
Standard 401 response when using HTTP auth in flask

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-02-17 22:31:09
问题 In flask, I'm using the following snippet to enable HTTP auth: def authenticate(): return Response('<Why access is denied string goes here...>', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate':'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) Now, in my past experience with Flask, if someone's credentials are incorrect and I want to let them know I can just call: abort(401) This gives you the basic apache 401 response. Does anyone know how I can implement that with the snippet above? Thanks 回答1: Custom error responses are really

Standard 401 response when using HTTP auth in flask

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-02-17 22:29:47
问题 In flask, I'm using the following snippet to enable HTTP auth: def authenticate(): return Response('<Why access is denied string goes here...>', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate':'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) Now, in my past experience with Flask, if someone's credentials are incorrect and I want to let them know I can just call: abort(401) This gives you the basic apache 401 response. Does anyone know how I can implement that with the snippet above? Thanks 回答1: Custom error responses are really

Resume or restart ajax request after network connection abort while uploading large images?

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-25 03:12:08
问题 I am trying to upload large files using PLUpload library.at fileUploaded function I have ajax call to upload image to Amazon S3 but ajax call fails prompting error network connection aborted. Please help how to restart or resume my request 回答1: First I detected the network is down or running perfectly fine using offline js var run = function(){ Offline.check(); } setInterval(run, 3000); check every 3 seconds network connection available or not. when network goes up after re-connection perform

Resume or restart ajax request after network connection abort while uploading large images?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-25 03:12:08
问题 I am trying to upload large files using PLUpload library.at fileUploaded function I have ajax call to upload image to Amazon S3 but ajax call fails prompting error network connection aborted. Please help how to restart or resume my request 回答1: First I detected the network is down or running perfectly fine using offline js var run = function(){ Offline.check(); } setInterval(run, 3000); check every 3 seconds network connection available or not. when network goes up after re-connection perform

c# Thread.ResetAbort()的使用

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-01-10 00:22:13
c# Thread.ResetAbort()的使用 Thread类的Abort()方法用于终止正在运行的线程(.net core中Abort()方法虽然存在,但是调用它会引发PlatformNotSupportedException的异常提示)。它可以强行终止线程,而不管线程是否是sleep中。 执行了Abort()后,被终止的线程就会运行到try{}catch{}语句当中,因为是强行终止,catch后的语句则不再运行。除非在catch语句中执行Thread.ResetAbort()这个静态方法。 先举例没有ResetAbort()的情况: using System ; using System . Threading ; class Test { public static void Main ( ) { Thread newThread = new Thread ( new ThreadStart ( TestMethod ) ) ; newThread . Start ( ) ; Thread . Sleep ( 1000 ) ; // Abort newThread. Console . WriteLine ( "Main aborting new thread." ) ; newThread . Abort ( "Information from Main." ) ; /

How to undo the git --abort

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-05 06:29:08
问题 Is it possible to undo the git abort. Scenario is that I was merging two branches when run command git merge its shows an error message you have uncommitted changes, therefor I run git commit now message appears "fatal error there is a merge conflict between, abort the operations to resolve the issue", so I run the command git merge --abort . After this i lost my local code changes too. Is there any solution to undo abort or get my local code back. 回答1: No, unfortunately if you didn't commit

How to undo the git --abort

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-05 06:25:32
问题 Is it possible to undo the git abort. Scenario is that I was merging two branches when run command git merge its shows an error message you have uncommitted changes, therefor I run git commit now message appears "fatal error there is a merge conflict between, abort the operations to resolve the issue", so I run the command git merge --abort . After this i lost my local code changes too. Is there any solution to undo abort or get my local code back. 回答1: No, unfortunately if you didn't commit

Strange behaviour while wrapping abort() system call

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-05 04:15:26
问题 I need, to write unitary tests, to wrap the abort() system call. Here is a snippet of code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> extern void __real_abort(void); extern void * __real_malloc(int c); extern void __real_free(void *); void __wrap_abort(void) { printf("=== Abort called !=== \n"); } void * __wrap_malloc(int s) { void *p = __real_malloc(s); printf("allocated %d bytes @%p\n",s, (void *)p); return p; } void __wrap_free(void *p) { printf("freeing @%p\n",(void *)p);

Terminating or aborting an HTTP request

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-30 22:53:04
问题 What's the way to abort my API serving with some error message? Link to call my service: http://creative.test.spoti.io/api/getVastPlayer?add= {"Json":Json}&host=api0.spoti.io&domain=domain&userAgent=userAgent&mobile=true To call my service the client need to send a Json and some params. I want to test if the params that I get are correct, if not I want send a error message. The response should be a Json Code {"Result":"Result","Error":"error message"} I tried log.fatal and os.Exit(1) they

Terminating or aborting an HTTP request

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-30 22:52:35
问题 What's the way to abort my API serving with some error message? Link to call my service: http://creative.test.spoti.io/api/getVastPlayer?add= {"Json":Json}&host=api0.spoti.io&domain=domain&userAgent=userAgent&mobile=true To call my service the client need to send a Json and some params. I want to test if the params that I get are correct, if not I want send a error message. The response should be a Json Code {"Result":"Result","Error":"error message"} I tried log.fatal and os.Exit(1) they