the color/view of disclosure indicator accessory view in a table view cell in iOS?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-17 17:26:15
问题 I need to change the color of the disclosureIndicatorView accessory in a UITableViewCell . I think there are two ways to get this done, but I'm not able to figure out which one's the optimum. So here is what I think I can do. There is a property of UITableViewCell - accessoryView . So I can use setAccessoryView:(UIView *)view and pass view as the UIImageView holding the image that I want. I have written an utility class which creates the content view (stuff like background color, adding other

Make a bytes packet and send to External accessory Device for print using Bluetooth in iOS

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-13 03:37:18
问题 I am working to print image using External Accessory in iOS but I have problem to send request to Printer. Here, I attached image in which Packet need to send Printer. but i don't know how to make this packet and send packet to printer. 回答1: Here, I attached the sample code to make the packet and send to External Accessory Device (printer) using Objective C language. - (void)PrintImage:(UIImage *)image { NSMutableData* imagedata = [UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.0) mutableCopy];

Disclosure Indicator not triggering accessory action segue

久未见 提交于 2019-12-11 05:28:17
问题 I'm trying to segue from a tableview to a viewcontroller embedded in a navigation controller using a show accessory action segue and the disclosure indicator (Shown in picture). Clicking anything including the disclosure icon does nothing. If I change the segue from "accessory action" to "selection," the segue works, but thats through clicking anywhere in the tableview cell as intended. My goal is to use "accessory action" to segue only when the disclosure indicator is pressed. I know there

didSelectRowAtIndexPath selecting multiple tableView cell accessory's

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-11 04:17:59
问题 I have a tableView containing a list of user names that are indexed into sections and rows alphabetically. When I tap on one of the rows in a section, the correct user is added to my recipients array and a checkmark is places in the cell besides their name.. but a checkmark is also displayed next to other usernames that have not been selected and are not in the recipients array. I have tried to reassign the selected cell with a new indexPath (see code below) but have not been able to get it

How to check usb host support on android device programmatically?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-10 18:32:27
问题 I know that it was supported starting Android 3.1, i mean "how to check hardware support" 回答1: See: context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature( PackageManager.FEATURE_USB_HOST); 回答2: I had the same question and after some googling I found this: In summary, your app needs to use the UsbManager system service and enumerate through attached USB devices. mUsbManager