pymongo syntax to update a subdocument

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-23 03:43:09


My documents look like this:

  a: "..."
  subdocs [
      l: "..."
      m: "..."
      n: 0
      l: "..."
      m: "..."
      n: 0


I have to update the 'n' field in a particular subdoc using pymongo. I have the document and the index of the subdocument so I can get the subdoc like this

subdoc = mydoc['subdocs'][index]

I try to do an update through pymongo

coll.update( { mydoc['subdocs'][index] : subdoc }, { "$inc": { n: 1 }} )

I get this exception

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>

I've tried several variations on this and can't get the pymongo syntax right. I think my query document is incorrect. What does pymongo expect for this syntax?


You need to identify the array element to update in the second parameter to update using dot notation like this:

coll.update({'_id': mydoc['_id']}, {'$inc': {'subdocs.' + str(index) + '.n': 1}})

