Increase performance on Angular2 inputfield

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-19 04:21:52


I have a list of components that contain dates(formatted with toLocaleString()) and other things. On top of them there is a component for creating new components, wich contains a form with some inputfields built with angulars FormBuilder. When I type fast the validation lags and the text I'm typing isn't displayed immediately.

I assume that Angular is rerendering all components, because if I don't display the date in the other components I can type pretty fast without lags.

Is there a way to only rerender the input field I'm typing in, since all other components cannot change or is toLocaleString() the problem?


Is there a way to only rerender the input field I'm typing in, since all other components cannot change

Yes, for the components that will not change, set the change detection strategy for those components to OnPush. An OnPush component will then only be checked for changes if

  • any of its input properties changes
  • it fires an event (e.g., a button click)
  • an observable (which is an input property or a local-to-the-component property) fires an event, and | async is used in the template with the observable (see plunker in the comments below this answer)
import {Component, Input, ChangeDetectionStrategy} from 'angular2/core';

  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush

Also consider listening for changes to your input by subscribing to the valueChanges Observable Angular makes available on your form element if you use ngFormControl. You can then use debounce() to only process changes every second or whatever time frame is appropriate:

<input type=text [ngFormControl]="input1Control">
constructor() { 
  this.input1Control = new Control();
ngOnInit() {
    .subscribe(newValue => console.log(newValue))

See for a working plunker.


That's a known issue

See also


There is also a pull request with a proposed fix, but seems not to be included in the latest beta release.

