Populating a List(Of String) from a Datatable using LINQ in VB.NET

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-22 10:25:01


So I have a DataTable that looks more or less like

 Column 0      |  Column 1 
 Something     |  Something Else 
 Another Thing |  Another Something Else

And I want to put everything in column 0 into a List(Of String)

I could do

Dim returnValue as List(Of String)    
For Each r As DataRow In dt.Rows

But that's old and busted. I want to do

returnValue = (From r In dt.Rows Select DirectCast(r, DataRow).Item(0)).ToList

But that gives me a list(of Object).

How can I directly create a list(of String)

(the DirectCast is there because I have Option Strict On)


dt.Rows is from before the time of .NET generics, so it won't return an IEnumerable(Of DataRow). However, there is an extension method, DataTable.AsEnumerable, which does exactly what you need:

returnValue = (From r In dt.AsEnumerable() Select r.Field(Of String)(0)).ToList()

Note that my example also uses the DataRow.Field extension method, which allows type-safe access to DataRow fields without needing an explicit cast (even with Option Strict On).


It is in an datarow collection so we need to cast it out.


The function in the Select asks which field do you want from the casted object.

returnValue = dt.Rows.Cast(Of DataRow).Select(Function(dr) dr(0).ToString).ToList

